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Created June 2, 2018 03:25
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Multidimensional discrete <-> continuous conversions
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Multidimensional discrete <-> continuous conversions
Copyright 2018 Aaron Snoswell
import math
import collections
import numpy as np
def adc(vec, low_bounds, high_bounds, size):
"""Recursive multidimensional analog to digital conversion
Converts a vector of continuous coordinates to a single index into a
discretised version of the same space.
vec (numpy array): Vector of coordinates to convert
low (numpy array): Vector of minimum values for each dimension
high (numpy array): Vector of maximum values for each dimension
size (list): List of discretisation levels for each dimension
(int): Discrete index into the discretised space
assert len(vec) == len(low_bounds) == len(high_bounds) == len(size), \
"Vectors are not correct shape"
def _adc(val, min_val, max_val, steps):
"""Analog to digital level conversion
val (float): Analog value to convert
min_val (float): Minimum possible analog value
max_val (float): Maximum possible analog value
steps (int): Number of discrete levels
(int): Discrete index of the resulting digital level
return int((val - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) * (steps-1))
if len(vec) == 1:
# Reached single dimensional case - apply analog to digital formula
return _adc(vec[0], low_bounds[0], high_bounds[0], size[0])
# Pop off leading elements
val, vec = vec[0], vec[1:]
min_val, low_bounds = low_bounds[0], low_bounds[1:]
max_val, high_bounds = high_bounds[0], high_bounds[1:]
steps, size = size[0], size[1:]
size_of_lower_dimensions =
# Compute the current dimension's index
index = _adc(val, min_val, max_val, steps) * size_of_lower_dimensions
# Recurse
index += adc(vec, low_bounds, high_bounds, size)
# Convert to int
return int(index)
def dac(index, low_bounds, high_bounds, size):
"""Recursive multidimensional digital to analog conversion
Converts a single index into a discreteised multidimensional space to a
vector of approximate continuous coordinates into that space.
x (integer): Discrete index to convert
low_bounds (numpy array): Vector of minimum values for each dimension
high_bounds (numpy array): Vector of maximum values for each dimension
size (list): List of discretisation levels for each dimension
(numpy array): Vector of approximate continuous coordinates
assert len(low_bounds) == len(high_bounds) == len(size), \
"Vectors are not correct shape"
def _dac(x, min_val, max_val, steps):
"""Digital to analog level conversion
x (int): Digital value to convert
min_val (float): Minimum possible analog value
max_val (float): Maximum possible analog value
steps (int): Number of discrete levels
(float): Analog value of the given index
return ((max_val - min_val) / steps) * (x + 0.5) + min_val
def flatten(l):
"""Flatten an irregular recursive list of lists
l (list): A list of arbitrarily nested lists
(list): Flattened list containing ordered elements of all
for el in l:
if isinstance(el, collections.Iterable) \
and not isinstance(el, (str, bytes)):
yield from flatten(el)
yield el
if len(low_bounds) == 1:
# Reached single dimensional case - apply digital to analog formula
return _dac(index, low_bounds[0], high_bounds[0], size[0])
# Pop off leading elements
min_val, low_bounds = low_bounds[0], low_bounds[1:]
max_val, high_bounds = high_bounds[0], high_bounds[1:]
steps, size = size[0], size[1:]
size_of_lower_dimensions =
# Compute the current dimension's index
current_index = math.floor(index / size_of_lower_dimensions)
# Recurse
ret = [
_dac(current_index, min_val, max_val, steps),
index - current_index * size_of_lower_dimensions,
# Flatten the list of lists
return np.array(list(flatten(ret)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run simple test case / demo
num_steps = 20
x = np.linspace(0, 2*math.pi, 20)
y = np.sin(x)
y_disc = [adc([yi], [-1], [1], [num_steps]) for yi in y]
y_cts = [dac(yi, [-1], [1], [num_steps]) for yi in y_disc]
# Plot results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ln1 = ax2.plot(x, y_disc, 'r.-', label="Discretised signal")
ax2.set_ylabel('Discrete indices', color='r')
ax2.set_yticks(range(0, num_steps))
ax2.set_ylim([-1, num_steps])
ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r')
ln2 = ax1.plot(x, y, 'b.-', label="Original data")
ln3 = ax1.plot(x, y_cts, '.-', color="deepskyblue", label="Approximate continuous reconstruction")
ax1.set_ylabel('Continuous values', color='b')
ax1.tick_params('y', colors='b')
# Add legend
lns = ln1 + ln2 + ln3
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax2.legend(lns, labs, loc=0)
plt.title("Comparison of discrete and continuous conversions")
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