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Created October 22, 2019 19:57
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Docker bootstrap script
# Echo this entire script to a logfile.txt
exec > >(tee -a $HOME/logfile.txt) 2>&1
echo "Initializing hostname (needed for ECS)..."
echo "Detecting 'eth1' interface..."
DETECTED_IP=$(ifconfig -a | grep -A2 eth1 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's#/.*##g' | grep "\.")
if [[ -z $DETECTED_IP ]]; then
echo "Detecting 'eth0' interface ('eth1' not found)..."
DETECTED_IP=$(ifconfig -a | grep -A2 eth0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's#/.*##g' | grep "\." | head -1)
# NOTE: newer OS versions use `ip` instead of `ifconfig`
echo -e "Current file contents:\n $(cat /etc/hosts)"
echo "$DETECTED_IP $DETECTED_HOSTNAME" >> /etc/hosts
echo -e "\n\n\nUpdated file contents:\n $(cat /etc/hosts)"
if [[ ! -z "$PROJECT_GIT_URL" ]]; then
echo "Cloning the project from git..."
git clone $PROJECT_GIT_URL project
cd project
if [[ ! -z "$PROJECT_COMMIT" ]]; then
echo "Checking out the project commit: $PROJECT_COMMIT"
git checkout $PROJECT_COMMIT
elif [[ ! -z "$PROJECT_BRANCH" ]]; then
echo "Checking out the project commit: $PROJECT_BRANCH"
git checkout $PROJECT_BRANCH
set -e # Fail script on error
CMD="$@" # Set command to whatever args were sent to the bootstrap script
if [[ ! -z "$CMD" ]]; then
echo "Running CMD from bootstrap args: $CMD"
CMD="python3 bin/"
echo "No command provided in bootstrap script. Using default command: $CMD"
set +e # Ignore errors (so we can clean up afterwards)
RETURN_CODE=$? # Capture the return code so we can print it
set -e # Re-enable failure on error
echo -e "Bootstrap script completed.\nRETURN_CODE=$RETURN_CODE\nCMD=$CMD"
exit $RETURN_CODE # Return the error code (zero if successful)
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