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Created June 27, 2010 01:11
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Sat Jun 26 21:10:50 Assertion: 10334:Invalid BSONObj spec size: 407179527 (18451107) first element:_?u&: ?type=76
0x10006aff7 0x1000189b3 0x1001c5cc3 0x1001bc5d8 0x1001c2cf7 0x10027123f 0x1002834a4 0x7fff839a2456 0x7fff839a2309
0 mongod 0x000000010006aff7 _ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiPKc + 343
1 mongod 0x00000001000189b3 _ZN5mongo7BSONObj4initEPKcb + 467
2 mongod 0x00000001001c5cc3 _ZN5mongo9DbMessage9nextJsObjEv + 99
3 mongod 0x00000001001bc5d8 _ZN5mongo14receivedUpdateERNS_7MessageERNS_5CurOpE + 344
4 mongod 0x00000001001c2cf7 _ZN5mongo16assembleResponseERNS_7MessageERNS_10DbResponseERKNS_8SockAddrE + 4279
5 mongod 0x000000010027123f _ZN5mongo10connThreadEv + 495
6 mongod 0x00000001002834a4 thread_proxy + 132
7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff839a2456 _pthread_start + 331
8 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff839a2309 thread_start + 13
Sat Jun 26 21:10:50 Caught Assertion in update , continuing
Sat Jun 26 21:10:50 update proxlet-db.users exception massert:Invalid BSONObj spec size: 407179527 (18451107) first element:_?u&: ?type=76 0ms
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