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Kubernetes, Ingress, and Kong

Ingress Management and API management

Beginning k8s conversion leads to many individual things to maintain

  • Load balancer fronting monolithic application
  • Begin to decouple services into microservices and place another load balancer in front (kubernetes service)
  • Soon multiple services in cluster each with own load balancer
    • Each have own rate limiting, logging, authorization
  • Leads to expensive maintenance (many individual load balancers etc)
aarosil /
Created October 17, 2019 04:52 CKA Objectives

Application Lifecycle And Management

React Hooks + THREE.js


With THREE.js, you need to instantiate several objects each time you use it. You need to create a Scene, a Camera, a Renderer, some 3D objects, and maybe a canvas. Beyond that, if you need controls, maybe you setup DAT.gui like the examples use.

The Renderer needs a reference to the Camera and the Scene. You need a reference to the Scene to add any 3D objects you create. It's up to you how to structure everything cleanly.

In contrast, React devs are now used to the ease and simplicity of using create-react-app to try things out. It would be great to have a React component you could throw some random THREE.js code into and have it work!

Thinking further, imagine if you could somehow treat THREE.js scene objects like React components! What if you were able to write THREE.js code like this:

var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, testClient = require('api_client') // npm link'd
mongoose.connect('localhost', 'delete-me');
testClient.getItems({name: 'foo'})