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Forked from bwicklund/
Created December 8, 2019 19:14
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S3 file Concatenation/Combination. S3 Spark file merge.
import argparse
import boto3
import os
import threading
from fnmatch import fnmatch
# S3 multi-part upload parts must be larger than 5mb
MIN_S3_SIZE = 6000000
def concat(bucket, key, result_key, pattern):
s3_client = boto3.session.Session().client('s3')
objects_list = [x for x in list_all_objects(
s3_client, bucket, result_key, key) if fnmatch(x[0], pattern)]
f"Found {len(objects_list)} parts to concatenate in s3://{bucket}/{key}")
for object in objects_list:
print(f"Found: {object[0]} - {round(object[1]/1000, 2)}k")
run_concatenation(s3_client, bucket, key, result_key, objects_list)
def list_all_objects(s3_client, bucket, result_key, key):
def format_return(resp):
return [(x['Key'], x['Size']) for x in resp['Contents']]
objects = []
resp = s3_client.list_objects(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=key)
while resp['IsTruncated']:
# If there are more objects than can be returned in a signle request
# then the key of the last item is used for pagination.
last_key = objects[-1][0]
resp = s3_client.list_objects(
Bucket=bucket, Prefix=key, Marker=last_key)
return objects
def run_concatenation(s3_client, bucket, key, result_key, objects_list):
if len(objects_list) > 1:
upload_id = s3_client.create_multipart_upload(
Bucket=bucket, Key=result_key)['UploadId']
parts_mapping = assemble_parts_to_concatenate(
s3_client, bucket, key, result_key, upload_id, objects_list)
if len(parts_mapping) == 0:
resp = s3_client.abort_multipart_upload(
Bucket=bucket, Key=result_key, UploadId=upload_id)
f"Aborted concatenation for file {result_filename}, parts list empty!")
resp = s3_client.complete_multipart_upload(
Bucket=bucket, Key=result_key, UploadId=upload_id, MultipartUpload={'Parts': parts_mapping})
f"Finished concatenation for file {result_key} response was: {resp}")
elif len(objects_list) == 1:
# can perform a simple S3 copy since there is just a single file
resp = s3_client.copy_object(
Bucket=bucket, CopySource=f"{bucket}/{objects_list[0][0]}", Key=result_key)
print(f"Copied single file to {result_key} response was: {resp}")
print(f"No files to concatenate for {result_filepath}")
def assemble_parts_to_concatenate(s3_client, bucket, key, result_key, upload_id, objects_list):
parts_mapping = []
part_num = 0
s3_objects = ["{}/{}".format(bucket, p[0])
for p in objects_list if p[1] > MIN_S3_SIZE]
local_objects = [p[0] for p in objects_list if p[1]
<= MIN_S3_SIZE and not p[0] == f"{key}/"]
total = len(s3_objects) + len(local_objects)
# assemble parts large enough for direct S3 copy
# part numbers are 1 indexed
for part_num, source_object in enumerate(s3_objects, 1):
resp = s3_client.upload_part_copy(Bucket=bucket,
print(f"@@@ Uploaded S3 object #{part_num} of {total}")
{'ETag': resp['CopyPartResult']['ETag'][1:-1], 'PartNumber': part_num})
# Download the objects to small for direct s3 copy
# combine them, and then uploading them as the last part of the
# multi-part upload (no 5mb limit)
small_objects = []
for source_object in local_objects:
# Remove forward slash
temp_filename = "/tmp/{}".format(source_object.replace("/", "_"))
Bucket=bucket, Key=source_object, Filename=temp_filename)
with open(temp_filename, 'rb') as f:
print(f"@@@ Downloaded S3 Object: {source_object}")
if len(small_objects) > 0:
last_part_num = part_num + 1
last_object = b''.join(small_objects)
resp = s3_client.upload_part(
Bucket=bucket, Key=result_key, PartNumber=last_part_num, UploadId=upload_id, Body=last_object)
print(f"@@@ Uploaded S3 object #{last_part_num} of {total}")
{'ETag': resp['ETag'][1:-1], 'PartNumber': last_part_num})
return parts_mapping
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="S3 Concatenation Utility.")
parser.add_argument("--bucket", help="S3 Bucket.")
"--key", help="Key/Folder Whose Contents Should Be Combined.")
"--result_key", help="Output of Concatenation, Relative To The Specified Bucket.")
parser.add_argument("--pattern", default='*',
help="Pattern To Match The File Names Against For Adding To The Combination.")
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Combining files in s3://{}/{} to s3://{}/{} matching pattern {}".format(
args.bucket, args.key, args.bucket, args.result_key, args.pattern))
concat(args.bucket, args.key, args.result_key, args.pattern)
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