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Created April 3, 2015 16:10
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class MoonPhase {
private $timestamp;
private $phase;
private $illum;
private $age;
private $dist;
private $angdia;
private $sundist;
private $sunangdia;
private $synmonth;
private $quarters = null;
function __construct( $pdate = null ) {
if( is_null( $pdate ) )
$pdate = time();
/* Astronomical constants */
$epoch = 2444238.5; // 1980 January 0.0
/* Constants defining the Sun's apparent orbit */
$elonge = 278.833540; // Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at epoch 1980.0
$elongp = 282.596403; // Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at perigee
$eccent = 0.016718; // Eccentricity of Earth's orbit
$sunsmax = 1.495985e8; // Semi-major axis of Earth's orbit, km
$sunangsiz = 0.533128; // Sun's angular size, degrees, at semi-major axis distance
/* Elements of the Moon's orbit, epoch 1980.0 */
$mmlong = 64.975464; // Moon's mean longitude at the epoch
$mmlongp = 349.383063; // Mean longitude of the perigee at the epoch
$mlnode = 151.950429; // Mean longitude of the node at the epoch
$minc = 5.145396; // Inclination of the Moon's orbit
$mecc = 0.054900; // Eccentricity of the Moon's orbit
$mangsiz = 0.5181; // Moon's angular size at distance a from Earth
$msmax = 384401; // Semi-major axis of Moon's orbit in km
$mparallax = 0.9507; // Parallax at distance a from Earth
$synmonth = 29.53058868; // Synodic month (new Moon to new Moon)
$this->synmonth = $synmonth;
$lunatbase = 2423436.0; // Base date for E. W. Brown's numbered series of lunations (1923 January 16)
/* Properties of the Earth */
// $earthrad = 6378.16; // Radius of Earth in kilometres
// $PI = 3.14159265358979323846; // Assume not near black hole
$this->timestamp = $pdate;
// pdate is coming in as a UNIX timstamp, so convert it to Julian
$pdate = $pdate / 86400 + 2440587.5;
/* Calculation of the Sun's position */
$Day = $pdate - $epoch; // Date within epoch
$N = $this->fixangle((360 / 365.2422) * $Day); // Mean anomaly of the Sun
$M = $this->fixangle($N + $elonge - $elongp); // Convert from perigee co-ordinates to epoch 1980.0
$Ec = $this->kepler($M, $eccent); // Solve equation of Kepler
$Ec = sqrt((1 + $eccent) / (1 - $eccent)) * tan($Ec / 2);
$Ec = 2 * rad2deg(atan($Ec)); // True anomaly
$Lambdasun = $this->fixangle($Ec + $elongp); // Sun's geocentric ecliptic longitude
$F = ((1 + $eccent * cos(deg2rad($Ec))) / (1 - $eccent * $eccent)); // Orbital distance factor
$SunDist = $sunsmax / $F; // Distance to Sun in km
$SunAng = $F * $sunangsiz; // Sun's angular size in degrees
/* Calculation of the Moon's position */
$ml = $this->fixangle(13.1763966 * $Day + $mmlong); // Moon's mean longitude
$MM = $this->fixangle($ml - 0.1114041 * $Day - $mmlongp); // Moon's mean anomaly
$MN = $this->fixangle($mlnode - 0.0529539 * $Day); // Moon's ascending node mean longitude
$Ev = 1.2739 * sin(deg2rad(2 * ($ml - $Lambdasun) - $MM)); // Evection
$Ae = 0.1858 * sin(deg2rad($M)); // Annual equation
$A3 = 0.37 * sin(deg2rad($M)); // Correction term
$MmP = $MM + $Ev - $Ae - $A3; // Corrected anomaly
$mEc = 6.2886 * sin(deg2rad($MmP)); // Correction for the equation of the centre
$A4 = 0.214 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $MmP)); // Another correction term
$lP = $ml + $Ev + $mEc - $Ae + $A4; // Corrected longitude
$V = 0.6583 * sin(deg2rad(2 * ($lP - $Lambdasun))); // Variation
$lPP = $lP + $V; // True longitude
$NP = $MN - 0.16 * sin(deg2rad($M)); // Corrected longitude of the node
$y = sin(deg2rad($lPP - $NP)) * cos(deg2rad($minc)); // Y inclination coordinate
$x = cos(deg2rad($lPP - $NP)); // X inclination coordinate
$Lambdamoon = rad2deg(atan2($y, $x)) + $NP; // Ecliptic longitude
$BetaM = rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad($lPP - $NP)) * sin(deg2rad($minc)))); // Ecliptic latitude
/* Calculation of the phase of the Moon */
$MoonAge = $lPP - $Lambdasun; // Age of the Moon in degrees
$MoonPhase = (1 - cos(deg2rad($MoonAge))) / 2; // Phase of the Moon
// Distance of moon from the centre of the Earth
$MoonDist = ($msmax * (1 - $mecc * $mecc)) / (1 + $mecc * cos(deg2rad($MmP + $mEc)));
$MoonDFrac = $MoonDist / $msmax;
$MoonAng = $mangsiz / $MoonDFrac; // Moon's angular diameter
// $MoonPar = $mparallax / $MoonDFrac; // Moon's parallax
// store results
$this->phase = $this->fixangle($MoonAge) / 360; // Phase (0 to 1)
$this->illum = $MoonPhase; // Illuminated fraction (0 to 1)
$this->age = $synmonth * $this->phase; // Age of moon (days)
$this->dist = $MoonDist; // Distance (kilometres)
$this->angdia = $MoonAng; // Angular diameter (degrees)
$this->sundist = $SunDist; // Distance to Sun (kilometres)
$this->sunangdia = $SunAng; // Sun's angular diameter (degrees)
private function fixangle($a) {
return ( $a - 360 * floor($a / 360) );
// KEPLER -- Solve the equation of Kepler.
private function kepler($m, $ecc) {
$epsilon = 0.000001; // 1E-6
$e = $m = deg2rad($m);
do {
$delta = $e - $ecc * sin($e) - $m;
$e -= $delta / ( 1 - $ecc * cos($e) );
while ( abs($delta) > $epsilon );
return $e;
/* Calculates time of the mean new Moon for a given
base date. This argument K to this function is the
precomputed synodic month index, given by:
K = (year - 1900) * 12.3685
where year is expressed as a year and fractional year.
private function meanphase($sdate, $k){
// Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5
$t = ( $sdate - 2415020.0 ) / 36525;
$t2 = $t * $t;
$t3 = $t2 * $t;
$nt1 = 2415020.75933 + $this->synmonth * $k
+ 0.0001178 * $t2
- 0.000000155 * $t3
+ 0.00033 * sin( deg2rad( 166.56 + 132.87 * $t - 0.009173 * $t2 ) );
return $nt1;
/* Given a K value used to determine the mean phase of
the new moon, and a phase selector (0.0, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75), obtain the true, corrected phase time.
private function truephase($k, $phase){
$apcor = false;
$k += $phase; // Add phase to new moon time
$t = $k / 1236.85; // Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5
$t2 = $t * $t; // Square for frequent use
$t3 = $t2 * $t; // Cube for frequent use
$pt = 2415020.75933 // Mean time of phase
+ $this->synmonth * $k
+ 0.0001178 * $t2
- 0.000000155 * $t3
+ 0.00033 * sin( deg2rad( 166.56 + 132.87 * $t - 0.009173 * $t2 ) );
$m = 359.2242 + 29.10535608 * $k - 0.0000333 * $t2 - 0.00000347 * $t3; // Sun's mean anomaly
$mprime = 306.0253 + 385.81691806 * $k + 0.0107306 * $t2 + 0.00001236 * $t3; // Moon's mean anomaly
$f = 21.2964 + 390.67050646 * $k - 0.0016528 * $t2 - 0.00000239 * $t3; // Moon's argument of latitude
if ( $phase < 0.01 || abs( $phase - 0.5 ) < 0.01 ) {
// Corrections for New and Full Moon
$pt += (0.1734 - 0.000393 * $t) * sin( deg2rad( $m ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $m ) )
- 0.4068 * sin( deg2rad( $mprime ) )
+ 0.0161 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $mprime) )
- 0.0004 * sin( deg2rad( 3 * $mprime ) )
+ 0.0104 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f ) )
- 0.0051 * sin( deg2rad( $m + $mprime ) )
- 0.0074 * sin( deg2rad( $m - $mprime ) )
+ 0.0004 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f + $m ) )
- 0.0004 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f - $m ) )
- 0.0006 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f + $mprime ) )
+ 0.0010 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f - $mprime ) )
+ 0.0005 * sin( deg2rad( $m + 2 * $mprime ) );
$apcor = true;
} else if ( abs( $phase - 0.25 ) < 0.01 || abs( $phase - 0.75 ) < 0.01 ) {
$pt += (0.1721 - 0.0004 * $t) * sin( deg2rad( $m ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $m ) )
- 0.6280 * sin( deg2rad( $mprime ) )
+ 0.0089 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $mprime) )
- 0.0004 * sin( deg2rad( 3 * $mprime ) )
+ 0.0079 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f ) )
- 0.0119 * sin( deg2rad( $m + $mprime ) )
- 0.0047 * sin( deg2rad ( $m - $mprime ) )
+ 0.0003 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f + $m ) )
- 0.0004 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f - $m ) )
- 0.0006 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f + $mprime ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $f - $mprime ) )
+ 0.0003 * sin( deg2rad( $m + 2 * $mprime ) )
+ 0.0004 * sin( deg2rad( $m - 2 * $mprime ) )
- 0.0003 * sin( deg2rad( 2 * $m + $mprime ) );
if ( $phase < 0.5 ) // First quarter correction
$pt += 0.0028 - 0.0004 * cos( deg2rad( $m ) ) + 0.0003 * cos( deg2rad( $mprime ) );
else // Last quarter correction
$pt += -0.0028 + 0.0004 * cos( deg2rad( $m ) ) - 0.0003 * cos( deg2rad( $mprime ) );
$apcor = true;
if (!$apcor) // function was called with an invalid phase selector
return false;
return $pt;
/* Find time of phases of the moon which surround the current date.
Five phases are found, starting and
ending with the new moons which bound the current lunation.
private function phasehunt() {
$sdate = $this->utctojulian( $this->timestamp );
$adate = $sdate - 45;
$ats = $this->timestamp - 86400 * 45;
$yy = (int) gmdate( 'Y', $ats );
$mm = (int) gmdate( 'n', $ats );
$k1 = floor( ( $yy + ( ( $mm - 1 ) * ( 1 / 12 ) ) - 1900 ) * 12.3685 );
$adate = $nt1 = $this->meanphase( $adate, $k1 );
while (true) {
$adate += $this->synmonth;
$k2 = $k1 + 1;
$nt2 = $this->meanphase( $adate, $k2 );
// if nt2 is close to sdate, then mean phase isn't good enough, we have to be more accurate
if( abs( $nt2 - $sdate ) < 0.5 )
$nt2 = $this->truephase( $k2, 0.0 );
if ( $nt1 <= $sdate && $nt2 > $sdate )
$nt1 = $nt2;
$k1 = $k2;
// results in Julian dates
$data = array(
$this->truephase( $k1, 0.0 ),
$this->truephase( $k1, 0.25 ),
$this->truephase( $k1, 0.5 ),
$this->truephase( $k1, 0.75 ),
$this->truephase( $k2, 0.0 )
$this->quarters = array();
foreach( $data as $v )
$this->quarters[] = ( $v - 2440587.5 ) * 86400; // convert to UNIX time
/* Convert UNIX timestamp to astronomical Julian time (i.e. Julian date plus day fraction). */
private function utctojulian( $ts ) {
return $ts / 86400 + 2440587.5;
private function get_phase( $n ) {
if( is_null( $this->quarters ) )
return $this->quarters[$n];
/* Public functions for accessing results */
function phase(){
return $this->phase;
function illumination(){
return $this->illum;
function age(){
return $this->age;
function distance(){
return $this->dist;
function diameter(){
return $this->angdia;
function sundistance(){
return $this->sundist;
function sundiameter(){
return $this->sunangdia;
function new_moon(){
return $this->get_phase( 0 );
function first_quarter(){
return $this->get_phase( 1 );
function full_moon(){
return $this->get_phase( 2 );
function last_quarter(){
return $this->get_phase( 3 );
function next_new_moon(){
return $this->get_phase( 4 );
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aaryadev commented Apr 3, 2015

MoonPhase calculation

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