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Last active August 28, 2020 11:00
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sql samples
# Тестовый пример на подсчет аггрегаций
FROM goods AS g
JOIN (SELECT tg.goods_id
FROM tags_goods AS tg
GROUP BY tg.goods_id
HAVING COUNT(tg.tag_id) = (SELECT COUNT(*) AS t_count
FROM tags AS t)) AS res ON res.goods_id =;
# Вставка из генератора
INSERT INTO stat_context_matches (contexts)
SELECT '{"user-location": [250000100000]}'::jsonb
FROM generate_series(0, 100);
# Размер таблицы
SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_total_relation_size('stats') );
# Запрос на выборку данных по отчету для объявления с использованием индекса и nested loop
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT s.*, m.* FROM public.stats AS s
JOIN public.stat_context_matches AS m
ON (s.match_id = AND s.partition_key = m.partition_key)
WHERE s.time > date('2020-08-27') AND s.advertisement_id = 2822 AND s.partition_key = '84'
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