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Created January 12, 2020 18:27
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Python Code to pull out data from IBM Cloud Object Store
import ibm_boto3
from ibm_botocore.client import Config, ClientError
# Constants for IBM COS values
COS_ENDPOINT = # Current list avaiable at
COS_API_KEY_ID = # eg "W00YiRnLW4a3fTjMB-odB-2ySfTrFBIQQWanc--P3byk"
COS_RESOURCE_CRN = # eg "crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/3bf0d9003abfb5d29761c3e97696b71c:d6f04d83-6c4f-4a62-a165-696756d63903::"
# Create resource
cos = ibm_boto3.resource("s3",
def get_buckets():
print("Retrieving list of buckets")
buckets = cos.buckets.all()
for bucket in buckets:
print("Bucket Name: {0}".format(
except ClientError as be:
print("CLIENT ERROR: {0}\n".format(be))
except Exception as e:
print("Unable to retrieve list buckets: {0}".format(e))
def get_bucket_contents(bucket_name):
print("Retrieving bucket contents from: {0}".format(bucket_name))
files = cos.Bucket(bucket_name).objects.all()
for file in files:
print("Item: {0} ({1} bytes).".format(file.key, file.size))
except ClientError as be:
print("CLIENT ERROR: {0}\n".format(be))
except Exception as e:
print("Unable to retrieve bucket contents: {0}".format(e))
# get_bucket_contents('gamification-cos-standard-tkq')
def get_item(bucket_name, item_name):
print("Retrieving item from bucket: {0}, key: {1}".format(bucket_name, item_name))
file = cos.Object(bucket_name, item_name).get()
print("File Contents: {0}".format(file["Body"].read()))
except ClientError as be:
print("CLIENT ERROR: {0}\n".format(be))
except Exception as e:
print("Unable to retrieve file contents: {0}".format(e))
get_item('gamification-cos-standard-data', '50017.jpg')
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