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Ashish R Bhandari aashishrbhandari

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Make an API call to bedrock to get Prompt Results
Note: It uses IAM Role for making API call to AWS.
import boto3
/** Enable CloudTrail and Logging to S3 **/
# Create S3 Bucket for CloudTrail Events
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "cloudtrail_s3_bucket" {
bucket_prefix = "aws-cloudtrail-logallapi"
# Enable CloudTrail Log to S3
resource "aws_cloudtrail" "cloudtrail_event_api" {
name = "LogAllAPI"
## Change the Variable IP and Port with the respective Proxy IP and Port.
## Tells the NPM to use proxy when downloading packages
npm config set proxy http://$IP:$PORT
npm config set https-proxy http://$IP:$PORT
## Single Liner command to get the Role Temporary Security Credentials
TOKEN=`curl -s -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"` && ROLE_NAME=`curl -s -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" ""` && curl -s -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" "$ROLE_NAME"
## Breakdown
# Get the Token to access the AWS EC2 Metadata, with the IMDSv2 we need to have a TOKEN to access EC2 metadata
TOKEN=`curl -s -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"`
# The Below curl will use the Above Token and get the Rolename assigned to the EC2
ROLE_NAME=`curl -s -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" ""`
# Linux RBAC
# Providing User `user01` to run few commands as root user
user01 ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart nginx
user01 ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ls /var/log/*
user01 ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tail /var/log/*
user01 ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tail * /var/log/*
# A Basic Script to create a initd file to start teleport on backgroud
nohup /usr/local/bin/teleport start -c /etc/teleport.yaml 2>&1 >> /var/log/teleport.log &
## Get all Instance inside a VPC, part of VPC
aws ec2 describe-instances \
--filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-9999999999999" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" \
--query \
Name: Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value | [0],InstanceId:InstanceId,
Id: InstanceId,
SubnetId: SubnetId,
AZ: Placement.AvailabilityZone,
import requests, json
# Slack WebHook Required
slack_webhook_url = ""
# Use the blocks from slack_webhook_blocks.txt
message = {
"blocks": [
"type": "divider"
# How to Use the Below Blocks
# Refer Python code: Github Gist:
## Not Very Effective
## To Create a `Section` in a Table Format
"blocks": [
"type": "divider"
# Go to ldap Folder and create a SSL Folder
cd /etc/ldap/
mkdir ssl
cd ssl/
# Create CA
openssl req \
-subj "/C=IN/ST=Maharashtra/L=Mumbai City/O=Information Security Systems/OU=IT Services/CN=OpenLDAP Test Server" \