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Created August 5, 2021 21:18
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function cleanEstimates() {
// remove all prices and errors
$('#shipping_options li').each(function() {
// add empty messages - placeholders
$('#shipping_options li').each(function() {
function shippingEstimates() {
if ($('#order_shipping_address_country').val() != "" && $('#order_shipping_address_region').val() != "") {
method: "POST",
url: "/checkout/shipping_estimate",
data: {
estimate: {
country: $('#order_shipping_address_country').val(),
region: $('#order_shipping_address_region').val(),
municipality: $('#order_shipping_address_municipality').val(),
postal: $('#order_shipping_address_postal').val(),
city: $('#order_shipping_address_city').val(),
address: $('#order_shipping_address_address').val(),
}).done(function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let amount;
let old_currency;
let new_currency;
let currency_amount;
if (typeof(accounting) != "undefined") {
old_currency = sessionStorage.getItem('store_currency');
new_currency = $.trim(sessionStorage.getItem('global_currency'));
if (old_currency == new_currency) {
currency_amount = data[i].table.price;
} else {
amount = accounting.unformat(data[i].table.price, i18n_decimal_mark);
currency_amount = accounting.formatMoney(fx.convert(amount, {
from: old_currency,
to: new_currency
}), {
symbol: {
EUR: "€",
GBP: "₤"
} [new_currency]
let shipping_method = $('#shipping_options #order_shipping_method_' + data[i];
// remove any previous messages & placeholders
if (data[i].table.error) {
// disable options with errors
shipping_method.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
shipping_method.prop('checked', false);
// add error messages
shipping_method.parent().append("<p class='shipping_information'><i>" + data[i].table.error_message + "</i></p>")
} else {
// enable options
shipping_method.attr('disabled', false);
if ($("#shipping_options").find("input[type='radio']:checked").not("[disabled]").length == 0) {
shipping_method.prop('checked', true);
// add formatted shipping prices
shipping_method.parent().append("<p class='shipping_information'><i>" + (typeof(accounting) != "undefined" ? currency_amount : data[i].table.price) + "</i></p>")
// Disable Review Order Button if Invalid Shipping Method
function CheckShippingMethods() {
if ($("#shipping_options").find("input[type='radio']:checked").not("[disabled]").length > 0) {
$("#submit_review_order_2").prop("disabled", false);
} else {
$("#submit_review_order_2").prop("disabled", true);
$("#shipping_options input[type='radio']").on('change', CheckShippingMethods);
} else {
// no Country or Region filled, clear shipping estimate info
var debounceTimer = null; // so it does only a single request instead of lots of them.
$('#order_shipping_address_country, #order_shipping_address_region, #order_shipping_address_municipality, #order_shipping_address_city, #order_shipping_address_postal, #order_shipping_address_address').change(function() {
debounceTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
$(document).ready(function() {
// add empty messages - placeholders
$('#shipping_options li').each(function() {
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