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Last active January 22, 2018 15:17
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<script type="text/javascript">
// In admin panel: Settings > Checkout should be like:
// Boleta o Factura Should be like:
setTimeout(function(){ $("#other").prependTo("#shipping_address_same_as_shipping"); $("#order_billing_address_country").val('CL'); $("#order_billing_address_country").change(); }, 1000); // set billing address for chile.
var Fn = {
// Valida el rut con su cadena completa "XXXXXXXX-X"
validaRut : function (rutCompleto) {
if (!/^[0-9]+[-|‐]{1}[0-9kK]{1}$/.test( rutCompleto ))
return false;
var tmp = rutCompleto.split('-');
var digv = tmp[1];
var rut = tmp[0];
if ( digv == 'K' ) digv = 'k' ;
return (Fn.dv(rut) == digv );
dv : function(T){
var M=0,S=1;
return S?S-1:'k';
$("#checkout").on("submit", function(){
var option = $("#order_other_boleta_o_factura option:selected").val();
if(option == 'Factura Electronica'){
//check if RUT is valid.
var tax_id = $("#order_billing_address_taxid").val().trim();
tax_id = $("#order_billing_address_taxid").val().trim();
alert('RUT Inválido.');
return false;
// check if all data exists.
if(!$('#order_other_razon_social').val() || !$('#order_other_giro').val() ){
alert('RUT, Razón Social o Giro no presente.');
return false;
$('#other_razon_social, #other_giro').hide(); // hidden by default
$('#order_other_boleta_o_factura option[value=""]').remove(); // remove default value.
$('#order_other_boleta_o_factura').on('change', function() {
var option = $("#order_other_boleta_o_factura option:selected").val();
if(option == 'Factura Electronica'){
$('#other_razon_social, #other_giro').show();
}else if(option == 'Boleta Electronica'){
$('#other_razon_social, #other_giro').hide();
alert('Select list should contain the options: "Factura Electronica" or "Boleta Electronica"');
$('#order_other_boleta_o_factura').val("Boleta Electronica");
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