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Created May 11, 2015 21:32
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ad forward mode with unboxed vector
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module ForwardVector where
import Numeric.AD.Internal.Forward.Double
import Numeric.AD.Mode
import Numeric.AD.Internal.Identity
import Numeric.AD.Jacobian
import Numeric.AD.Mode
import Control.Monad
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream as S
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Size as Size
derivingUnbox "ForwardVector"
[t| ForwardDouble -> (Double, Double) |]
[| \ (ForwardDouble a b) -> (a,b) |]
[| \ (a, b) -> (ForwardDouble a b) |]
diff :: (ForwardDouble -> Vector ForwardDouble) -> Double -> Vector Double
diff f x = tangent (f (bundle x 1))
{- |
>>> diff fun 2
fromList [1.0,4.0,12.0,32.0]
fun x = U.fromList [x, x^2, x^3, x^4]
zipWithRecycle f xs ys
| m < n = G.generate n $ \i -> f (xs G.! mod i m) (ys G.! i)
| otherwise = G.generate m $ \i -> f (xs G.! i) (ys G.! mod i n)
where (m, n) = (G.length xs, G.length ys)
instance Mode (Vector ForwardDouble) where
type Scalar (Vector ForwardDouble) = Double
auto = G.singleton . auto
zero = G.singleton zero
isKnownZero = G.all isKnownZero
isKnownConstant = G.all isKnownConstant
a *^ xs = (a*^) xs
xs ^* a = (^* a) xs
xs ^/ a = (^/ a) xs
instance Jacobian (Vector ForwardDouble) where
type D (Vector ForwardDouble) = Id Double
unary f a b = (unary f a) b
lift1 f df = (lift1 f df)
lift1_ f df = (lift1_ f df)
binary f da db = zipWithRecycle (binary f da db)
lift2 f df = zipWithRecycle (lift2 f df)
lift2_ f df = zipWithRecycle (lift2_ f df)
instance Num (Vector ForwardDouble) where
fromInteger 0 = zero
fromInteger n = auto (fromInteger n)
(+) = binary (+) 1 1
(-) = binary (-) (auto 1) (auto (-1)) -- TODO: <-> ? as it is, this might be pretty bad for Tower
(*) = lift2 (*) (\x y -> (y, x))
negate = lift1 negate (const (auto (-1)))
abs = lift1 abs signum
signum a = lift1 signum (const zero) a
instance Fractional (Vector ForwardDouble) where
fromRational 0 = zero
fromRational r = auto (fromRational r)
x / y = x * recip y
recip = lift1_ recip (const . negate . join (*))
instance Floating (Vector ForwardDouble) where
pi = auto pi
exp = lift1_ exp const
log = lift1 log recip
logBase x y = log y / log x
sqrt = lift1_ sqrt (\z _ -> recip (auto 2 * z))
(**) = zipWithRecycle (**)
sin = lift1 sin cos
cos = lift1 cos $ negate . sin
tan = lift1 tan $ recip . join (*) . cos
asin = lift1 asin $ \x -> recip (sqrt (auto 1 - join (*) x))
acos = lift1 acos $ \x -> negate (recip (sqrt (1 - join (*) x)))
atan = lift1 atan $ \x -> recip (1 + join (*) x)
sinh = lift1 sinh cosh
cosh = lift1 cosh sinh
tanh = lift1 tanh $ recip . join (*) . cosh
asinh = lift1 asinh $ \x -> recip (sqrt (1 + join (*) x))
acosh = lift1 acosh $ \x -> recip (sqrt (join (*) x - 1))
atanh = lift1 atanh $ \x -> recip (1 - join (*) x)
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