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Last active June 17, 2023 13:33
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speculative evaluation for R shiny
# I have a shiny app to display points calculated from an image <>.
# There is some lag when I pick a new word (by changing number 7 in the picture) that I would like to get rid of.
# I plan to go through these plots in order, so while I'm looking at or clicking on number 7, number 8's plot
# or points could be calculated. This sort of gets it done: it takes 1s to calculate the points when jumping
# to a plot that isn't in order. But rendering the plot still takes longer than it should. Ideally
# the plot could be prerendered and then the image is just displayed. But that would leave me without input$plot_click
p_load(tidyverse, ggplot2, jsonlite,
shiny, keys, magick, promises, future, memoise, tictoc)
# Richard Liu produced a json file which identifies the wordsigns in pages of the dictionary.
# I the anniversary edition also presented at
# and
json <- jsonlite::read_json("greggdict/assets/Anniversary/reference.json")
# Each row of `d` has a `page` number, a `word` and coordinates
d <- json %>%
map_dfr(~.x$words %>% map_dfr(as_tibble) %>% mutate(page=.x$page))
# load a page of the dictionary without cropping etc.
gsd_page <- function(page) image_read(paste0("greggdict/assets/Anniversary/pages/", page, ".png"))
# crop, skeletonize and find connected components,
# outputting a data frame with columns x, y, value, t
# where only foreground pixels are included, value is the
# number of the component.
crop_skel_components <- function(png, t, y, x, dy=c(-100,100), dx=c(-100,665), kernel_w=0.5, rescale=50) {
sz <- image_info(png)
clamp_x <- function(x) pmax(1, pmin(sz$width, x))
clamp_y <- function(y) pmax(1, pmin(sz$height, y))
x1 <- clamp_x(x+dx[1])
y1 <- clamp_y(y+dy[1])
w1 <- clamp_x(x+dx[2] - (x1 + dx[1]))
h1 <- clamp_y(y+dy[2] - (y1 + dy[1]))
png %>%
image_crop(paste0(w1, "x", h1, "+", x1, "+", y1)) %>%
image_morphology("Thinning", iterations = -1 ) %>%
image_scale(paste0(rescale, "%")) %>%
(function(x) {
xi <- image_info(x)
# values of the image, low is background/white
x_bin <- image_data(image_quantize(x, 2), channels='gray')[1,,]
# connected components numbered
x_comp <- x %>%
image_border("white", "1x1") %>% # background pixels are more connected
image_quantize(2) %>%
image_connect %>%
image_crop(paste0(xi$width,"x",xi$height,"+1+1")) %>% # subtract the border pixels added above
image_data(channels='gray') %>%
(function(x) x[1,,])
# each element of us identifies a connected component
us <- unique(as.numeric(x_comp)[ as.numeric(x_comp) > 0 ])
map_dfr(us, function(u) {
xy <- which(x_comp == u & x_bin < 100, arr.ind=TRUE)
tibble(x = xy[,1], y = xy[,2], value = u, t)
cache_fs <- cache_filesystem("/tmp/")
# load, crop, skeletonise, and find connected components of a page
load_page0 <- function(t, y, x, page, dy=c(-100,20), dx=c(-50,500), kernel_w=0.5, rescale=50) {
crop_skel_components(gsd_page(page), t, y, x, dy, dx, kernel_w, rescale)
load_page <- memoise(load_page0, cache = cache_fs)
load_line <- function(i) {
load_page(d[i,]$t, d[i,]$y, d[i,]$x, d[i,]$page)
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput("n", "Selected word", 1, min = 1, max = nrow(d)),
sliderInput("dx1", "dx1", 0, min = -400, max = 0),
sliderInput("dx2", "dx2", 800, min = 0, max = 1200),
sliderInput("dy1", "dy1", -150, min = -400, max = 0),
sliderInput("dy2", "dy2", 0, min = 0, max = 300),
sliderInput("w", "w", 0.5, min = 0, max = 3),
sliderInput("rescale", "rescale", 50, min = 15, max = 100)),
plotOutput("plot", click = "plot_click", height="600px")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
mk_csc <- function(delta_n=0) {
list(t = d[ input$n + delta_n, "t" ],
y = d[ input$n + delta_n, "y" ],
x = d[ input$n + delta_n, "x" ],
page = d[ input$n + delta_n, "page" ],
dy = c(input$dy1, input$dy2),
dx = c(input$dx1, input$dx2),
kernel_w = input$w,
rescale = input$rescale)
use_csc <- function(args), args)
call_ggplot <- function(e) {
ggplot(e, aes(x, -y, col=factor(value))) +
geom_point(alpha=0.2) +
coord_fixed() +
ggtitle(e$t) +
xlab("") + ylab("")
output$plot <- renderPlot({
#print(input$plot_click) # x and y
csc1 <- mk_csc(1)
future_promise(use_csc(csc1), packages=c("magick", "tidyverse"),
globals=c("use_csc", "csc1", "load_page", "load_page0", "gsd_page", "crop_skel_components"))
csc <- mk_csc()
gg <- use_csc(csc) %>%
within({ x <- d[input$n, ]$x + x;
y <- d[input$n, ]$y + y }) %>%
shinyApp(ui, server)
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