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Created January 4, 2024 19:39
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freecad macro autoload and geometry optimization
# Purpose: optimize the thicknesses of the shell to minimize the maximum stress
# The geometry of a shell is set by 12 parameters in the spreadsheet ts.
# Here we directly search for the 12 parameters that minimize the maximum stress,
# subject to the constraint that the volume is 8000 mm^3.
# - package as a macro/workbench with buttons
# - 1D option?
# - Z88OS which has "real beam and shell elements" but it's not really possible
# - maximum is not a good objective. Perhaps the goal is to have each segment
# have the same (maximum) stress.
# - generate the sketch and thickness constraints from the script
# - refine the number of parameters. IE. have one segment, optimize the thickness, then
# make two segments, etc.
# - function evaluations are slow, so maybe a gaussian process model can be worth it
## FreeCAD shell.FCStd
## then in the console
## import femloader
## import fem
## fem.cobyla()
import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui as Gui
import MeshPart
import math
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar, minimize
doc = App.ActiveDocument
sh = App.ActiveDocument.getObject("Spreadsheet")
sk = App.ActiveDocument.getObject("Sketch")
rv = App.ActiveDocument.getObject("Revolution")
bo = App.ActiveDocument.getObject("Body")
an = App.ActiveDocument.getObject("Analysis")
tmin = 0.2
## get the float value of Ai (or ValueError)
def shi(i):
return float(str(sh.get("A"+str(i))).removesuffix("mm"))
## the volume of the shell is the sum of the volumes of the 12 revolutions of
## rectangles. The top and bottom rectangles are always axis-aligned, so they
## cylinders.
## This might not be right where the segments join.
def volume():
v = 0
# 16 mm high cylinder
r = 6
v += 2*math.pi*r*shi(7)*16
# 12 mm high cylinder
r = 30
v += 2*math.pi*r*shi(1)*12
C2 = float(sh.C2) # z distance covered by every segment
# a rectangle with sides Ai and vmax where the bottom right corner is at (r, z=0)
# integrate 2pi r du dv, where u goes over the thickness of the rectangle (0 to Ai)
# and v goes over the width of the rectangle (0 to vmax)
# r = r0 + u C2/vmax - Bi v/vmax
for i in range(5):
Ai = shi(i+2) # A2, A3, A4, A5, A6
Bi = shi(i+8) # B1, B2, B3, B4, B5
vmax = math.sqrt(C2**2 + Bi**2)
v += 2*math.pi* Ai * ((2*r - Bi)* vmax + Ai * C2)
r -= Bi
# missing the final segment
return v
print(f"volume = {volume()}")
def go(y = []):
Gui.Selection.addSelection('shell', "Analysis")
obj = doc.getObject("CCX_Results")
return max( h - l for h,l in zip(obj.PrincipalMax, obj.PrincipalMin))
def gety():
y = list()
i = 0
# get A1, A2 ... up to the point where a ValueError occurs
# and put them into y
while True:
i += 1
except ValueError:
return y
## sety(1) sets all thicknesses to 1
## sety([1]) sets the first thickness to 1
def sety(y):
if isinstance(y, list):
for i in range(len(y)):
sh.set("A"+str(i+1), str(y[i]) + "mm")
i = 0
while True:
i +=1
sh.set("A"+str(i), str(y) + "mm")
except ValueError:
def resety():
for i in range(7):
sh.set("A"+str(i+1), "1mm")
for i in range(4):
sh.set("A"+str(i+8), "4mm")
sh.set("A12", "20mm")
## multiply all thicknesses by the constant to get the right total volume
def normalizeVolume(target):
ys = gety()[:7]
def obj(h):
sety([ max(tmin, y * math.exp(h)) for y in ys ])
print(f"recomputing with {h}")
return volume() - target
root_scalar(obj, rtol=1e-2, xtol=1e-2, maxiter=10, method="toms748", bracket=[-1, 2])
def bcxt(y):
return 24 - sum(y[8:12])
def projbcxt(y):
err = bcxt(y)
if err < 2:
k = (24-2) / sum(y[8:12])
y[8:12] = [ e*k for e in y[8:12]]
# try:
# normalizeVolume(8000)
# except Exception as e:
# print(f"failed {e}")
# now I can call cobyla
nobj = 0
def obj(y, nobj):
print(f"obj called {nobj}th time with y = {y}")
nobj += 1
return go()
def maxbs(y):
return (30-6 - 2) - sum(y[8:12])
def maxvol(y):
return 8000 - volume()
bs = [(0.2, 10) for _ in range(len(gety())-1)]
bs.append((5, 50))
def cobyla():
return minimize(obj, tuple(gety()), args = (nobj,), method="COBYLA", tol=1e-2, options={"maxiter": 200, "rhobeg": 4, "catol": 1e-2, "disp": True},
constraints = [ { "type" : "ineq", "fun": maxbs},
{"type": "ineq", "fun": maxvol } ],
bounds= bs)
import sys
import os.path
sys.path += ["/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/"] # why is this necessary for accessing python3-pyinotify?
import pyinotify
import fem
from importlib import reload
def reload_fem(event):
except Exception as e:
print(f"failed to reload fem: {e}")
print(f"reloaded fem from {event.pathname}")
def reloader():
# check with pynotify
wm = pyinotify.WatchManager()
femfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__) , "")
wm.add_watch(femfile, pyinotify.IN_MODIFY)
notifier = pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier(wm, reload_fem)
return notifier
notifier = reloader()
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