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Created February 13, 2015 23:36
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(incomplete) Haskell Parser done with open recursion & uu-parsinglib
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import Data.Default.Class
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Idioms
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.BasicInstances
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Utils hiding (pLBrace, pRBrace)
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import Text.Read
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Split
import Test.Hspec
import Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr (Ppr(ppr))
import Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib (Doc)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
Stmt(..), Range(..),
-- do something like
-- XXX extra parens
defHP = def :: HParser
runP :: Show t => (HParser -> HP t) -> String -> String
runP p str = case runParser "p" (fixP (\d -> amb . p d) defHP) str of
[e] -> show e
es -> error $ "str:" ++ str ++ " parses as " ++ show (map show es)
runPp :: Ppr t => (HParser -> HP t) -> String -> String
runPp p str = case runParser "p" (fixP (\d -> amb . p d) defHP) str of
[e] -> show (ppr e)
es -> error $ "str:" ++ str ++ " parses as " ++ show (map ppr es)
runPpAmb :: Ppr t => (HParser -> HP t) -> String -> Doc
runPpAmb p str = ppr $ runParser "p" (fixP (\d -> amb . p d) defHP) str
runPAmb :: Show t => (HParser -> HP t) -> String -> String
runPAmb p str = show $ runParser "p" (fixP (\d -> amb . p d) defHP) str
main = hspec $ do
let sid f str = f str `shouldBe` str
it "AppT" $ do
runP pType "Ab B" `shouldBe` "AppT (ConT Ab) (ConT B)"
runP pType "A B C" `shouldBe` "AppT (AppT (ConT A) (ConT B)) (ConT C)"
runP pType "A B C D" `shouldBe` "AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT A) (ConT B)) (ConT C)) (ConT D)"
it "AppE" $ do
runP pExp "A B" `shouldBe` "AppE (ConE A) (ConE B)"
runP pExp "A B C" `shouldBe` "AppE (AppE (ConE A) (ConE B)) (ConE C)"
it "UInfix" $ do
runP pExp "A + B + C D" `shouldBe` "UInfixE (UInfixE (ConE A) (VarE +) (ConE B)) (VarE +) (AppE (ConE C) (ConE D))"
runPp pExp `sid` "A `b` C"
runPp pExp "A b`b`C" `shouldBe` "A b `b` C"
it "PromotedT" $ do
runPp pExp `sid` "Proxy :: Proxy 'True"
runPp pExp `sid` "Proxy :: Proxy ('True :: Bool)"
runPp pExp "Proxy :: Proxy '(Int,String)" `shouldBe` "Proxy :: Proxy ('(Int, String))"
runPp pExp "undefined :: HList [Int,String,Double]"
`shouldBe` "undefined :: HList ((':) Int ((':) String ((':) Double '[])))"
runPp pExp "x :: '[Int]" `shouldBe` "x :: (':) Int '[]"
runP pExp "Proxy :: Proxy '(x,y)" `shouldBe` "SigE (ConE Proxy) (AppT (ConT Proxy) (AppT (AppT (PromotedTupleT 2) (VarT x)) (VarT y)))"
it "ConT Infix" $ do
runP pType "A :+: B" `shouldBe` "AppT (AppT (ConT :+:) (ConT A)) (ConT B)"
it "ForallT" $ do
runP pType "Show a => a" `shouldBe` "ForallT [] [ClassP Show [VarT a]] (VarT a)"
runP pType "(a ~ b) => a" `shouldBe` "ForallT [] [EqualP (VarT a) (VarT b)] (VarT a)"
runP pType "(Show a) => a" `shouldBe` "ForallT [] [ClassP Show [VarT a]] (VarT a)"
runP pType "forall a. (Show a) => a" `shouldBe` "ForallT [PlainTV a] [ClassP Show [VarT a]] (VarT a)"
it "SigT" $ do
-- ghc bug #10050
runP pExp "x :: (x :: Constraint)" `shouldBe` "SigE (VarE x) (SigT (VarT x) ConstraintT)"
runP pExp "x :: (x :: Constrainty)" `shouldBe` "SigE (VarE x) (SigT (VarT x) (ConT Constrainty))"
runP pExp "x :: (x :: *)" `shouldBe` "SigE (VarE x) (SigT (VarT x) StarT)"
runP pExp "x :: (x ::* )" `shouldBe` "SigE (VarE x) (SigT (VarT x) StarT)"
it "TupleT" $ do
runPp pExp `sid` "(a, b) :: (Int, String)"
runPp pExp `sid` "(# a, b #) :: (# , #) Int String"
runP pExp "(#a,b#)" `shouldBe` "UnboxedTupE [VarE a,VarE b]"
it "LitT" $ do
runPp pType `sid` show "1"
runPp pExp `sid` "A :: 3"
it "sections" $ do
runPp pExp "(`f` x) y" `shouldBe` "((`f` x)) y"
runPp pExp "(x `f`) y" `shouldBe` "((x `f`)) y"
runPp pExp "(x `f` y) y" `shouldBe` "(x `f` y) y"
it "ArithSeqE" $ do
runPp pExp `sid` "[a..m] :: [Int]"
runPp pExp "[a..] :: [] Int"
`shouldBe` "[a..] :: [Int]"
runPp pExp `sid` "[b,a..n]"
runPp pExp `sid` "[c,c..]"
runPp pExp `sid` "[A.c,A.B.c..]"
it "LitE" $ do
runPp pExp `sid` show "any random string"
runPp pExp "12.3" `shouldBe` "3462142213541069 / 281474976710656"
runPp pExp `sid` "12"
it "qual" $ do
runPp pExp `sid` "A.x b"
runPp pExp `sid` "A.x . y b"
runPp pExp "A.x.y b" `shouldBe` "A.x . y b"
it "IfE" $ do
runPp pExp `sid` "if a then b else c"
it "MultiIfE" $ do
runPp pExp "if | a -> b | c -> d" `shouldBe` "if | a -> b\n | c -> d"
runPp pExp "if | f a -> b | c -> d"
`shouldBe` "if | f a -> b\n | c -> d"
runPp pExp "if | Just 1 <- f, f a -> b | c -> d"
`shouldBe` "if | Just 1 <- f,\n f a\n -> b\n | c -> d"
it "LamE" $ do
runPp pExp `sid` "\\x (Just y) -> y"
it "RecConE" $ do
runP pExp "C { z = z g}" `shouldBe` "RecConE C [(z,AppE (VarE z) (VarE g))]"
runP pExp "c { z = z g}" `shouldBe` "RecUpdE (VarE c) [(z,AppE (VarE z) (VarE g))]"
runP pExp "f c { z = z g}" `shouldBe` "AppE (VarE f) (RecUpdE (VarE c) [(z,AppE (VarE z) (VarE g))])"
runP pExp "C { z = z g }" `shouldBe` "RecConE C [(z,AppE (VarE z) (VarE g))]"
it "SigE" $ do
runP pSigE "A::B" `shouldBe` "SigE (ConE A) (ConT B)"
it "ParensE / TupE" $ do
runPp pExp `sid` "a (b c)"
runPp pExp `sid` "a (b, c)"
it "Type" $ do
runPp pType `sid` "A -> B -> C"
runPp pType `sid` "A a x y -> B -> C"
runPp pType "a ': b" `shouldBe` "(':) a b"
runPp pType "a ': b ': c" `shouldBe` "(':) a ((':) b c)"
runPp pType "a ': b ': c ': '[]" `shouldBe` "(':) a ((':) b ((':) c '[]))"
runPp pType `sid` "(A -> B) -> C"
runPp pType `sid` "'(,,) -> C"
it "ValD" $ do
runPp pDec "Just x = b where b = c" `shouldBe`
"Just x = b\n where b = c"
runPp pDec `sid` "(a, b, Just c) = a"
runP pDec "a@(a, b, Just c) = a" `shouldBe` "ValD (AsP a (TupP [VarP a,VarP b,ConP Just [VarP c]])) (NormalB (VarE a)) []"
runP pDec "a@(!a, ~b, Just c) = a" `shouldBe`
"ValD (AsP a (TupP [BangP (VarP a),TildeP (VarP b),ConP Just [VarP c]])) (NormalB (VarE a)) []"
runP pDec "[a,b,c] = a" `shouldBe`
"ValD (ListP [VarP a,VarP b,VarP c]) (NormalB (VarE a)) []"
it "RecP/ViewP" $ do
runP pPat "R { a = (f -> Just 3) }" `shouldBe`
"RecP R [(a,ViewP (VarE f) (ConP Just [LitP (IntegerL 3)]))]"
it "UInfixP" $ do
runP pPat "f `HCons` x" `shouldBe` "UInfixP (VarP f) HCons (VarP x)"
it "FunD" $ do
runP pDec "f (Just 1) = 4 where _ = 2" `shouldBe`
"FunD f [Clause [ParensP (ConP Just [LitP (IntegerL 1)])] (NormalB (LitE (IntegerL 4))) [ValD WildP (NormalB (LitE (IntegerL 2))) []]]"
runP pDecs "f x = x\nf x = x" `shouldBe`
"[FunD f [Clause [VarP x] (NormalB (VarE x)) [],Clause [VarP x] (NormalB (VarE x)) []]]"
failing = hspec $ do
let sid f str = f str `shouldBe` str
it "infix decs" $
runP pDecs "x `f` y = (x,y)" `shouldBe`
"[FunD f [Clause [VarP x,VarP y] (NormalB (TupE [VarE x, VarE y])) []]]"
it "DataD" $ do
runP pDecs `sid` "data X = X | Y | Z W"
runP pDecs `sid` "data X a = X a | Y | Z W"
runP pDecs `sid` "data a ::: b = X a"
runP pDecs `sid` "data a ::: b = a :+: b"
runP pDecs `sid` "data X = X { a = T }"
runP pDecs `sid` "newtype X = X { a = T }"
type HP t = S -> Parser t
newtype S = S (forall r. (HParser -> S -> r) -> r)
data HParser = HParser
{pType :: HP Type
,pDecs :: HP [Dec]
,pExp :: HP Exp
,pPat :: HP Pat
,pPat' :: HP Pat
,pSigP, pUInfixP
,pLitP, pVarP, pParensP, pUnboxedTupP, pConP, pAsP, pTildeP, pBangP, pWildP, pListP, pRecP, pViewP :: HP Pat
,pDec :: HP Dec
-- helpers for dec
,pValD :: HP Dec
,pFunD :: HP Dec
,pBody :: HP Body
,pWhere :: HP [Dec]
,pSigD :: HP Dec
,pType' :: HP Type
-- ^ a subset of Type that must consume
-- input to produce a constructor (no leading spaces)
,pExp' :: HP Exp
-- ^ a subset of Exp that must consume
-- input to produce a constructor (no leading spaces)
,pVarE -- ^ @{ x }@
,pConE -- ^ @data T1 = C1 t1 t2; p = {C1} e1 e2 @
,pLitE -- ^ @{ 5 or 'c'}@
,pSpaceSep {- ^ AppE @{ f x }@
RecConE @{ T { x = y, z = w } }@
RecUpdE @{ (f x) { z = w } }@
UInfixE @{x + y}@
using classifySpaceSep
,pInfixE -- ^ @{x + y} or {(x+)} or {(+ x)} or {(+)}@
,pLamE -- ^ @{ \ p1 p2 -> e }@
,pLamCaseE -- ^ @{ \case m1; m2 }@
,pTupE -- ^ @{ (e1,e2) } @
-- or ParensE @{ (e) }@
,pUnboxedTupE -- @{ (# e1,e2 #) } @
,pCondE -- ^ @{ if e1 then e2 else e3 }@
,pMultiIfE -- ^ @{ if | g1 -> e1 | g2 -> e2 }@
,pLetE -- ^ @{ let x=e1; y=e2 in e3 }@
,pCaseE -- ^ @{ case e of m1; m2 }@
,pDoE -- ^ @{ do { p <- e1; e2 } }@
,pCompE -- ^ @{ [ (x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys ] }@
,pArithSeqE -- ^ @{ [ 1 ,2 .. 10 ] }@
,pListE -- ^ @{ [1,2,3] }@
,pSigE -- ^ @{ e :: t }@
:: HP Exp
-- helpers for Exp
,pMatch :: HP Match
,pGuard :: HP Guard
,pStmt :: HP Stmt
,pFieldExps :: HP [FieldExp]
,pForallT -- ^ @forall \<vars\>. \<ctxt\> -> \<type\>@
,pSigT -- ^ @t :: k@
,pVarT -- ^ @a@
,pConT -- ^ @T@ or @Constraint@
,pPromotedT -- ^ @'T@
,pTupleT -- ^ @(,), (,,), etc.@ or @(#,#), (#,,#), etc.@
,pArrowT -- ^ @->@
,pListT -- ^ @[]@
,pPromotedTupleT -- ^ @'(), '(,), '(,,), etc.@
,pStarT -- ^ @*@
,pLitT :: HP Type -- ^ @0,1,2, etc.@
-- helpers for Type
,pKind :: HP Kind
,pCxt :: HP Cxt
,pPred :: HP Pred
,pLit :: HP Lit
,pQual :: (HParser -> HP Name) -> HP Name
,pCon :: HP Name
,pConSym :: HP String
,pConAlpha :: HP String
,pAlpha :: HP Char
,pSy :: HP Char
,pCharLit :: HP Char
,pTyVarBndr :: HP TyVarBndr
,pForall :: HP () -- ^ @forall@
,pLam :: HP () -- ^ @\\@
,pRArrow :: HP () -- ^ @->@
,pLArrow :: HP () -- ^ @<-@
,pDColon :: HP () -- ^ @::@
,pDotDot :: HP () -- ^ @..@
-- layout-related
,pSemi :: HP ()
,pLBrace :: HP ()
,pRBrace :: HP ()
,isSy :: S -> Char -> Bool
,classifySpaceSep :: S -> [Either Exp [FieldExp]] -> Exp
,classifySpaceSepT :: S -> [Type] -> Type
fixP :: (HParser -> HP t) -> HParser -> Parser t
fixP getP p = getP p s
where s :: S
s = S $ \f -> f p s
{- Fields of ‘HParser’ not initialised: pSigD
instance Default HParser where
def = HParser
{pType = \(S s) -> (pSpaces *> s pSpaceSepT <* pSpaces)
<|> s pSigT
,pType' = \(S s) -> micro (s pConT) 1 -- so a::* is SigT _ StarT
<|> s pStarT
<|> s pForallT
<|> s pLitT
<|> s pVarT
<|> s pPromotedT
<|> s pTupleT
<|> s pArrowT
<|> s pListT
<|> s pPromotedTupleT
,pExp = \(S s) -> (pSpaces *> s pSpaceSep <* pSpaces)
<|> s pSigE
,pExp' = \(S s) -> s pVarE
<|> s pConE
<|> s pLitE
<|> s pInfixE
<|> s pTupE
<|> s pLamE
<|> s pLamCaseE
<|> s pUnboxedTupE
<|> s pCondE
<|> s pMultiIfE
<|> s pLetE
<|> s pCaseE
<|> s pDoE
<|> s pCompE
<|> s pArithSeqE
<|> s pListE
,pPat = \(S s) -> pSpaces *> (s pPat' <|> s pSigP <|> s pUInfixP) <* pSpaces
,pSigP = \(S s) -> SigP <$> s pPat' <*> (s pDColon *> s pType)
,pUInfixP = \(S s) ->
let infixCon = pSym '`' *> (toName [] <$> s pConAlpha) <* pSym '`'
in UInfixP <$> s pPat' <*> infixCon <*> s pPat
,pPat' = \(S s) -> s pLitP
<|> s pVarP
<|> s pParensP
<|> s pUnboxedTupP
<|> s pConP
<|> s pAsP
<|> s pTildeP
<|> s pBangP
<|> s pWildP
<|> s pListP
<|> s pRecP
<|> s pViewP
,pLitP = \(S s) -> LitP <$> s pLit
,pVarP = \(S s) -> VarP <$> s pVarAlpha
,pParensP = \(S s) ->
let tupP [x] = ParensP x
tupP xs = TupP xs
in pParens $ tupP <$> pList1Sep pComma (s pPat)
,pUnboxedTupP = \(S s) ->
pToken "(#" *> (UnboxedTupP <$> ((:) <$> s pPat <*> (pList1 (pComma *> s pPat))))
<* pToken "#)"
,pConP = \(S s) ->
ConP <$> s pCon <*> pListSep pSpaces (s pPat)
,pAsP = \(S s) -> AsP <$> (s pVarAlpha <* pToken "@") <*> s pPat
,pTildeP = \(S s) -> TildeP <$> (pToken "~" *> s pPat)
,pBangP = \(S s) -> BangP <$> (pToken "!" *> s pPat)
,pWildP = \(S s) -> WildP <$ pToken "_"
,pListP = \(S s) -> ListP <$> listParser (s pPat)
,pRecP = \(S s) ->
let con = toName [] <$> s pConAlpha <* pSpaces
fieldPats = pListSep pComma fieldPat
fieldPat = (,) <$> s pVarAlpha <*> (pToken "=" *> s pPat)
in RecP <$> con <*> pBraces fieldPats
,pViewP = \(S s) -> pParens $ ViewP <$> s pExp <*> (s pRArrow *> s pPat)
,pVar = \(S s) -> micro (s pVarAlpha <|> s pVarSym) 1
-- micro adds a penalty to choosing a variable name,
-- so if/then/else are consumed by pToken, A.B.c does not
-- use . as variable
,pVarE = \(S s) -> VarE <$> s (optQual pVar)
<?> "VarE"
,pConE = \(S s) -> ConE <$> s (optQual pCon)
<?> "ConE"
,pLitE = \(S s) -> LitE <$> s pLit
,pSpaceSepT = \(S s) -> s classifySpaceSepT <$>
pList1Sep_ng pSpaces (s pType')
,pSpaceSep = \ (S s) ->
let e = Left <$> s pExp' <|> Right <$> s pFieldExps
in s classifySpaceSep <$> pList1Sep_ng pSpaces e
,classifySpaceSepT = \ (S s) xs ->
let isOp (VarT (Name (OccName (n:_)) _)) = s isSy n
isOp (ConT (Name (OccName (':':_)) _)) = True
isOp ArrowT = True
isOp PromotedConsT = True
isOp _ = False
-- this is not really as general as it could be
toCxt (AppT (ConT n) t) = [ClassP n (unapp t)]
toCxt (ConT n) = [ClassP n []]
toCxt (VarT n) = [ClassP n []]
toCxt (VarT (Name (OccName "~") NameS) `AppT` x `AppT` y) = [EqualP x y]
toCxt a = concatMap toCxt (reverse (fromTuple 0 a))
fromTuple n (AppT a b) = b : fromTuple (n+1) a
fromTuple n (TupleT m)
| n == m = []
| otherwise = error "QQParse.fromTuple"
fromTuple _ x = error ("QQParse.fromTuple: don't know how to handle " ++ show x)
unapp (AppT a b) = a : unapp b
unapp x = [x]
infixF (Right a : Left (VarT (Name (OccName "=>") _)) : cs) = ForallT [] (toCxt a) (infixF cs)
infixF (Right a : Left b : cs) = infixF (Right (AppT b a) : cs)
infixF (Left a : b : cs) = AppT a (infixF (b:cs))
infixF (Right a : b : cs) = AppT a (infixF (b:cs))
infixF [a] = either id id a
in infixF $
mapMaybe (\x -> case x of
[a] | isOp a -> Just (Left a)
(a:b) -> Just (Right (foldl AppT a b))
_ -> Nothing)
$ split (whenElt isOp) xs
,classifySpaceSep = \ (S s) xs ->
let isOp (VarE (Name (OccName (n:_)) _)) = s isSy n
isOp (ConE (Name (OccName (':':_)) _)) = True
isOp (InfixE Nothing v Nothing) = not (isOp v)
isOp _ = False
minfix (Right a : Left op : Right b : xs)
| InfixE Nothing op' Nothing <- op = minfix (Right (UInfixE a op' b) : xs)
| otherwise = minfix (Right (UInfixE a op b) : xs)
minfix (Right y : Left (InfixE Nothing x Nothing) : xs) = minfix (Left (InfixE (Just y) x Nothing) : xs)
minfix (Left (InfixE Nothing x Nothing) : Right y : xs) = minfix (Left (InfixE Nothing x (Just y)) : xs)
minfix (Left x : xs) = x : minfix xs
minfix (Right x : xs) = x : minfix xs
minfix [] = []
applyFieldExps (Left (ConE n) : Right fexp : as) = applyFieldExps (Left (RecConE n fexp) : as)
applyFieldExps (Left e : Right fexp : as) = applyFieldExps (Left (RecUpdE e fexp) : as)
applyFieldExps (Left e : es) = e : applyFieldExps es
applyFieldExps [] = []
in foldl1 AppE $ minfix
$ mapMaybe (\x -> case x of
[a] | isOp a -> Just (Left a)
a:b -> Just (Right (foldl AppE a b))
_ -> Nothing
$ split (whenElt isOp)
$ applyFieldExps xs
,pInfixE = \(S s) ->
InfixE Nothing <$> (pSym '`' *> (VarE <$> s pVarAlpha
<|> s pConE) <* pSym '`')
<*> pure Nothing
,pLamE = \(S s) -> LamE <$> (pSym '\\' *> some (s pPat) <* s pRArrow) <*> s pExp
,pLamCaseE = \(S s) -> LamCaseE <$>
(s pLam *> pToken "case" *> pList1Sep (s pSemi) (s pMatch))
,pTupE = \(S s) -> (\x -> case x of
[e] -> ParensE e
_ -> TupE x)
<$> (pLParen *> (pList1Sep pComma (s pExp)) <* pSym ')')
,pUnboxedTupE = \(S s) -> pToken "(#" *>
(UnboxedTupE <$> pList1Sep pComma (s pExp))
<* pSymbol "#)"
,pCondE = \(S s) -> CondE <$>
(pSymbol "if" *> s pExp)
<*> (pSymbol "then" *> s pExp)
<*> (pSymbol "else" *> s pExp)
,pMultiIfE = \(S s) ->
let guardE = (,) <$> s pGuard
<*> (s pRArrow *> s pExp)
in MultiIfE <$> (pSymbol "if" *> pSome guardE) -- ^ @{ if | g1 -> e1 | g2 -> e2 }@
,pGuard = \(S s) ->
let patG [NoBindS e] = NormalG e
patG stmts = PatG stmts
in pToken "|" *> ( patG <$> pList1Sep pComma (s pStmt) )
,pMatch = \(S s) ->
let normalB = s pRArrow *> (NormalB <$> s pExp)
guardedB = GuardedB <$> pList1 ((,) <$> s pGuard <*> (s pRArrow *> s pExp))
in Match <$> s pPat <*> (normalB <|> guardedB) <*> s pWhere
,pLetE = \(S s) ->
let decs = pToken "let" *> s pLBrace *> s pDecs <* s pRBrace
in LetE <$> decs <*> (pToken "in" *> s pExp)
,pCaseE = \(S s) -> CaseE <$> (pToken "case" *> s pExp)
<*> some (s pMatch) -- ^ @{ case e of m1; m2 }@
,pDoE = \(S s) ->
let stmts = pToken "do" *> s pLBrace *> pList1Sep (s pSemi) (s pStmt)
<* s pRBrace
in DoE <$> stmts
| CompE [Stmt] -- ^ @{ [ (x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys ] }@
-- The result expression of the comprehension is
-- the /last/ of the @'Stmt'@s, and should be a 'NoBindS'.
-- E.g. translation:
-- > [ f x | x <- xs ]
-- > CompE [BindS (VarP x) (VarE xs), NoBindS (AppE (VarE f) (VarE x))]
| ArithSeqE Range -- ^ @{ [ 1 ,2 .. 10 ] }@
,pArithSeqE -- ^ @{ [ 1 ,2 .. 10 ] }@
,pArithSeqE = \(S s) ->
let toRange a (Just b) (Just c) = FromThenToR a b c
toRange a Nothing Nothing = FromR a
toRange a (Just b) Nothing = FromThenR a b
toRange a Nothing (Just c) = FromToR a c
addCon a b c = ArithSeqE (toRange a b c)
in addCon <$> (pSym '[' *> s pExp)
<*> optional (pComma *> s pExp)
<*> (s pDotDot *> optional (s pExp) <* pSpaces)
<* pSym ']'
,pCompE = \(S s) ->
let toComp e stmts = CompE (stmts ++ [NoBindS e])
in toComp <$> (pSym '[' *> s pExp)
<*> (pSym '|' *> pList1Sep pComma (s pStmt) <* pSym ']')
-- ^ @{ [ (x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys ] }@
,pFieldExps = \(S s) -> pBraces (pList1Sep_ng pComma
((,) <$> (s pVarAlpha <* pToken "=")
<*> s pExp))
,pListE = \(S s) -> ListE <$> listParser (s pExp)
,pSigE = \(S s) -> SigE <$> s pExp' <*> (pSpaces *> s pDColon *> s pType)
,pDecs = \(S s) ->
let mergeFunDs (FunD x a : FunD y b : xs) | x == y = mergeFunDs (FunD x (a ++ b) : xs)
mergeFunDs (x : xs) = x : mergeFunDs xs
mergeFunDs [] = []
in mergeFunDs <$> pList1 (s pDec)
,pDec = \(S s) -> s pValD
<|> s pFunD
,pValD = \(S s) ->
ValD <$> s pPat <*> s pBody <*> s pWhere
,pWhere = \(S s) -> pToken "where" *> s pDecs <|> pure []
,pBody = \(S s) ->
let normalB = NormalB <$> (pToken "=" *> s pExp)
guardedB = GuardedB <$>
pList1 ((,) <$> (pToken "|" *> s pGuard)
<*> (pToken "=" *> s pExp))
in normalB <|> guardedB
,pFunD = \(S s) ->
let pClause = Clause <$> pList1 (s pPat) <*> s pBody <*> s pWhere
in FunD <$> s pVarAlpha <* pSpaces <*> ((:[]) <$> pClause)
,pStmt = \(S s) ->
NoBindS <$> s pExp <|>
BindS <$> s pPat <*> (s pLArrow *> s pExp)
<|> LetS <$> (pToken "let" *> s pDecs)
-- ParS XXX
,pSigT = \(S s) -> SigT <$> s pType' <*> (pSpaces *> s pDColon *> s pKind)
,pVarT = \(S s) -> VarT <$> (s pVarAlpha <|> micro (s pVarSym) 2)
,pConT = \(S s) ->
let f (Name (OccName "Constraint") _) = ConstraintT
f x = ConT x
in f <$> s pCon
,pForallT = \(S s) ->
let tyVarBndrs = s pForall *> pSpaces *> some (s pTyVarBndr) <* pSymbol "."
in ForallT
<$> tyVarBndrs
<*> (s pCxt <* pToken "=>")
<*> s pType
,pTupleT = \ (S s) ->
let appliedTupT c = f <$> pList1Sep pComma (s pType)
where f [x] = x
f xs = foldl AppT (c (length xs)) xs
unappliedTupT c = c . (+1) . length <$> some pComma
tt con = appliedTupT con <|> unappliedTupT con
in pSymbol "(#" *> tt UnboxedTupleT <* pSymbol "#)"
<|> pParens (tt TupleT)
,pArrowT = \ (S s) -> ArrowT <$ s pRArrow
,pLitT = \ _ -> fmap LitT $
NumTyLit <$> pInteger
<|> StrTyLit <$> pQuotedString
,pPromotedT = \ (S s) ->
let alph = s (optQual $ \_ _ -> s pCon <|> s pVarAlpha)
sym = pParens (s (optQual pVarSym))
alphSym = alph <|> sym
promotedT (Name (OccName ":") _) = PromotedConsT
promotedT x = PromotedT x
in pSym '\'' *> (promotedT <$> alphSym)
,pPromotedTupleT = \ (S s) ->
let pList2Sep_ng sep p = (:) <$> p <*> (sep *> pList1Sep_ng sep p)
notApp = PromotedTupleT . (+1) . length <$> some pComma
app = f <$> pList2Sep_ng pComma (s pType)
f xs = foldl AppT (PromotedTupleT (length xs)) xs
in pSym '\'' *> pParens (notApp <|> app)
,pStarT = \_ -> StarT <$ pSymbol "*"
,pListT = \(S s) ->
let f Nothing [] = ListT
f Nothing [x] = ListT `AppT` x
f _ xs = foldr (\a b -> PromotedConsT `AppT` a `AppT` b) PromotedNilT xs
in f <$> optional (pSym '\'') <*> pBrackets (pListSep pComma (s pType))
,pCxt = \(S s) -> (:[]) <$> s pPred <|> pParens (some (s pPred))
,pPred = \(S s) -> ClassP <$> (s pCon <* pSpaces) <*> many (s pType)
<|> EqualP <$> s pType' <*> (pSymbol "~" *> s pType)
,pKind = \(S s) -> s pType
,pTyVarBndr = \(S s) -> (PlainTV <$> s pVarAlpha) <|>
pParens (KindedTV <$> s pVarAlpha <*> (s pDColon *> s pKind))
,pQual = \next (S s) -> addQual
<$> (pList1 (s pConAlpha <* pSym '.') <?> "module name")
<*> s next
,pLit = \ (S s) ->
let toLit x | Just n <- readMaybe x = IntegerL n
| otherwise = RationalL (toRational (read x :: Double))
StringL <$> pQuotedString
<|> CharL <$> s pCharLit
<|> toLit <$> micro pDoubleStr 1
<|> IntPrimL <$> pInteger
<|> WordPrimL <$> pInteger
| FloatPrimL Rational
| DoublePrimL Rational
| StringPrimL [GHC.Word.Word8]
,pCharLit = \ _ -> pSym '\'' <*
(pSatisfy (/= '\\') (Insertion "\\" '\\' 100)
<<|> ('\'' <$ pToken "\\'"))
<* pSym '\''
,pVarSym = \(S s) ->
-- let illegalSym = (s pDColon <|> s pDotDot <|> s pRArrow <|> s pLArrow) *> pFail
-- in illegalSym <<|>
toName [] <$> pSome (s pSy)
,pVarAlpha = \ (S s) -> toName [] <$> ((:) <$> pLower <*> many (s pAlpha))
<* pSpaces
,pCon = \ (S s) -> toName [] <$> (s pConAlpha <|> s pConSym)
<* pSpaces
,pConAlpha = \ (S s) -> (:) <$> pUpper <*> pList (s pAlpha)
,pConSym = \ (S s) ->
let sndSy = (:) <$> s pSy <*> pList (s pSy <|> pSym ':')
sndColon = (:) <$> pSym ':' <*> pList1 (s pSy <|> pSym ':')
in (:) <$> pSym ':' <*> (sndSy <|> sndColon <<|> pure [])
,pAlpha = \ _s -> pSatisfy (\x -> isAlpha x || x `elem` "'_") (Insertion "a" 'a' 100)
,pSy = \ (S s) -> pSatisfy (s isSy) (Insertion "+" '+' 100)
,isSy = \ _ x -> (isSymbol x || x `elem` "-!#$%^&*.?<>~") && x /= '`'
,pLam = \ _ -> () <$ pToken "\\"
,pRArrow = \ _ -> () <$ pToken "->"
,pLArrow = \ _ -> () <$ pToken "<-"
,pDColon = \ _ -> () <$ pToken "::"
,pForall = \ _ -> () <$ pToken "forall"
,pDotDot = \_ -> () <$ pToken ".."
,pSemi = \ _ -> () <$ pSym ';' -- or do layout here?
,pLBrace = \_ -> () <$ pSym '{'
,pRBrace = \_ -> () <$ pSym '}'
-- | s (qual pVar)
qual :: (HParser -> HP Name) -> t -> HP Name
qual x _ (S s) = s $ \hp _ -> pQual hp x (S s)
optQual :: (HParser -> HP Name) -> t -> HP Name
optQual x _ (S s) = s $ \hp _ -> pQual hp x (S s) <|> x hp (S s)
toName :: [String] -> String -> Name
toName [] var = Name (OccName var) NameS
toName mn var = Name (OccName var) (NameQ (ModName (intercalate "." mn)))
addQual :: [String] -> Name -> Name
addQual ms (Name (OccName var) NameS) = toName ms var
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