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Created March 15, 2024 18:33
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c pointer/struct syntax for haskell wip
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, ApplicativeDo #-}
module Main (main) where
import Text.Regex.Applicative
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Test.Hspec
main = do
args@[originalName,input,output] <- getArgs
when (length args /= 3) $ do
putStrLn "Usage: arrowoppp originalName input output \
\ {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF arrowoppp -fplugin=MonadicBang #-}"
input <- readFile input
let linePragma = "{-# LINE 1 " ++ show originalName ++ " #-}\n"
writeFile output $ linePragma ++ input
test = hspec $ do
let item input output = it input $ p input s0 `shouldBe` output
itemId input = item input input
describe "lowercase variables" $ do
item "x * y" "x * y"
item "x *y" "x !(readIORef y)"
item "*x->y" "!(readIORef !(readIORef x).y)"
item "*x" "!(readIORef x)"
item "*x->y" "!(readIORef !(readIORef x).y)"
item "x->y" "!(readIORef x).y"
item "x->y->z" "!(readIORef !(readIORef x).y).z"
describe "ignores sigs" $ do
itemId "a :: x -> y"
itemId "a :: x->y"
itemId "a :: x -> y -> z"
itemId "do x :: a -> b <- y"
describe "qual" $ do
item "X.e->Y.e" "!(readIORef X.e).Y.e"
item "X.e->e" "!(readIORef X.e).e"
item "e->Y.e" "!(readIORef e).Y.e"
describe "ident" $ do
it "stops" $ ident "X.y.e" `shouldBe` Just ("X.y", ".e")
it "goes" $ ident "X.y" `shouldBe` Just ("X.y", "")
it "caps" $ ident "X.Y" `shouldBe` Just ("X.Y", "")
describe "assignment" $ do -- TODO. depends on pattern/expression tagging?
item "do *a <- b" "do writeIORef a =<< b"
item "let *a = b" "writeIORef a b"
item "do *a->b <- c" "do writeIORef (!(readIORef a).b) =<< c"
item "do a.b <- c" "a <- return a{ b = !c }" -- maybe?
item "do a->b <- c" "do modifyIORef a (\\a -> a{ b = !c })" -- except effects have to be ordered
lowercase variables
x * y [✔]
x *y [✔]
*x->y [✔]
*x [✔]
*x->y [✔]
x->y [✔]
x->y->z [✔]
ignores sigs
a :: x -> y [✔]
a :: x->y [✔]
a :: x -> y -> z [✔]
do x :: a -> b <- y [✔]
do *a <- b [✘]
let *a = b [✘]
do *a->b <- c [✘]
do a.b <- c [✘]
do a->b <- c [✘]
X.e->Y.e [✔]
X.e->e [✔]
e->Y.e [✔]
stops [✔]
goes [✔]
caps [✔]
1) assignment do *a <- b
expected: "do writeIORef a =<< b"
but got: "do !(readIORef a) <- b"
To rerun use: --match "/assignment/do *a <- b/" --seed 1194112071
2) assignment let *a = b
expected: "writeIORef a b"
but got: "let !(readIORef a) = b"
To rerun use: --match "/assignment/let *a = b/" --seed 1194112071
3) assignment do *a->b <- c
expected: "do writeIORef (!(readIORef a).b) =<< c"
but got: "do !(readIORef !(readIORef a).b) <- c"
To rerun use: --match "/assignment/do *a->b <- c/" --seed 1194112071
4) assignment do a.b <- c
expected: "a <- return a{ b = !c }"
but got: "do a.b <- c"
To rerun use: --match "/assignment/do a.b <- c/" --seed 1194112071
5) assignment do a->b <- c
expected: "do modifyIORef a (\\a -> a{ b = !c })"
but got: "do !(readIORef a).b <- c"
To rerun use: --match "/assignment/do a->b <- c/" --seed 1194112071
s0 = S 0 0 [] []
-- parser state
data S = S { paren, blockComment :: !Int,
sig :: [Int],-- ^ value of `paren` when starting a ::
-- does it play nicely with kind signatures?
-- x::y::z doesn't happen, it's always e :: (t :: k)
-- but there is a problem with PatternSignatures
-- p::t <- expression
-- so <- can end a type signature
-- can <- be in a type signature?
lastExpr :: [String]
-- ^ a stack of expressions because x->y->z
-- turns into !(readIORef !(readIORef x).y).z,
-- so the number of readIORef to produce cannot be decided
-- until the last -> is found
incSig, tryDecSig, incParen, decParen, incBC, decBC :: S -> S
incSig s = s{ sig = paren s : sig s }
tryDecSig s = fromMaybe s (decSig s)
incParen s = s{ paren = paren s +1 }
decParen s = s{ paren = paren s -1 }
incBC s = s{ blockComment = blockComment s +1 }
decBC s = s{ blockComment = blockComment s -1 }
decSig :: S -> Maybe S
decSig s@S{ sig = x:xs, paren = (x<=) -> True } =
Just s{ sig = xs }
decSig _ = Nothing
p (stripPrefix "-}" -> Just x) s = "-}" ++ p x (decBC s)
p (stripPrefix "{-" -> Just x) s = "{-" ++ p x (incBC s)
p (x:xs) s | blockComment s > 0 = x : p xs s
p (stripPrefix "*" -> Just (ident -> Just (x, y))) s@S{ lastExpr = [] }
= "!(readIORef " ++ p y s{ lastExpr = [x, ")"] }
p (stripPrefix "->" -> Just (ident -> Just (y, z))) s@S{ lastExpr = x:xs, sig = [] }
= p z s{ lastExpr = ( "!(readIORef " ++ x ++ ")" ++ "." ++ y ) : xs }
p x s@S{ lastExpr = e:es } = e ++ p x s{ lastExpr = es }
p (ident -> Just (x, y)) s | "->" `isPrefixOf` y, null (sig s) = p y s{ lastExpr = [x] }
p (stripPrefix "::" -> Just x) s = "::" ++ p x (incSig s)
p (stripPrefix "--" -> Just (break (=='\n') -> (x,y))) s = "--" ++ x ++ p y s
p (stripPrefix "<-" -> Just x) s = "<-" ++ p x (tryDecSig s) -- end of Pat
p ('\n' :xs) (decSig -> Just s) = '\n' : p xs s
p ('(' : xs) s = '(' : p xs (incParen s)
p (')' : xs) s = ')' : p xs (tryDecSig (decParen s))
p (x:xs) s = x : p xs s
p [] _ = []
ident x = findLongestPrefix qualIdent x
-- from HListPP
-- "ModuleName."
modNameDot = do
m <- psym isUpper
odName <- many (psym isAlpha <|> psym isDigit)
dot <- sym '.'
pure $ m:odName ++ [dot]
-- "M.Od.Ule.Name.something"
qualIdent = do
modNames <- many modNameDot
end <- identSym <|> identAlpha
pure $ concat (modNames ++ [end])
where identSym = some (psym (\x -> x /= '`' && isSymbol x))
identAlpha = do
c <- psym isAlpha
cs <- many (psym isAlphaNum <|> sym '\'')
pure $ c:cs
-- incomplete
data Cxt = Exp | Typ | Pat
tagCxt :: Cxt -> String -> [Cxt]
tagCxt p (stripPrefix "of" -> Just x) = [Pat,Pat] ++ tagCxt Pat x
tagCxt Pat (stripPrefix "->" -> Just x) = [Exp,Exp] ++ tagCxt Exp x
tagCxt _ (stripPrefix "::" -> Just x) = [Typ,Typ] ++ tagCxt Typ x
tagCxt a (x:xs) = a : tagCxt a xs
tagCxt _ [] = []
-- now I need the same paren as below
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