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Last active April 11, 2022 13:36
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# Usage: $ k l i n
# Generates a DIMACS CNF file that's satisfiable iff there's a
# cross-intersecting set system with m(k,l,i) = n.
# Let {(A_i, B_i}} (1 <= i <= n) be a set pair system. An i-cross-intersecting
# system has #(A_i intersect B_j) = 1 when i != j and 0 when i = j.
# Kostochka, McCourt, and Nahvi have recently shown that
# m(k,l,i) <= 5/6 * nCr(k + l, k). for k,l >= 2
# See for more
# about this generator.
import argparse
import itertools
import re
import sys
import tempfile
from collections import defaultdict
# Global variable counter.
vc = 0
def new_var(): global vc; vc += 1; return vc
def num_vars(): global vc; return vc
def ensure_vars(nv): global vc; vc = nv
# Global clause counter.
cc = 0
def write_clause(f, c):
global cc
f.write((" ".join(["{}"] * len(c)) + " 0\n").format(*c))
cc += 1
def num_clauses(): global cc; return cc
# Global comment accumulator.
comments = []
def add_comment(c):
global comments
def all_comments():
global comments
for c in comments: yield c
# Makes v true iff disjunction of vars in d is true
def disjunction_witness(cf, d, v=None):
if v is None:
v = new_var()
write_clause(cf, [dv for dv in d] + [-v])
for dv in d:
write_clause(cf, [v, -dv])
return v
# Makes v true iff conjunction of vars in c is true
def conjunction_witness(cf, c, v=None):
if v is None:
v = new_var()
write_clause(cf, [-cv for cv in c] + [v])
for cv in c:
write_clause(cf, [-v, cv])
return v
# Generates clauses satisfiable iff exactly one of the variables in vs is true.
def exactly_one_true(vs):
vvs = tuple(v for v in vs)
return [vvs] + [(-x,-y) for x,y in itertools.combinations(vvs, 2)]
# Generates clauses satisfiable iff at most one of the variables in vs is true.
def at_most_one_true(vs):
vvs = tuple(v for v in vs)
return [(-x,-y) for x,y in itertools.combinations(vvs, 2)]
# Generates clauses satisfiable iff at most one of the variables in vs is false.
def at_most_one_false(vs):
vvs = tuple(v for v in vs)
return [(x,y) for x,y in itertools.combinations(vvs, 2)]
# Given variables a, b, minout, and maxout, generates clauses that are
# satisfiable iff minout = min(a,b) and maxout = max(a,b).
def comparator(a, b, minout, maxout):
return [(-maxout, a, b), (-a, maxout), (-b, maxout),
(minout, -a, -b), (a, -minout), (b, -minout)]
def apply_comparator(cf, vin, i, j):
newmin, newmax = new_var(), new_var()
for clause in comparator(vin[i], vin[j], newmin, newmax):
write_clause(cf, clause)
#vin[i], vin[j] = newmin, newmax
vin[i], vin[j] = newmax, newmin
def pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, begin, end):
n, a = end - begin, 1
while a < n:
b, c = a, 0
while b < n:
apply_comparator(cf, vin, begin+b-a, begin+b)
b, c = b+1, (c+1) % a
if c == 0: b += a
a *= 2
a //= 4
e = 1
while a > 0:
d = e
while d > 0:
b = (d+1) * a
c = 0
while b < n:
apply_comparator(cf, vin, begin+b-d*a, begin+b)
b, c = b+1, (c+1) % a
if c == 0: b += a
d //= 2
a //= 2
e = e*2 + 1
# Filter [vin[i], vin[i+n]) with [vin[j], vin[j+n)
def filter_network(cf, vin, i, j, n):
for x in range(n):
apply_comparator(cf, vin, i+x, j+n-1-x)
# Assert that exactly n of the vars in vin are true.
def exactly_n_true(cf, vin, n):
n_true(cf, vin, n, True, True)
def at_most_n_true(cf, vin, n):
n_true(cf, vin, n, True, False)
def at_least_n_true(cf, vin, n):
n_true(cf, vin, n, False, True)
def n_true(cf, vin, n, at_most_n_true, at_least_n_true):
if n == 0:
if at_least_n_true: return
for v in vin:
write_clause(cf, (-v,))
n = n+1 # We'll select the top n+1, verify exactly one true.
batches = len(vin) // n
for b in range(1, batches):
pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, 0, n)
pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, b*n, (b+1)*n)
filter_network(cf, vin, 0, b*n, n)
# Now take care of the remainder, if there is one.
rem = len(vin) - batches * n
if rem > 0:
pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, 0, n)
pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, batches*n, len(vin))
filter_network(cf, vin, n-rem, batches*n, rem)
if at_least_n_true:
# Assert that at most 1 of the first n are false
for clause in at_most_one_false(vin[:n]):
write_clause(cf, clause)
if at_most_n_true:
# Assert that at least 1 of the first n are false
write_clause(cf, [-v for v in vin[:n]])
def generate_system(cf, k, l, i, n, z, strict, verbose):
# Must assume a ground set of size z = (k+l-2) * n + 2
# (First pair needs k+l elements, every pair after that
# introduces at most k+l-2 new elements.)
if z == 0: # Unspecified
z = (k+l-2)*n + 2
# Variable k(j,y) means ground set member y is in the jth lhs set
# Variable l(j,y) means ground set member y is in the jth rhs set
ks, ls = {}, {}
for j in range(n):
for y in range(z):
v1, v2 = new_var(), new_var()
if verbose:
add_comment("k(%s,%s) == %s" % (j,y,v1))
add_comment("l(%s,%s) == %s" % (j,y,v2))
ks[(j,y)] = v1
ls[(j,y)] = v2
# For all j, A_j does not intersect B_j
for j in range(n):
for y in range(z):
write_clause(cf, [-ks[(j,y)], -ls[(j,y)]])
# For all j != jj, A_j intersects B_jj in i elements (at least i if strict)
for j, jj in itertools.combinations(range(n), 2):
vs, ws = [], []
for y in range(z):
vs.append(disjunction_witness(cf, [ks[(j,y)],ls[(jj,y)]]))
ws.append(disjunction_witness(cf, [ks[(jj,y)],ls[(j,y)]]))
if strict:
exactly_n_true(cf, vs, k + l - i)
exactly_n_true(cf, ws, k + l - i)
at_most_n_true(cf, vs, k + l - i)
at_most_n_true(cf, ws, k + l - i)
# For all j, #(A_j) = k
for j in range(n):
vs = []
for y in range(z):
exactly_n_true(cf, vs, k)
# For all j, #(B_j) = l
for j in range(n):
vs = []
for y in range(z):
exactly_n_true(cf, vs, l)
# Symmetry-breaking: assume first pair is {(0,1,..,k-1),(k,...,k+l-1)}
for i in range(k):
write_clause(cf, [ks[(0,i)]])
for j in range(k,k+l):
write_clause(cf, [ls[(0,j)]])
# Symmetry-breaking: assume second pair is {(k,...),(k-1,...)}
write_clause(cf, [ks[(1,k)]])
write_clause(cf, [ls[(1,k-1)]])
# Symmetry-breaking: assume k_i < k_j for i < j
# ks[(j,y)] means ground set member y is in the jth lhs set
# ks[(j,0)] => ks[(i,0)]
# ks[(j,1)] => (ks[(i,1)] OR ks[(i,0)]
# ...
for i,j in itertools.combinations(range(n), 2):
for zz in range(z):
write_clause(cf, [-ks[(j,zz)]] + [ks[(i,jj)] for jj in range(zz+1)])
# Symmetry-breaking: assume ground set is rebased:
# zz used => zz-1 used, etc.
for zz in range(1,z):
zz_anywhere = [ks[(j,zz)] for j in range(n)] + \
[ls[(j,zz)] for j in range(n)]
prev_anywhere = [ks[(j,zz-1)] for j in range(n)] + \
[ls[(j,zz-1)] for j in range(n)]
zz_used = disjunction_witness(cf, zz_anywhere)
write_clause(cf, [-zz_used] + prev_anywhere)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Encode a cross-intersecting set system as SAT")
parser.add_argument('k', type=int, help='size of sets in left family')
parser.add_argument('l', type=int, help='size of sets in right family')
parser.add_argument('i', type=int, help='size of intersection')
parser.add_argument('n', type=int,
help='size of cross-intersecting set system')
parser.add_argument('--base_set', type=int, default=0,
help='size of base set')
parser.add_argument('--strict', action='store_true',
help='(default) intersection size is exactly i')
parser.add_argument('--no-strict', action='store_false',
help='intersection size is at least i')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true',
help='add verbose comments to CNF file')
parser.add_argument('--no-verbose', action='store_false')
args = parser.parse_args()
with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t') as cf:
generate_system(cf, args.k, args.l, args.i, args.n,
args.base_set, args.strict, args.verbose)
sys.stdout.write("c Generated by {0}\n".format(' '.join(sys.argv)))
sys.stdout.write("c Generator source: " +
"" +
for comment in all_comments():
sys.stdout.write('c {}\n'.format(comment))
sys.stdout.write('p cnf {0} {1}\n'.format(num_vars(), num_clauses()))
for line in cf:
# Usage: $ k l i n
# Generates a DIMACS CNF file that's satisfiable iff there's a
# cross-intersecting set system with m(k,l,i) = n.
# Let {(A_i, B_i}} (1 <= i <= n) be a set pair system. An i-cross-intersecting
# system has #(A_i intersect B_j) = 1 when i != j and 0 when i = j.
# Note: It's been recently shown that m(k,l,i) <= 5/6 * nCr(k + l, k).
import argparse
import itertools
import re
import sys
import tempfile
from collections import defaultdict
# Global variable counter.
vc = 0
def new_var(): global vc; vc += 1; return vc
def num_vars(): global vc; return vc
def ensure_vars(nv): global vc; vc = nv
# Global clause counter.
cc = 0
def write_clause(f, c):
global cc
f.write((" ".join(["{}"] * len(c)) + " 0\n").format(*c))
cc += 1
def num_clauses(): global cc; return cc
# Global comment accumulator.
comments = []
def add_comment(c):
global comments
def all_comments():
global comments
for c in comments: yield c
# Makes v true iff disjunction of vars in d is true
def disjunction_witness(cf, d, v=None):
if v is None:
v = new_var()
write_clause(cf, [dv for dv in d] + [-v])
for dv in d:
write_clause(cf, [v, -dv])
return v
# Makes v true iff conjunction of vars in c is true
def conjunction_witness(cf, c, v=None):
if v is None:
v = new_var()
write_clause(cf, [-cv for cv in c] + [v])
for cv in c:
write_clause(cf, [-v, cv])
return v
# Generates clauses satisfiable iff exactly one of the variables in vs is true.
def exactly_one_true(vs):
vvs = tuple(v for v in vs)
return [vvs] + [(-x,-y) for x,y in itertools.combinations(vvs, 2)]
# Generates clauses satisfiable iff at most one of the variables in vs is true.
def at_most_one_true(vs):
vvs = tuple(v for v in vs)
return [(-x,-y) for x,y in itertools.combinations(vvs, 2)]
# Generates clauses satisfiable iff at most one of the variables in vs is false.
def at_most_one_false(vs):
vvs = tuple(v for v in vs)
return [(x,y) for x,y in itertools.combinations(vvs, 2)]
# Given variables a, b, minout, and maxout, generates clauses that are
# satisfiable iff minout = min(a,b) and maxout = max(a,b).
def comparator(a, b, minout, maxout):
return [(-maxout, a, b), (-a, maxout), (-b, maxout),
(minout, -a, -b), (a, -minout), (b, -minout)]
def apply_comparator(cf, vin, i, j):
newmin, newmax = new_var(), new_var()
for clause in comparator(vin[i], vin[j], newmin, newmax):
write_clause(cf, clause)
#vin[i], vin[j] = newmin, newmax
vin[i], vin[j] = newmax, newmin
def pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, begin, end):
n, a = end - begin, 1
while a < n:
b, c = a, 0
while b < n:
apply_comparator(cf, vin, begin+b-a, begin+b)
b, c = b+1, (c+1) % a
if c == 0: b += a
a *= 2
a //= 4
e = 1
while a > 0:
d = e
while d > 0:
b = (d+1) * a
c = 0
while b < n:
apply_comparator(cf, vin, begin+b-d*a, begin+b)
b, c = b+1, (c+1) % a
if c == 0: b += a
d //= 2
a //= 2
e = e*2 + 1
# Filter [vin[i], vin[i+n]) with [vin[j], vin[j+n)
def filter_network(cf, vin, i, j, n):
for x in range(n):
apply_comparator(cf, vin, i+x, j+n-1-x)
# Assert that exactly n of the vars in vin are true.
def exactly_n_true(cf, vin, n):
n_true(cf, vin, n, True, True)
def at_most_n_true(cf, vin, n):
n_true(cf, vin, n, True, False)
def at_least_n_true(cf, vin, n):
n_true(cf, vin, n, False, True)
def n_true(cf, vin, n, at_most_n_true, at_least_n_true):
if n == 0:
if at_least_n_true: return
for v in vin:
write_clause(cf, (-v,))
n = n+1 # We'll select the top n+1, verify exactly one true.
batches = len(vin) // n
for b in range(1, batches):
pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, 0, n)
pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, b*n, (b+1)*n)
filter_network(cf, vin, 0, b*n, n)
# Now take care of the remainder, if there is one.
rem = len(vin) - batches * n
if rem > 0:
pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, 0, n)
pairwise_sorting_network(cf, vin, batches*n, len(vin))
filter_network(cf, vin, n-rem, batches*n, rem)
if at_least_n_true:
# Assert that at most 1 of the first n are false
for clause in at_most_one_false(vin[:n]):
write_clause(cf, clause)
if at_most_n_true:
# Assert that at least 1 of the first n are false
write_clause(cf, [-v for v in vin[:n]])
def generate_system(cf, k, l, i, n, z, strict):
# Must assume a ground set of size z = (k+l-2) * n + 2
# (First pair needs k+l elements, every pair after that
# introduces at most k+l-2 new elements.)
if z == 0: # Unspecified
z = (k+l-2)*n + 2
# Variable k(j,y) means ground set member y is in the jth lhs set
# Variable l(j,y) means ground set member y is in the jth rhs set
ks, ls = {}, {}
for j in range(n):
for y in range(z):
v1, v2 = new_var(), new_var()
add_comment("k(%s,%s) == %s" % (j,y,v1))
add_comment("l(%s,%s) == %s" % (j,y,v2))
ks[(j,y)] = v1
ls[(j,y)] = v2
# For all j, A_j does not intersect B_j
for j in range(n):
for y in range(z):
write_clause(cf, [-ks[(j,y)], -ls[(j,y)]])
# For all j != jj, A_j intersects B_jj in i elements (at least i if strict)
for j, jj in itertools.combinations(range(n), 2):
vs, ws = [], []
for y in range(z):
vs.append(disjunction_witness(cf, [ks[(j,y)],ls[(jj,y)]]))
ws.append(disjunction_witness(cf, [ks[(jj,y)],ls[(j,y)]]))
if strict:
exactly_n_true(cf, vs, k + l - i)
exactly_n_true(cf, ws, k + l - i)
at_most_n_true(cf, vs, k + l - i)
at_most_n_true(cf, ws, k + l - i)
# For all j, #(A_j) = k
for j in range(n):
vs = []
for y in range(z):
exactly_n_true(cf, vs, k)
# For all j, #(B_j) = l
for j in range(n):
vs = []
for y in range(z):
exactly_n_true(cf, vs, l)
# Symmetry-breaking: assume first pair is {(0,1,..,k-1),(k,...,k+l-1)}
for i in range(k):
write_clause(cf, [ks[(0,i)]])
for j in range(k,k+l):
write_clause(cf, [ls[(0,j)]])
# Symmetry-breaking: assume second pair is {(k,...),(k-1,...)}
write_clause(cf, [ks[(1,k)]])
write_clause(cf, [ls[(1,k-1)]])
# Symmetry-breaking: assume k_i < k_j for i < j
# ks[(j,y)] means ground set member y is in the jth lhs set
# ks[(j,0)] => ks[(i,0)]
# ks[(j,1)] => (ks[(i,1)] OR ks[(i,0)]
# ...
for i,j in itertools.combinations(range(n), 2):
for zz in range(z):
write_clause(cf, [-ks[(j,zz)]] + [ks[(i,jj)] for jj in range(zz+1)])
# Symmetry-breaking: assume ground set is rebased:
# zz used => zz-1 used, etc.
for zz in range(1,z):
zz_anywhere = [ks[(j,zz)] for j in range(n)] + \
[ls[(j,zz)] for j in range(n)]
prev_anywhere = [ks[(j,zz-1)] for j in range(n)] + \
[ls[(j,zz-1)] for j in range(n)]
zz_used = disjunction_witness(cf, zz_anywhere)
write_clause(cf, [-zz_used] + prev_anywhere)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Encode a cross-intersecting set system as SAT")
parser.add_argument('k', type=int, help='size of sets in left family')
parser.add_argument('l', type=int, help='size of sets in right family')
parser.add_argument('i', type=int, help='size of intersection')
parser.add_argument('n', type=int,
help='size of cross-intersecting set system')
parser.add_argument('--base_set', type=int, default=0,
help='size of base set')
parser.add_argument('--strict', type=bool, default=True,
help='if set, intersection size is exactly i. if '
'unset, intersection size is at least i.')
args = parser.parse_args()
with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t') as cf:
generate_system(cf, args.k, args.l, args.i, args.n,
args.base_set, args.strict)
for comment in all_comments():
sys.stdout.write('c {}\n'.format(comment))
sys.stdout.write('p cnf {0} {1}\n'.format(num_vars(), num_clauses()))
for line in cf:
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