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Last active September 9, 2021 21:36
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ray tracer
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
val BLACK = Color(0, 0, 0)
val RED = Color(255, 0, 0)
val GREEN = Color(0, 255, 0)
val BLUE = Color(0, 0, 255)
val YELLOW = Color(255, 255, 0)
val WHITE = Color(255, 255, 255)
val INF = Double.PositiveInfinity
val EPSILON = 0.0001
case class Image(width: Int, height: Int):
val data = Array.ofDim[Color](width, height)
def putPixel(x: Double, y: Int, color: Color): Unit =
val px: Int = (width / 2 + x).toInt
val py: Int = (height / 2 - y).toInt - 1
if 0 <= px && px < width && 0 <= py && py < height then
data(px)(py) = color
def clampValue(v: Double): Int = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, v).toInt)
case class Color(r: Double, g: Double, b: Double):
def *(d: Double): Color =
Color(r*d, g*d, b*d)
def +(o: Color): Color =
Color(r + o.r, g + o.g, b + o.b)
case class Vec3(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double):
def +(o: Vec3): Vec3 =
Vec3(x + o.x, y + o.y, z + o.z)
def -(o: Vec3): Vec3 =
Vec3(x - o.x, y - o.y, z - o.z)
def length(): Double =
Math.sqrt(this dot this)
def *(d: Double): Vec3 =
Vec3(x*d, y*d, z*d)
def dot(o: Vec3): Double =
x*o.x + y*o.y + z*o.z
case class Vec2(x: Double, y: Double)
case class Sphere(center: Vec3, radius: Double, color: Color, specular: Double, reflective: Double):
val r2: Double = radius*radius
enum LightType:
case class Light(lightType: LightType, intensity: Double, position: Vec3)
case class Scene(viewportSize: Double, projectionPlane: Double, backgroundColor: Color, spheres: List[Sphere], lights: List[Light])
def canvasToViewport(canvasPoint: Vec2, image: Image, scene: Scene): Vec3 =
Vec3(canvasPoint._1 * scene.viewportSize / image.width, canvasPoint._2 * scene.viewportSize / image.height, scene.projectionPlane)
def intersectRaySphere(origin: Vec3, direction: Vec3, sphere: Sphere): (Double, Double) =
val originToSphere: Vec3 = origin -
val a = direction dot direction
val b = (originToSphere dot direction) * 2
val c = (originToSphere dot originToSphere) - sphere.r2
val discriminant: Double = b*b - (4 * a * c)
if discriminant < 0 then
return (INF, INF)
val sqrtDiscr: Double = Math.sqrt(discriminant)
val t1: Double = (-b + sqrtDiscr) / (2 * a)
val t2: Double = (-b - sqrtDiscr) / (2 * a)
(t1, t2)
def reflectRay(normal: Vec3, ray: Vec3): Vec3 =
(normal * 2 * (normal dot ray)) - ray
def closestIntersection(origin: Vec3, direction: Vec3, tMin: Double, tMax: Double, spheres: List[Sphere]): (Option[Sphere], Double) =
def intersectHelper(s: Sphere): (Option[Sphere], Double) =
val (t1, t2) = intersectRaySphere(origin, direction, s)
var closestSphere: Option[Sphere] = None
var closestT: Double = INF
if t1 < closestT && tMin < t1 && t1 < tMax then
closestT = t1
closestSphere = Some(s)
if t2 < closestT && tMin < t2 && t2 < tMax then
closestT = t2
closestSphere = Some(s)
(closestSphere, closestT) => intersectHelper(s)).minBy(p => p._2)
def specularLightIntensity(normal: Vec3, ray: Vec3, view: Vec3, light: Light, specular: Double): Double =
if specular <= 0 then
return 0.0
val reflectedRay: Vec3 = reflectRay(normal, ray)
val rDotV: Double = reflectedRay dot view
if rDotV > 0 then
light.intensity * Math.pow(rDotV / reflectedRay.length() * view.length(), specular)
else 0.0
def computeLighting(point: Vec3, normal: Vec3, view: Vec3, scene: Scene, specular: Double): Double =
var intensity = 0.0
light <- scene.lights
if light.lightType == LightType.AMBIENT then
intensity += light.intensity
val (ray, tMax) = light.lightType match
case LightType.POINT => (light.position - point, 1.0)
case LightType.DIRECTIONAL => (light.position, INF)
case _ => ???
val (shadowSphereMaybe, _) = closestIntersection(point, ray, EPSILON, tMax, scene.spheres)
if shadowSphereMaybe.isEmpty then
val nDotR = normal dot ray
if nDotR > 0 then
intensity += (light.intensity * (nDotR / (normal.length() * ray.length())))
if specular > 0 then
val reflectedRay = reflectRay(normal, ray)
val rDotV = reflectedRay dot view
if rDotV > 0 then
intensity += (light.intensity * Math.pow(rDotV / (reflectedRay.length() * view.length()), specular))
def traceRay(origin: Vec3, direction: Vec3, tMin: Double, tMax: Double, scene: Scene, recursionDepth: Int = 0): Color =
val (closestSphereMaybe, closestT) = closestIntersection(origin, direction, tMin, tMax, scene.spheres)
closestSphereMaybe match
case None => BACKGROUND
case Some(s) =>
val point = origin + (direction * closestT)
val n = point -
val normal = n * (1 / n.length())
val view = direction * -1
val lighting = computeLighting(point, normal, view, scene, s.specular)
val localColor = s.color * lighting
if recursionDepth <= 0 || s.reflective <= 0 then
return localColor
val reflectedRay: Vec3 = reflectRay(normal, view)
val reflectedColor: Color = traceRay(point, reflectedRay, EPSILON, INF, scene, recursionDepth - 1)
localColor * (1.0 - s.reflective) + reflectedColor * s.reflective
def drawScene(scene: Scene, image: Image, cameraPosition: Vec3): Unit =
x <- (-image.width/2).toInt to (image.width / 2).toInt-1
y <- (-image.height/2).toInt to (image.height / 2).toInt-1
val direction: Vec3 = canvasToViewport(Vec2(x, y), image, scene)
val color: Color = traceRay(cameraPosition, direction, 1.0, INF, scene, 2)
image.putPixel(x, y, color)
def printImage(image: Image): Unit =
def clamp(c: Color): Int =
new java.awt.Color(clampValue(c.r), clampValue(c.g), clampValue(c.b)).getRGB
val bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(image.width, image.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR)
x <- 0 to image.width-1
y <- 0 to image.height-1
bufferedImage.setRGB(x, y, clamp(
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "png", new File("tracer_output.png"))
@main def hello: Unit =
val viewportSize: Double = 1.0
val projectionPlane: Double = 1.0
val cameraPosition: Vec3 = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
val spheres: List[Sphere] = List(
Sphere(Vec3(0, -1, 3), 1, RED, 500, 0.2),
Sphere(Vec3(2, 0, 4), 1, BLUE, 500, 0.3),
Sphere(Vec3(-2, 0, 4), 1, GREEN, 10, 0.4),
Sphere(Vec3(0, -5001, 0), 5000, YELLOW, 1000, 0.6)
val lights: List[Light] = List(
Light(LightType.AMBIENT, 0.2, Vec3(0, 0, 0)),
Light(LightType.POINT, 0.6, Vec3(2, 1, 0)),
Light(LightType.DIRECTIONAL, 0.2, Vec3(1, 4, 4))
val scene: Scene = Scene(viewportSize, projectionPlane, BACKGROUND, spheres, lights)
val image = Image(600, 600)
drawScene(scene, image, cameraPosition)
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