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Created June 30, 2021 15:05
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Important Bash Commands Used in Google IT Support Specialization
Week 1:
1. ls / or ls /home -list all
2. ls --help -help menu
3. man ls -more than help
4. ls / -l -properties with longlist
5. ls / -l -a -hiddden files
5. pwd -print working directory
6. cd /home/ABShetty -change directory
7. cd .. - moves one lvl up
8. cd ~ - opens default user space
9. mkdir folder_name - make folder(space not allowed)
10. mkdir 'folder name' or
mkdir my`\ folder\ name -(back slash \)
11. history or ctrl+ r or arrow keys -recent commands list
12. cp *.jpeg /home/ABShetty -wildcard selection
cp -r 'folder-name' path
13. mv file_name new_filename -rename
mv filename path -move( use wildcard)
14. rm -r foldername -delete recursively
15. cat /filename -opens entire file_name
16. less /filename -just 1 page,with more option below
g (moves to beginning)
G (end)
arrow keys and page up and down
/word_u_want_to_search -searches word in that opened txt file
q (quit)
17. head /filename -1st 10 lines
tail /filename -last 10 lines by default
18. nano filename -lightweight editor
19. grep search_word file_name -searches for word
20. echo some_words > filename -creates file & writes
(echo boli > dog.txt)
(echo maga >> dog.txt) - (>> append) not overwrite,it updats
21. ls /dir/fake_dir 2 > error.txt -redirects error to file
(dev/null unexited folder,used to filter error)
22. command | another_command -concatinates commands
week 2:
1. sudo cat /etc/sudoers -to access restricted files
2. su user_name -substitute user, defaults to root user.
3. cat /etc/group -show groups.
4. cat /etc/passwd -shows users
5. passwd user_name -changes psswd
6. sudo psswd -e user_name - (e expire flag)force passwd change.
7. sudo useradd user_name -add user
8. sudo userdel user_name -delete user
9. chmod ugo+rwx filename - permission setting( symbolic format)
( u-user g-group o-others
r-read w-write x-execute)
10. chmod 754 filename -using octals:
( 7 -> 111 , order-rwx , 1=true 0-false -user has all permissions
5 -> 101 , - group has only read and execute
4 -> 100 , - others had only read.
11. sudo chown owner_name filename - change owner of file
12. sudo chgrp group_name file_name -changing group owner for the file
1. sudo dpkg -i atom-amd64deb -debian pkg manager, i for install
2. sudo dpkg -r atom -removes pkg
3. uname -r -
4. sudo apt full-upgrade -including dependencies for all pckages
5. apt update & apt upgrade -for single pkg
6. Diskpart -tool for partition
7. list disk -lists all partitions
select disk 1 - selects 1st one
create partition primary -creates another partition
select partition 1
active -make is as active to use
format FS=NTFS label=my-drive quick - formates file system NTFS with quick flash
8. sudo parted -l - lists disks
sudo parted /dev/sdb -starts using /dev/sdb
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary ext4 1MiB 5GiB -creating partition with ext4
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 -changes to ext4
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /my_usb/ -make it to use
sudo unmount /dev/sdb1 -unmount
sudo blkid - shows UUID for block device IDs
sudo mkswap /dev/sdb2 -swapping
sudo swapon /dev/sdb2 - command to swapon
9. ln -s file_name softink_filename -creating softlink for file
10. notepad.exe file_1_shortcut.lnk -creating shortcut
mklink file_1_symlink file_1.txt -making symbolic link
notepad.exe file_1_symlink
mklink /H file_1_hardlink file_1.txt -making hardlink
11. fsutil query c: - self healing disks
12. chkdsk /F D: - checking thumbdrive
13. sudo fsck /dev/sda - file system chek, but harmfull
14. ps -x - prints all processes
15. ps -ef - prints process with more fields
ps -ef | grep chrome - searches for particulat one
16. ls -l /proc - shows process with permissions etc/group
17. kill -KILL 10392 -kills process with id (absolutely kill)
18. uptime - shows load avg
19. lsof -lists open files and what process are using them
20. scp file_with_path username@ip_address -share file remotely over scp protocol
21. ls /var/log - prints log page
22. less /var/log/syslog | grep error -particularly accesssing syslog to search error
23. tail -f /var/log/syslog -end part of syslog,new things are updated here
24. sudo dd if=/dev/sdd of=/desktop/my_usb_image.img bs=100M - imaging usb drive to desktop as my_usb_image.img
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