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Created September 15, 2009 00:16
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daenerys% waves generate
** Waves 0.9.0 **
Usage: waves [-otn]
--help Show this message
-o, --orm=ORM Select an ORM (currently supported: filebase, data_mapper, active_record, sequel )
-t, --template=TEMPLATE Select a template for your app (options: compact, classic).
-n, --name Select a name for the application. Use only letters, numbers, dashes, or underscores.
daenerys% waves generate -t classic
** Waves 0.9.0 **
Usage: waves [-otn]
--help Show this message
-o, --orm=ORM Select an ORM (currently supported: filebase, data_mapper, active_record, sequel )
-t, --template=TEMPLATE Select a template for your app (options: compact, classic).
-n, --name Select a name for the application. Use only letters, numbers, dashes, or underscores.
daenerys% waves -t drip
** Waves 0.9.0 **
Usage: waves [ generate | server | console ] [ options ]
Run a waves command with the given options. Use --help with any command to learn
more about that command. EXAMPLE: waves generate --help
daenerys% ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [x86_64-linux]
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