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Created February 14, 2023 21:50
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Tests for getting RakuAST::Type::Subset working
use v6.d;
use lib <t/packages/>;
use Test;
use Test::Helpers;
plan 10;
subtest "When refinement is an expression value", {
plan 3;
throws-like { my subset F where 5; my F $f = 6}, X::TypeCheck::Assignment,
"Assignment to scalar type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
lives-ok { my subset F where 5; my F $f = 5 },
"Assignment to a scalar type-constrained to a subset lives";
throws-like { my subset F where 5; -> F $f {}(6)}, X::TypeCheck::Binding::Parameter,
"Parameter type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
subtest "When refinement is a regex", {
plan 3;
throws-like { my subset F where /5/; my F $f = '6' }, X::TypeCheck::Assignment,
"Assignment to scalar type-constrained to a subset lives";
lives-ok { my subset F where /5/; my F $f = '5' },
"Assignment to a scalar type-constrained to a subset works with bare expression";
throws-like { my subset F where /5/; -> F $ {}(6)}, X::TypeCheck::Binding::Parameter,
"Parameter type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
subtest "When refinement is a block", {
plan 3;
throws-like { my subset F where { $_ ~~ 5 }; my F $f = '6' }, X::TypeCheck::Assignment,
"Assignment to scalar type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
lives-ok { my subset F where { $_ ~~ 5 }; my F $f = '5' },
"Assignment to a scalar type-constrained to a subset lives";
throws-like { my subset F where { $_ ~~ 5 }; -> F $ {}(6)}, X::TypeCheck::Binding::Parameter,
"Parameter type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
subtest "When refinement has a Whatever", {
plan 3;
throws-like { my subset F where * == 5; my F $f = 6 }, X::TypeCheck::Assignment,
"Assignment to scalar type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
lives-ok { my subset F where * == 5; my F $f = 5 },
"Assignment to a scalar type-constrained to a subset lives";
throws-like { my subset F where * == 5; -> F $f {}(6)}, X::TypeCheck::Binding::Parameter,
"Parameter type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
subtest "When refinement has a Whatever with a Smartmatch", {
plan 3;
throws-like { my subset F where * ~~ 5; my F $f = '6' }, X::TypeCheck::Assignment,
"Assignment to scalar type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
lives-ok { my subset F where * ~~ 5; my F $f = '5' },
"Assignment to a scalar type-constrained to a subset lives";
throws-like { my subset F where * ~~ 5; -> F $f {}(6)}, X::TypeCheck::Binding::Parameter,
"Parameter type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
subtest "When refinee is specified", {
plan 3;
throws-like { my subset F of Int where { $_ ~~ 5 }; my F $f = '5' }, X::TypeCheck::Assignment,
"Assignment to scalar type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
lives-ok { my subset F of Int where { $_ ~~ 5 }; my F $f = 5 },
"Assignment to a scalar type-constrained to a subset lives";
throws-like { my subset F of Int where { $_ ~~ 5 }; -> F $f {}(6)}, X::TypeCheck::Binding::Parameter,
"Parameter type-constrained to a subset throws when constraint is not met";
subtest "When used with smartmatch", {
plan 2;
my subset F where 5;
ok 5 ~~ F, "Smartmatch on subset that passes refinement is ok";
nok 6 ~~ F, "Smartmatch on subset that doesn't pass refinement is not ok";
subtest "When a subset is created with the name of a stubbed package", {
plan 2;
is-run 'class F::B {}; subset F where 5',
"Can create subset with a name that exists as a stubbed package";
is-run 'class F::B {}; subset F where 5; die unless F::.keys.grep("B");',
"The WHO package is stolen from the replaced stubbed package";
subtest "When a subset is declared within a module", {
plan 4;
is-run 'module M { my subset F where 5 }; my M::F $f = 5',
:exitcode(1), :err({ .contains: 'Malformed my' }),
"'my' scoped subset in a module is unavailable outside the module";
is-run 'module M { subset F where 5 }; my M::F $f = 5',
"'our' scoped subset in a module is available outside the module";
is-run 'my module M { subset F where 5 }; my M::F $f = 5',
"'our' scoped subset in a module is available outside a my-scoped module";
is-run 'my subset P::F where 5; my P::F $f = 5',
"Subset with a stubby package in their name resolve correctly";
subtest "When a subset has no where block", {
plan 3;
is-run 'subset MyInt of Int; my MyInt $f = 5',
"subset with of but no where succeeds when type constraint met";
is-run 'subset MyInt of Int; my MyInt $f = 5.0',
:exitcode(1), :err({ .contains: 'expected MyInt but got Rat' }),
"subset with of but no where fails when type constraint not met";
is-run 'my Str subset MyStr; die unless Str ~~ MyStr',
"subset form 'my Str subset MyStr' creates essentially a type alias";
subtest "When a subset is a subset of a subset", {
plan 2;
is-run 'subset F of Int where * %% 5; subset G of F where * %% 25; my G $g = 25',
"Subset works as 'of' of a subset";
is-run 'subset F of Int where * %% 5; subset G of F where * %% 25; my G $g = 26',
"Subset works as 'of' of a subset";
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