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Last active July 21, 2016 07:44
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Naive Decorators in Perl 6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
class Decorator is Callable {
has &.funk;
has @.history;
has $.cached-result;
multi method new(&funk, @history = []) {
self.bless(:&funk, :@history);
method wrap-with(&funk) {
my &new-funk = &funk ~~ Decorator ?? { &funk.funk(&!funk) } !! { &funk(&!funk) };
method push-wrap(&funk) {
my &new-funk = &funk ~~ Decorator ?? &funk.funk !! &funk;
return, [|@!history, &!funk]);
method CALL-ME(*@args) {
if @!history > 1 {
return $!cached-result //= do {
my &tmp ={ &!funk(@args) });
for @!history -> $h {
&tmp = &tmp.wrap-with($h);
} else {
$!cached-result //= &!funk(@args);
my $foo = { "hi" };
my &foo =$foo);
my &wrapped = &foo.wrap-with(&b);
say wrapped;
sub b(&f) { "<b>" ~ &f() ~ "</b>" }
sub em(&f) { "<em>" ~ &f() ~ "</em>" }
sub div(&f) { "<div>" ~ &f() ~ "</div>" }
my &t = &wrapped.wrap-with(&em).wrap-with(&div);
say t;
# infix for going from right to left (inner to outer)
sub infix:<DEC> (&a is copy, &b) {
&a = unless &a ~~ Decorator;
return &a.wrap-with(&b);
my &text = { "bold emotional text in a div" } DEC &b DEC &em DEC &div;
say text;
# infix for specifying the wrappers in order (inner to outer) but with the final sub last
sub infix:<♫>(&a is copy, &b) {
&a = unless &a ~~ Decorator;
return &a.push-wrap(&b);
my &text2 = &em ♫ &div ♫ &b ♫ { "similar emotional text, in a bold div" };
say text2;
my &text3 = &div ♫ &div ♫ &div ♫ sub ($a) { "three divs surrounding this text which displays arg '{ $a }'" };
say text3("foofoo");
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Note that 'wrap' already exists and lives on Callables to provide a similar mechanism. These require that you handle 'callsame' / 'nextsame' / etc. manually as far as I know. This is more of a proof of concept, 'how easily can it be done, because I think it can be done pretty easily' sort of thing.

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