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Created January 28, 2015 10:41
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Save ab9rf/6244b832f009a485ba85 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Haskell code to read Minecraft Anvil region files. Should work with anything that uses .mca formats. Interpretation of the NBT data is up to you.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Minecraft (
getSourceFiles, traverseChunks, getChunkRefs, extractBlocks,
openDatabase, filterNewerOnly,
nbtGet, nbtKeys,
fromNBTInteger, fromNBTList, fromNBTString,
NBT(..), ChunkRef(..), Coord(..), distance
import Data.Conduit
import System.FilePath (replaceExtension, takeFileName, takeBaseName, combine, takeExtension)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), pure, (*>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.Binary.IEEE754 (getFloat32be, getFloat64be)
import Data.Binary.Get (runGet)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import System.IO (openBinaryFile, stderr, hPutStr, hPutStrLn, hClose, hSeek, IOMode(..), SeekMode(..), Handle)
import Codec.Compression.Zlib (decompress)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Bits (shift, (.|.), (.&.))
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (StateT, lift, get, put, runStateT)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, listToMaybe)
import Database.SQLite.Simple (NamedParam((:=)))
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQL
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
getSourceFiles :: String -> Source IO (Int,FilePath)
getSourceFiles root =
do dimNames <- lift $ filter (isPrefixOf "DIM") <$> getDirectoryContents root
dirs <- return $ map (second (makePath root)) $ (0,"") : map ( (,) =<< read . drop 3) dimNames
files <- concat <$> mapM getFiles dirs
CL.sourceList files
where gci f = do l <- lift $ getDirectoryContents f
let l' = filter (\ff -> (ff /= "." && ff /= "..")) l
in return $ map (combine f) l'
makePath root d = combine root $ combine d "region"
getFiles (n, d) = map ((,) n) <$> filter ((==".mca").takeExtension) <$> gci d
openDatabase :: String -> IO SQL.Connection
openDatabase n =
let dbfn = replaceExtension (takeFileName n) ".db"
in do h <- dbfn
-- do any database initialization you feel like here
return h
traverseChunks :: Conduit ChunkRef IO (ChunkRef,NBT)
traverseChunks = tc' Nothing
where tc' st = do ma <- await
case ma of
Nothing -> return ()
Just c -> do
(d,st') <- lift $ runStateT (readChunk c) st
yield (c,d)
tc' st'
chunkRefGetXZ (ChunkRef f dim cx cz _ _ _ _) =
let bn = takeBaseName f
(_,(_:t)) = break (=='.') bn
(xStr,(_:zStr)) = break (=='.') t
rx = (read xStr) :: Int
rz = (read zStr) :: Int
in (16*((rx*32)+cx), 16*((rz*32)+cz))
data ChunkRef = ChunkRef { _f :: FilePath, _dim :: Int, _x :: Int, _z :: Int, _ofs :: Int, _siz :: Int, _ts :: Int, _chunkid :: Maybe Int64 }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Coord = Coord {
coordDim :: Integer,
coordX :: Integer,
coordY :: Integer,
coordZ :: Integer
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Coord where
show (Coord d x y z) = "(" ++ show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ "," ++ show z ++ ")@" ++ show d
distance (Coord d1 x1 y1 z1) (Coord d2 x2 y2 z2)
| d1 == d2 = Just $ sqrt $ fromIntegral $ dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz
| otherwise = Nothing
where dx = x1 - x2
dy = y1 - y2
dz = z1 - z2
extractBlocks :: Conduit (ChunkRef, NBT) IO (ChunkRef,Coord,Integer)
extractBlocks = awaitForever $
\(cr,d) -> CL.sourceList $ map (uncurry ((,,) cr)) $ getChunkBlockData (_dim cr) d
getChunkBlockData :: Int -> NBT -> [(Coord, Integer)]
getChunkBlockData dim d =
let level = nbtGet "Level" $ Just d
(Just cx) = fromNBTInteger $ nbtGet "xPos" level
(Just cz) = fromNBTInteger $ nbtGet "zPos" level
(Just (NBTList sections)) = nbtGet "Sections" level
in concat $ map (expandSection dim ((*16) cx,(*16) cz)) sections
expandSection :: Int -> (Integer,Integer) -> NBT -> [(Coord,Integer)]
expandSection dim (sx,sz) section =
let sy = (*16) $ fromJust $ (fromNBTInteger $ nbtGet "Y" (Just section) <|> error "No Y in section")
coords = [Coord (fromIntegral dim) (x+sx) (y+sy) (z+sz) | y <- [0..15], z <- [0..15], x <- [0..15] ]
Just (NBTByteArray blocks') = nbtGet "Blocks" $ Just section
add = case (nbtGet "Add" $ Just section) of
(Just (NBTByteArray add''')) ->
concat (map (\a -> [a .&. 0x0F, (a `shift` (-4)) .&. 0x0f]) add''')
_ -> repeat 0
blocks = zipWith (\b a -> b .|. (a `shift` 8)) blocks' add
in zip coords blocks
fromNBTString (Just (NBTString i)) = Just i
fromNBTString _ = Nothing
fromNBTInteger (Just (NBTLong i)) = Just i
fromNBTInteger (Just (NBTInt i)) = Just i
fromNBTInteger (Just (NBTShort i)) = Just i
fromNBTInteger (Just (NBTByte i)) = Just i
fromNBTInteger _ = Nothing
fromNBTList (Just (NBTList l)) = l
fromNBTList _ = []
nbtGet t (Just (NBTCompound m)) = Map.lookup t m
nbtGet _ _ = Nothing
nbtKeys (Just (NBTCompound m)) = Just (Map.keys m)
nbtKeys _ = Nothing
getChunkRefs :: Conduit (Int,FilePath) IO ChunkRef
getChunkRefs = awaitForever $ \f -> do
r <- liftIO $ processFile f
CL.sourceList r
processFile :: (Int,FilePath) -> IO [ChunkRef]
processFile (dim,f) =
do h <- openBinaryFile f ReadMode
rawLoc <- B.hGet h 4096
rawTms <- B.hGet h 4096
let xz = [(x,z) | z<-[0..31], x<-[0..31]]
p _ Nothing _ = Nothing
p (x,z) (Just (o,s)) t = Just (ChunkRef f dim x z o s t Nothing)
loc = unpackRaw unpackLoc rawLoc
tms = unpackRaw unpackTms rawTms
chunkrefs = catMaybes $ zipWith3 p xz loc tms
in return chunkrefs
unpackLoc b | b == [0,0,0,0] = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (fromIntegral $ getInt (take 3 b), fromIntegral (toInteger (b !! 3)))
unpackTms b = fromIntegral $ getInt b
getInt l = foldl (\b a -> (toInteger a) .|. (b `shift` 8)) 0 l
toSigned32 l = if (l >= 0x80000000) then l - 0x100000000 else l
unpackRaw f r | B.null r = []
| otherwise = (f $ B.unpack $ B.take 4 r) : (unpackRaw f (B.drop 4 r))
type ReadChunkSt = Maybe (FilePath, Handle)
filterNewerOnly :: SQL.Connection -> Conduit ChunkRef IO ChunkRef
filterNewerOnly db = awaitForever $ \cr ->
let (ChunkRef fn dim x z o s t _) = cr
(cx,cz) = chunkRefGetXZ cr
in do r <- lift $ listToMaybe <$> SQL.queryNamed db
"Select rowid, ts, cx is null or cz is null from chunks where file = :file and x = :x and z = :z and dim = :dim"
[":file" := fn, ":x" := x, ":z" := z, ":dim" := dim]
(cid,use) <- case r of
Nothing -> do lift $ SQL.executeNamed db
"INSERT INTO chunks (file, x, z, cx, cz, dim, ts) VALUES (:file, :x, :z, :cx, :cz, :dim, 0)"
[":file" := fn, ":x" := x, ":z" := z, ":dim" := dim, ":cx" := cx, ":cz" := cz]
newcid <- lift $ SQL.lastInsertRowId db
return $ (newcid,True)
(Just (cid,t',_)) ->
return $ (cid, t > t')
case r of
(Just (_,_,True)) -> do lift $ SQL.executeNamed db
"UPDATE chunks set cx = :cx, cz = :cz WHERE rowid = :rowid"
[":cx" := cx, ":cz" := cz, ":rowid" := cid]
otherwise -> return ()
case use of
True ->
do yield $ (ChunkRef fn dim x z o s t (Just cid))
lift $ SQL.executeNamed db
"UPDATE chunks SET ts = :ts WHERE rowid = :rowid"
[":ts" := t, ":rowid" := cid]
False -> return ()
readChunk :: ChunkRef -> StateT ReadChunkSt IO NBT
readChunk (ChunkRef f _ _ _ o s _ cid) =
do st <- get
h <- liftIO $ openFile st
put $ Just (f,h)
liftIO $ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (toInteger (o * 4096))
rawData <- liftIO $ B.hGet h (s * 4096)
let dataLen = getInt $ B.unpack $ B.take 4 rawData
compType = B.index rawData 4
zData = B.drop 5 rawData
d = BL.toStrict $ decompress $ BL.fromStrict zData
Right ("",chunkContent) = parseNBT d
in return chunkContent
where openFile (Just (f',h')) | f' == f = return h'
| otherwise = do hClose h'; open'
openFile Nothing = open'
open' = do hPutStr stderr $ "Reading chunks from " ++ f ++ "\n"
openBinaryFile f ReadMode
data NBT = NBTEmpty |
NBTByte Integer |
NBTShort Integer |
NBTInt Integer |
NBTLong Integer |
NBTFloat Float |
NBTDouble Double |
NBTByteArray [Integer] |
NBTString String |
NBTIntArray [Integer] |
NBTList [NBT] | -- NBTLists are actually homogenous
NBTCompound (Map.Map String NBT)
deriving (Eq, Show)
parseNBT = A.parseOnly nbtParser
nbtParser = A.word8 0 *> pure ("",NBTEmpty) <|>
do t <- A.notWord8 0; n <- readString; v <- parseSingle t; return (n,v)
readByte = do b <- A.take 1; return $ getInt $ B.unpack b
readShort = do b <- A.take 2; return $ getInt $ B.unpack b
readInt = do b <- A.take 4; return $ toSigned32 $ getInt $ B.unpack b
readString :: A.Parser String
readString = do n <- readShort
s <- A.take (fromIntegral n)
return $ map (chr . fromIntegral) $ B.unpack s
parseNBTByte = NBTByte <$> readByte
parseNBTShort = NBTShort <$> readShort
parseNBTInt = NBTInt <$> readInt
parseNBTLong = do b <- A.take 8; return $ NBTLong $ getInt $ B.unpack b
parseNBTFloat = do b <- A.take 4; return $ NBTFloat $ (runGet getFloat32be) $ BL.fromStrict b
parseNBTDouble = do b <- A.take 8; return $ NBTDouble $ (runGet getFloat64be) $ BL.fromStrict b
parseNBTByteArray = do n <- readInt
bytes <- fmap B.copy $ A.take (fromIntegral n)
return $ NBTByteArray $ map (fromIntegral) $ B.unpack bytes
parseNBTIntArray = do n <- readInt
bytes <- fmap B.copy $ A.take (fromIntegral (n*4))
return $ NBTIntArray $ map (fromIntegral . getInt) $ chunksOf 4 $ B.unpack bytes
parseNBTString = NBTString <$> readString
parseNBTList = do t <- A.anyWord8
n <- readInt
NBTList <$> replicateM (fromIntegral n) (parseSingle t)
parseNBTCompound = do x <- f' Map.empty; return $ NBTCompound x
where f' l = do v <- nbtParser
case (snd v) of NBTEmpty -> return l
otherwise -> f' (Map.insert (fst v) (snd v) l)
parseSingle 0 = return NBTEmpty
parseSingle 1 = parseNBTByte
parseSingle 2 = parseNBTShort
parseSingle 3 = parseNBTInt
parseSingle 4 = parseNBTLong
parseSingle 5 = parseNBTFloat
parseSingle 6 = parseNBTDouble
parseSingle 7 = parseNBTByteArray
parseSingle 8 = parseNBTString
parseSingle 9 = parseNBTList
parseSingle 10 = parseNBTCompound
parseSingle 11 = parseNBTIntArray
parseSingle n = error $ "Invalid NBT tag type: " ++ (show n)
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