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Created November 18, 2019 21:11
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A script to use with ghidra for importing DF structures into ghidra. Does not completely work yet; only imports global symbols at the moment.
#TODO write a description for this script
#@category DwarfFortress
#import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from import CategoryPath
from import StructureDataType
from import DataTypeConflictHandler
from ghidra.program.model.symbol import SourceType
from ghidra.util.xml import XmlUtilities
from import File
from org.jdom.filter import ElementFilter
import re
importver = 'v0.44.12 SDL win64'
translate = {
'padding': 'undefined',
'bool': 'byte',
's-float': 'float',
'ptr-string': 'char*',
'uint32_t': 'uint',
'stl-fstream': 'stl::fstream',
'int8_t': 'byte',
'long': 'longlong',
'uint16_t': 'ushort',
'int16_t': 'short',
'uint8_t': 'ubyte',
'int64_t': 'longlong',
'int32_t': 'int',
'stl-string': 'std::string'
class DFField:
def __init__(self, type, name, comment=None): = name
self.type = type
self.comment = comment
class DFStruct:
def __init__(self, type, name, comment=None): = name
self.type = type
self.comment = comment
self.fields = {}
def addField(self, type, name, comment=None):
self.fields[name] = DFField(type, name, comment)
def elementFilter(str):
return ElementFilter(str)
def vec (c,typ):
return c + '<' + typ + '>'
def ptr (typ):
return typ + '*'
def arr (cnt,typ):
return typ + '[' + cnt + ']'
def process(fld, typ, nam):
ftype = typ
fname = nam
fcomm = fld.getAttributeValue('comment')
if (ftype == 'bitfield' or ftype == 'compound'):
ftype = fld.getAttributeValue('type-name')
elif (ftype == 'stl-vector' or ftype == 'stl-deque' or
ftype == 'stl-set' or ftype == 'stl-bit-vector' or
ftype == 'df-flagarray' or ftype == 'df-static-flagarray' or
ftype == 'df-array' or ftype == 'df-linked-list'):
vtype = fld.getAttributeValue('type-name')
if (not vtype):
ptype = fld.getAttributeValue('pointer-type')
if (ptype):
vtype = ptr(ptype)
elif fld.getChild('pointer'):
aname = 'T_' + fname
tt = DFStruct(None, aname, fld.getAttributeValue('comment'))
vtype = make_type(tt, fld.getChild('pointer'))
vtype = vec(ftype,'undefined')
ftype = vec(ftype,vtype)
elif (ftype == 'static-array'):
ptype = fld.getAttributeValue('type-name')
count = fld.getAttributeValue('count')
aname = 'T_' + fname
if (not ptype):
tt = DFStruct(None, aname, fld.getAttributeValue('comment'))
ptype = make_type(tt, fld)
ftype = arr(count,ptype)
elif (ftype == 'pointer'):
ptype = fld.getAttributeValue('type-name')
aname = 'T_' + fname
if (not ptype):
tt = DFStruct(None, aname, fld.getAttributeValue('comment'))
ptype = make_type(tt, fld)
ftype = ptr(ptype)
elif (ftype == 'compound'):
ctype = fld.getAttributeValue('type-name')
aname = 'T_' + fname
if (not ctype):
tt = DFStruct(None, aname, fld.getAttributeValue('comment'))
ctype = make_type(tt, fld)
ftype = ctype
elif (ftype == 'enum'):
aname = 'T_' + fname
btype = fld.getAttributeValue('base-type') or 'int32_t'
etype = DFStruct(btype, aname, fld.getAttributeValue('comment'))
ftype =
elif (ftype == 'static-string'):
cnt = fld.getAttributeValue('size')
ftype = arr(cnt, 'char')
elif (ftype in translate):
ftype = translate[ftype]
return ftype
def make_type(typ, spec):
anon = 0
for fld in spec.getChildren():
ftype = fld.getName()
if (ftype == 'virtual-methods' or ftype == 'custom-methods'):
if (ftype == 'code-helper' or ftype == 'extra-include' or ftype == 'comment'):
fname = fld.getAttributeValue('name')
if not fname:
anon = anon + 1
fname = 'anon_' + str(anon)
ftype = process(fld, ftype, fname)
fcomm = fld.getAttributeValue('comment')
typ.addField(ftype, fname, fcomm)
pgm = getCurrentProgram()
st = pgm.getSymbolTable()
ns = pgm.getGlobalNamespace()
af = pgm.getAddressFactory()
def addtype():
pgm = getCurrentProgram()
dtm = pgm.getDataTypeManager()
cpr = dtm.getRootCategory().getCategoryPath()
dfh_cp = CategoryPath(cpr,"dfhack")
dfh_cat = dtm.createCategory(dfh_cp)
newtype = StructureDataType(dfh_cp, "newtype", 0)
fieldtype = dtm.getDataType(cpr, "word")
newtype.add(fieldtype, 2, "field1", "")
def main():
dir = askDirectory("Directory", "Path to df-structures repo:")
print dir
getXML = lambda(f): XmlUtilities.readDocFromFile(File(dir, f))
tree = getXML('symbols.xml')
target = None
ent = tree.getDescendants(elementFilter('symbol-table'))
for e in ent:
name = e.getAttributeValue('name')
print name
if name == importver:
target = e
for ga in target.getDescendants(elementFilter('global-address')):
sym = ga.getAttributeValue('name')
val = ga.getAttributeValue('value')
addr = af.getAddress(val)
l = st.createLabel(addr, sym, SourceType.IMPORTED)
files = dir.listFiles()
fmatcher = re.compile ( r'df\.(.*)\.xml' )
types = {}
for f in files:
mat = fmatcher.match(f.getName())
if mat:
print 'Reading ' + f.getName()
data = XmlUtilities.readDocFromFile(f).getRootElement()
for e in data.getChildren():
tag = e.getName()
# print '>' + tag
n = e.getAttributeValue('type-name')
on = e.getAttributeValue('original-name')
t = e.getAttributeValue('base-type') or 'int32_t'
c = e.getAttributeValue('comment')
typ = DFStruct(t,on or n,c)
if tag == 'bitfield-type' or tag == 'enum-type':
if t: typedef[n] = typ
elif tag == 'class-type' or tag == 'struct-type':
sup = e.getAttributeValue('inherits-from')
if (sup):
typ.super = sup
types[n] = make_type(typ, e)
elif tag == 'global-object':
gln = e.getAttributeValue('name')
if n:
ftype = process(e, n, gln)
tt = DFStruct(None, 'T_' + gln)
ftype = make_type(tt, e)
print 'global ' + gln + ' is type ' + ftype
for t in types:
print t, types[t]
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