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Last active January 23, 2023 16:25
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Bank account kata (Sandro Mancuso)

Bank account kata

Think of your personal bank account experience When in doubt, go for the simplest solution


  • Deposit and Withdrawal
  • Account statement (date, amount, balance)
  • Statement printing

User Stories

US 1:

In order to save money
As a bank client
I want to make a deposit in my account

US 2:

In order to retrieve some or all of my savings
As a bank client
I want to make a withdrawal from my account

US 3:

In order to check my operations
As a bank client
I want to see the history (operation, date, amount, balance) of my operations

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Some questions that comes to my mind :

  • Is there any interface needed ? Which type of interface ?
  • Any technical restriction to take into account ?


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abachar commented Nov 30, 2017

No UI needed and no technical restriction, as client i specified my requirements and it's up to you to suggest the best solution

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abachar commented Nov 30, 2017

Please do not add link to your solution in comment

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