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Created September 15, 2011 14:28
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Subversion: Missing Features

A wrapper script for svn to add some missing features.

SVN_CI_CMD='vim -c "4,\$y" -c "vnew" -c "put" -c "set syntax=diff buftype=nofile nowrap \
nobackup previewwindow bufhidden=delete" -c "silent execute \"%!cut \
-c-5 --complement | xargs svn diff --no-diff-deleted -x --ignore-eol-style\" | \
redraw" -c "wincmd h" +0'
function propdiff {
BASE=$(mktemp /tmp/propbase.XXXXXXXXX)
CUR=$(mktemp /tmp/propcur.XXXXXXXXX)
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "svn: No property name specified" 1>&2
exit 1
"$SVN" propget -rBASE "$@" > "$BASE"
"$SVN" propget "$@" > "$CUR"
diff -u "$BASE" "$CUR"
rm -f -- "$BASE" "$CUR"
exit 0
[ "$1" = "less" ] && shift && exec "$SVN" diff "$@" | less
[ "$1" = "ci" ] && SVN_EDITOR=$SVN_CI_CMD exec "$SVN" "$@"
[ "$1" = "propdiff" ] && propdiff "$@"
exec /usr/bin/svn "$@"
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