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Created May 16, 2024 19:56
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template<int _stride>
struct alignas(64) IIR2Pairwise {
constexpr static int stride = _stride;
constexpr static int rate = 2;
constexpr static int fmas_per_output = 2; // Assume it can be vectorized perfectly
float_vec_t<stride> state[2] = {};
const float c[5] = {};
void run(const float_vec *__restrict__ input, float_vec *__restrict__ output) {
const auto *in = (const float_vec_t<stride> *)input;
auto *out = (float_vec_t<stride> *)output;
/* A second-order IIR with input x and output y, can be represented like
this (I believe this is known as controller-canonical form):
s[i] = [0 1] s[i-1] + [0] x[i]
[b a] [1]
y[i] = [0 1] s[i]
s[i] is a 2-vector representing the previous two outputs (oldest
first). In the definition of s[i], the second row is just the
definition of the IIR (using a and b for alpha and beta), and the
first row just shuffles the old most-recent output to be the new
second-most-recent output.
We can also take two steps at a time. You can just subtitute out s[i -
1] above and do the matrix math, but I find it easier to think about
starting from the recurrence;
y[i] = a y[i-1] + b y[i-2] + x[i]
The next output is given by:
y[i+1] = a y[i] + b y[i-1] + x[i+1]
Eliminating y[i] in the second line gives
y[i+1] = a (a y[i-1] + b y[i-2] + x[i]) + b y[i-1] + x[i+1]
Expanding and collecting like terms:
y[i+1] = (a^2 + b) y[i-1] + ab y[i-2] + a x[i] + x[i+1]
Represented as before using a state which is the previous two outputs
(oldest first) this is equivalent to:
s[i] = [b a ] s[i-2] + [1 0] x[i]
[ab a^2+b] + [a 1] x[i+1]
y[i] = [1 0] s[i]
y[i+1] [0 1]
This is more stable to accumulated rounding errors than the original,
because y[i+1] looks back two outputs instead of just one, so the
critical path length is shorter, and there have been fewer
opportunities for rounding. But we can make it even more stable with a
change of basis.
Define our new state s' as follows:
s' = [ 1 0] s
[-1 1]
Inverting, we get
s = [1 0] s'
[1 1]
So now instead of being the last two outputs, s' represents two
outputs ago, and the difference of the previous two outputs. For
low-pass filters, these differences tend to be very very small, so it
really helps precision to track that tiny number separately in its own
floating point variable.
If we replace s with s' in the equations above and multiply out the
matrices, we get:
s'[i] = [b a ] s'[i-2] + [1 0] x[i]
[ab+a^2-a a^2+b-a] [a-1 1] x[i+1]
y[i] = [1 0] s'[i]
y[i+1] [1 1]
This is what is implemented below. c[0] through c[4] are the
non-trivial coefficients in the matrix above in this order:
s'[i] = [c[0] c[1]] s'[i-2] + [1 0] x[i]
[c[2] c[3]] [c[4] 1] x[i+1]
Note that we're now doing 5 fmas and an add to produce two outputs, as
opposed to the serial method above, which would require 4 fmas to
produce two outputs. However, in practice, the performance is not
measurably worse, because eliminating the dependence of y[i+1] on y[i]
eases up instruction latency issues, which are the limiting factor in
the serial version.
for (int i = 0; i < rate * vec_lanes / stride; i += 2) {
auto v0 = in[i], v1 = in[i + 1];
auto s0 = state[0], s1 = state[1];
auto new_s0 = v0;
new_s0 += c[0] * s0;
new_s0 += c[1] * s1;
auto new_s1 = v1;
new_s1 += c[3] * s1;
new_s1 += c[2] * s0;
new_s1 += c[4] * v0;
s0 = new_s0;
s1 = new_s1;
out[i] = s0;
out[i + 1] = s0 + s1;
state[0] = s0;
state[1] = s1;
IIR2Pairwise(double alpha, double beta)
: c{float(alpha + beta),
float(alpha * (beta + alpha - 1)),
float(alpha * (alpha - 1) + beta),
float(alpha - 1)} {
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