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Created September 11, 2009 06:51
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class Scenario[T <: ScenarioContext[T]](val title: String)(implicit val context : T) {
import system._
private var s: Scenario[T] = null
def apply(synopsis: => Unit) = {
new Scenario(title)(context) {
override def run : Unit = synopsis
def run : Unit = fail("Empty scenario")
object Scenario {
def apply[T <: ScenarioContext[T]](title: String)(implicit c : T) : Scenario[T] = new Scenario(title)
implicit def stringToScenario[T <: ScenarioContext[T]](title: String)(implicit c : T) : Scenario[T] = Scenario(title)
trait ScenarioContext[T <: ScenarioContext[T]] {
self : T =>
var givens : List[Given] = Nil
var whens : List[When] = Nil
var thens : List[Then] = Nil
val groups : Array[String] = Array()
trait Step {
val title : String
var step : T => Unit = null
lazy val pat : Pattern = Pattern.compile(title)
def -:(s : String) : boolean = {
val m = pat.matcher(s)
if(m.matches) {
for(i <- Array.range(0, m.groupCount))
groups(i) =
def apply(step : T => Unit) = {
this.step = step
def run(context : T) = {
case class Given(val title : String) extends Step {
givens = this :: givens
override def toString : String = {
"Given :" + title
case class When(val title : String) extends Step{
whens = this :: whens
override def toString : String = {
"When :" + title
case class Then(val title : String) extends Step {
thens = this :: thens
override def toString : String = {
"Then :" + title
def given(assumption: String) = {
for(g <- this.givens; if g.title == assumption)
if(assumption -: g)
def when(action : String) = {
for(g <- this.whens; if g.title == action)
if(action -: g)
def then(assertion : String) = {
for(g <- this.thens) {
if(assertion -: g)
def and(followup : String) = {
for(g <- this.thens) {
if(followup -: g)
def Scenario(title : String) : Scenario[T] = new Scenario(title)(this)
trait MonitorSteps extends ScenarioContext[MonitorSteps] {
import system._
Given("I am starting from scratch") { m : MonitorSteps =>
When("I visit the home page") { m : MonitorSteps =>
Then("I should see (\\w+) with \"([^\"])\"") { m : MonitorSteps =>
findXpath("//" + groups(1)).getText == "MX Metrics " + groups(2)
Then("I should not see (\\w+) with \"([^\"])\"") { m : MonitorSteps =>
try {
findXpath("//" + groups(1)).getText == "MX Metrics " + groups(2)
} catch {
case _ =>
fail("Found matching title")
* @author
* @version $Rev$
class MonitorTest extends MonitorSteps {
def canConnectToBasePage = {
Scenario("user connects to base page and sees title with 'Monitor'") {
given("I am starting from scratch")
when("I visit the home page")
then("I should see title with \"Monitor\"")
and("I should not see title with \"Toto\"")
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