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Last active March 18, 2019 15:04
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A first cut at modelling Parking fare problem
||| From Slack ADL:
||| Goal is to "embed" the business rules for computing parking durations inside Idris,
||| computing a pricing expression as the type of a given duration
module Parking
import Data.List
||| The type of correct prices for a given duration
||| duration is given in minutes, price in increments of 10 cents
data HasCorrectPrice : (price : Nat) -> (duration : Nat) -> Type where
||| Parking is free under 10 minutes
FreeParking : {auto prf : LTE duration 10} -> HasCorrectPrice 0 duration
||| Under 15 minutes, price is 60 cents
FirstQuarter : {auto gt10 : LT 10 duration}
-> {auto prf : LTE duration 15}
-> HasCorrectPrice 6 duration
||| Under 1 1/2 hour, price is 30 cents per 1/4 hours
Before1h30 : {auto gt15 : LT 15 duration}
-> {auto prf : LTE duration 90}
-> {auto acc : HasCorrectPrice n 15}
-> HasCorrectPrice (n + (((-) duration 15 {smaller= lteSuccLeft gt15}) `div` 15 * 3)) duration
||| Under 10h 45min, price is 40 cents per 1/4 hour
Before10h45 : {auto gt90 : LT 90 duration}
-> {auto prf : LTE duration 645}
-> {acc : HasCorrectPrice n 90}
-> HasCorrectPrice (n + (((-) duration 90 {smaller = lteSuccLeft gt90}) `div` 15 * 4)) duration
||| Under 11 hours price is 10 cents per 1/4 hour
Before11h00 : {auto gt10h45 : LT 645 duration}
-> {auto prf : LTE duration 660}
-> {acc : HasCorrectPrice n 645}
-> HasCorrectPrice (n + 1) duration
||| Under 24 hours, price stays the same as for 11hours
Before24h : {auto gt11h : LT 660 duration}
-> {acc : HasCorrectPrice n 660}
-> HasCorrectPrice n duration
||| For each day, price is the price of the accrued fraction of the day plus a full day's price
After24h : {auto gt24h : LT 1440 duration}
-> { auto acc1 : HasCorrectPrice m 1440 }
-> { auto acc : HasCorrectPrice n ((-) duration 1440 { smaller = lteSuccLeft gt24h}) }
-> HasCorrectPrice (n + m) duration
fullDayPrice : {auto gt660 : Not (LTE k 660)} -> (price : Nat ** HasCorrectPrice price k)
fullDayPrice {gt660} {k} = case isLTE k 1440 of
(Yes prf) => let (_ ** acc) = makePricing 660
in (_ ** Before24h {gt11h = notLTImpliesGTE (gt660 . fromLteSucc)} {acc=acc} )
(No contra) => let prf1 = notLTImpliesGTE (contra . fromLteSucc)
(_ ** acc1) = makePricing 1440
(_ ** acc) = makePricing ((-) k 1440 { smaller = lteSuccLeft prf1 })
in (_ ** After24h {acc1=acc1} {acc=acc})
makePricing : (duration : Nat) -> (price : Nat ** HasCorrectPrice price duration)
makePricing k =
case (isLTE k 10) of
(Yes prf) => (_ ** FreeParking)
(No contra) => case isLTE k 15 of
(Yes prf) => (_ ** FirstQuarter {gt10 = notLTImpliesGTE (contra . fromLteSucc)})
(No contra) => case isLTE k 90 of
(Yes prf) => let (_ ** acc) = makePricing 15
in (_ ** Before1h30 {gt15=notLTImpliesGTE (contra . fromLteSucc)} {acc=acc})
(No contra) => case isLTE k 645 of
(Yes prf) => let (_ ** acc) = makePricing 90
in (_ ** Before10h45 {gt90=notLTImpliesGTE (contra . fromLteSucc)} {acc=acc})
(No contra) => case isLTE k 660 of
(Yes prf) => let (_ ** acc) = makePricing 645
in (_ ** Before11h00 {gt10h45=notLTImpliesGTE (contra . fromLteSucc)} {acc=acc})
(No contra) => fullDayPrice { gt660 = contra }
thePrice : Nat -> Nat
thePrice duration with (makePricing duration)
thePrice duration | (p ** _) = p
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