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Created February 16, 2019 07:44
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
## 2019-02-14
Trying to write an interpreter for a small monadic language of commands
with variables
x <- Foo "arg1"
Bar x
Of course, this should be properly typed.
I think I need 2 passes in the parser:
* One pass to extract the sequence of expressions, maybe using Data.Dynamic to
introduce placeholders for application of variables. Or simply an abstract
representation of the function and its application?
* Another pass to construct the actual Haskell (monadic) expression from the
parsed terms
This probably means, at the end of the day, we would simply have an interpreter
for `Expr`essions and `Statement`s...
OK, so when declaring variables, we make sure the value end up in a `Map Text Dynamic`,
and when referenced, we resolve the value and throw an error if it cannot be resolved.
`fromDynamic` returns a `Maybe a` so we can safely checks the return type as long as
we know it explicitly.
## 2019-02-06
Managed to get a first version working, seems to me there's a lot of boilerplate code
in here:
* Split "compiler" in 2 levels, one for `Statement`s and one for `Expr`s
* Used `Eff` based interpreter. Compilers run into `Eff m` monad providing suitable
capabilities: a `State Env` to load and store variables, an `Action` interpreter,
an `Error Text` to report errors in the compilation process
* The `Expr` compiler, `compileE` produces an `Atom` which then needs to be unpacked
for consumption by further expressions and statements
* The `Call` typeclass provides a way to resolve arguments "generically", in a way
that's dependent on the type of the `Action`'s constructor
* The `FromAtom` typeclass resolves `Atom`s into an actual value of some type. This
handles both litteral values and variable references
module Rex.Lang where
import Control.Monad.Freer
import Control.Monad.Freer.Error
import Control.Monad.Freer.State
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.Parsec hiding (State, string)
import Text.Parsec.Language (haskellDef)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
type String = [Char]
-- * Semantics
-- | Our basic vocabulary of `Action`s with a phantom type to
-- represent result of the action.
data Action a where
Foo :: Text -> Action Integer
Bar :: Integer -> Action Text
runAction :: Eff (Action ': effs) a -> Eff effs a
runAction = interpret eval
eval :: Action x -> Eff m x
eval (Foo t) = pure (fromIntegral $ length t)
eval (Bar i) = pure (pack $ show i)
type Env = Map.Map Text Dynamic
-- * Interpretation
runProg :: Prog -> IO (Either Text ((), Env))
runProg = runM . runError . runState mempty . runAction . compileP
compileP :: forall m . (Member Action m, Member (State Env) m, Member (Error Text) m)
=> Prog -> Eff m ()
compileP [] = pure ()
compileP (Act e:rest) = compileE e >> compileP rest
compileP (Var t e:rest) = mkVar t e >> compileP rest
mkVar :: Text -> Expr -> Eff m ()
mkVar name expr = compileE expr >>=
Str v -> modify (Map.insert name (toDyn v))
INT v -> modify (Map.insert name (toDyn v))
a -> throwError (pack $ "expression returned a reference" <> show a)
compileE :: forall m . (Member Action m, Member (State Env) m, Member (Error Text) m)
=> Expr -> Eff m Atom
compileE (Ap (At (Id "Foo")) args) = mkCall Foo args
compileE (Ap (At (Id "Bar")) args) = mkCall Bar args
compileE (At a) = pure a
compileE e = throwError $ pack $ "cannot compile expression " <> show e
class Call a where
mkCall :: forall m . (Member (Error Text) m, Member (State Env) m, Member Action m)
=> a -> [ Expr ] -> Eff m Atom
instance (Call (Action b),FromAtom a) => Call (a -> Action b) where
mkCall f (At a:as) = fromAtom a >>= \ a' -> mkCall (f a') as
mkCall _f [] = throwError (pack "not enough arguments")
mkCall _f (e:_) = throwError (pack $ "cannot handle nested expression" <> show e)
instance Call (Action Integer) where
mkCall f [] = INT <$> send f
mkCall _f _ = throwError (pack "too many arguments")
instance Call (Action Text) where
mkCall f [] = Str <$> send f
mkCall _f _ = throwError (pack "too many arguments")
class FromAtom a where
fromAtom :: (Member (State Env) m, Member (Error Text) m)
=> Atom -> Eff m a
instance FromAtom Text where
fromAtom (Str s) = pure s
fromAtom (Id n) = get >>= \ env -> (maybe (throwError $ "undefined variable " <> n) pure $ Map.lookup n env >>= fromDynamic)
fromAtom a = throwError (pack $ "wrong atom type " <> show a <> ", expected Text")
instance FromAtom Integer where
fromAtom (INT i) = pure i
fromAtom (Id n) = get >>= \ env -> (maybe (throwError $ "undefined variable " <> n) pure $ Map.lookup n env >>= fromDynamic)
fromAtom a = throwError (pack $ "wrong atom type " <> show a <> ", expected Int")
-- * Syntax
-- |Our `Atom`ic values from which we can build more complex expressions.
data Atom where
INT :: Integer -> Atom
Str :: Text -> Atom
Id :: Text -> Atom
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Expr where
Ap :: Expr -> [ Expr ] -> Expr
At :: Atom -> Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Statement where
Act :: Expr -> Statement
Var :: Text -> Expr -> Statement
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Prog = [ Statement ]
-- ** Parsing
parse :: Text -> Either ParseError Prog
parse = runParser parser () "" . unpack
parser :: Parsec String () Prog
parser = sepBy1 stmtParser eol
stmtParser :: Parsec String () Statement
stmtParser = try varParser <|> actParser
varParser =
<$> variableDecl
<*> (leftArrow >> exprParser)
actParser =
Act <$> exprParser
exprParser :: Parsec String () Expr
exprParser =
<$> (At <$> atomParser)
<*> (fmap At <$> many1 atomParser)
atomParser = identifier <|> integer <|> string
eol = P.semi lexer
lexer = P.makeTokenParser haskellDef
variableDecl = pack <$> P.identifier lexer
leftArrow = P.reserved lexer $ "<-"
identifier = Id <$> variableDecl
integer = INT <$> P.integer lexer
string = Str . pack <$> P.stringLiteral lexer
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