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Last active April 11, 2019 12:15
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Via netsh set GATE and list of NS for uplink interface UP
@echo off
echo This script via netsh set GATE and list of NS for uplink interface UP
echo Rename or mklink this script with real value where:
echo UP is name of uplink interface
echo If GATE omitted then IP, GATE and NS will be received from DHCP
echo If NS omitted then GATE is NS
echo After NS2 there may be NS3 and so on
echo This script via setx set global environment values: uplink as UP and gate as GATE
cd /d %~dp0
call :ip %~n0
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /all
ping -n 1
tracert -4 -d -h 1>gate
type gate
setx gate /f gate /a 4,7
goto :EOF
set uplink=%1
netsh interface ip delete route prefix= interface=%uplink%
if errorlevel 1 (
netsh interface ip show interfaces>uplink
setx uplink /f uplink /a 4,4
) else (
setx uplink %uplink%
set gate=%1
if defined gate (
netsh interface ip add route prefix= interface=%uplink% nexthop=%gate% publish=yes
) else (
netsh interface ip set address name=%uplink% source=dhcp
goto :EOF
set ns=%1
if defined ns (
) else (
set ns=%gate%
netsh interface ip set dnsservers name=%uplink% source=static address=%ns%
set index=1
set ns=%1
if not defined ns goto :EOF
set /a index=index+1
netsh interface ip add dnsservers name=%uplink% index=%index% address=%ns%
goto :ns
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abakum commented Apr 11, 2019

netsh interface ip show interfaces>interfaces
SETX uplink /f interfaces /a 4,4
mklink "%CD%\%uplink%" "%CD%\UP GATE NS NS2.bat"

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