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Last active June 1, 2022 12:32
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  • Save abakum/76c3d8048552e4d16b25ad5c43cbbd1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save abakum/76c3d8048552e4d16b25ad5c43cbbd1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert 2D panoramas from left and right vr360 cameras to VR.JPG files for cardboard and
SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1"=="nul" (
call :doit "%~2"
goto :EOF
if "%~1"=="" (
if not exist "%UserProfile%\SendTo\%~n0.lnk" (
if defined ChocolateyInstall (
"%ChocolateyInstall%\tools\shimgen.exe" -o "%UserProfile%\SendTo\%~n0.exe" -p "%~f0"
) else (
copy /b "%~f0" "%UserProfile%\SendTo\%~nx0"
echo "%~f0" is placed in "%UserProfile%\SendTo"
echo Run "JPG2VR.bat" without parameters to place it in "%UserProfile%\SendTo"
echo Place dual fisheye files:
echo from right vr360 cam to "c:\d\R\df.jpg" "c:\d\R"
echo from left vr360 cam to "c:\d\df.jpg" "c:\d"
echo Or place equirectangular panorama files:
echo from right vr360 cam to "c:\d\R\vr360.jpg" "c:\d\R"
echo from left vr360 cam to "c:\d\vr360.jpg" "c:\d"
echo Send files or dirs: "c:\d\df.jpg" "c:\d\vr360.jpg" "c:\d" "c:\d\R" ... to "JPG2VR"
echo or drop it to "JPG2VR.bat" then look at:
echo "c:\VR\dfF.vr.jpg" - front view vr180 3D panorama
echo "c:\VR\dfB.vr.jpg" - back view vr180 3D panorama
echo "c:\VR\vr360F.vr.jpg" - front view vr180 3D panorama
echo "c:\VR\vr360B.vr.jpg" - back view vr180 3D panorama
echo "c:\VR\vr360.vr.jpg" - vr360 3D panorama
set cmd="cmd /c "%~f0" nul "@path""
if "%~1"=="" (
goto :EOF
forfiles /s /p "%~1" /m *.jpg /c %cmd% 2>nul||call :doit "%~1"
goto :loop
if not exist "%~f1" goto :EOF
if /i not ".jpg"=="%~x1" goto :EOF
set pair="%~dp1R\%~nx1"
set suff=F
set vr=..\VR
set crop=0
if exist %pair% goto :out
set pair="%~dp1..\%~nx1"
set suff=B
set vr=..\..\VR
set crop=iw/2
if not exist %pair% goto :EOF
set out="%~dp1%vr%\%~n1%suff%.vr.jpg"
if exist %out% goto :EOF
set FOV=205
set interp=gauss
set vf=crop=iw/2:ih:%crop%,v360=fisheye:equirect:ih_fov=%FOV%:iv_fov=%FOV%:interp=%interp%,crop=iw/2
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 usebackq delims=: " %%i in (`exiftool -s2 -ImageWidth -ImageHeight -ProjectionType -InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees -YCbCrPositioning -MakerNoteUnknown "%~f1"`) do set %%i=%%j
if not defined ImageWidth goto :EOF
if not defined ImageHeight goto :EOF
set /a TrueVrWidth=%ImageHeight%*2
if not "%ImageWidth%"=="%TrueVrWidth%" goto :EOF
set ImageWidth=%ImageHeight%
if not defined InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees set InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees=75
if defined ProjectionType (
set vf=[0]crop=iw/4:ih:0[r];[0]crop=iw/4:ih:iw*3/4[l];[l][r]hstack
if "%suff%"=="F" set vf=crop=iw/2
set tags="%temp%\%~n1.jpg"
set L="%temp%\%~n1L.jpg"
set R=%temp%\%~n1R.jpg
call :end
if defined MakerNoteUnknown set makernotes=-makernotes:all=
exiftool -ThumbnailImage= -ifd1:all= -PreviewImage= -FlashPix:all= -FlashpixVersion= -mpf:all= -trailer:all= %makernotes% "%~f1" -o %tags%
if not exist %tags% goto :EOF
set xmp="%temp%\%ImageWidth%x%InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees%.xmp"
if exist %xmp% goto :vr180
set /a FullPanoWidthPixels=%ImageWidth%*2
set /a CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels=%ImageWidth%
set /a CroppedAreaLeftPixels=(%FullPanoWidthPixels%-%CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels%)/2
set /a FullPanoHeightPixels=%ImageHeight%
set /a CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels=%ImageHeight%
set /a CroppedAreaTopPixels=(%FullPanoHeightPixels%-%CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels%)/2
echo 1|exiftool -tagsfromfile - -XMP-GPano:all^
if not exist %xmp% goto :end
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i "%~f1" -bsf:v mjpeg2jpeg -filter_complex %vf% -qmin 1 -q:v 1 -map_metadata -1 -y %L%|| del %L%
if not exist %L% goto :end
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i %pair% -bsf:v mjpeg2jpeg -filter_complex %vf% -qmin 1 -q:v 1 -map_metadata -1 -y "%R%"|| del "%R%"
if not exist "%R%" goto :end
if not exist "%~dp1%vr%" md "%~dp1%vr%"
if defined YCbCrPositioning set YCbCrP=-YCbCrPositioning="%YCbCrPositioning%"
set tail=-XMP-exif:all= -XMP-tiff:all= -JFIF:all= -FlashpixVersion= %YCbCrP% "-XMP-GImage:ImageMimeType=image/jpeg" "-XMP-GImage:ImageData<=%R%"
exiftool -tagsFromFile %tags% -ExifIFD:ExifImageWidth="%ImageWidth%" -tagsFromFile %xmp% %L% -o %out% %tail%
if not exist %out% goto :end
call :date
if not defined ProjectionType goto :end
if "%suff%"=="B" goto :end
set out="%~dp1%vr%\%~n1.vr.jpg"
if exist "%out%" goto :end
del "%R%"
exiftool -all= -o "%R%" %pair%
if not exist "%R%" goto :end
exiftool %tags% -o %out% %tail%
if not exist %out% goto :end
call :date
del %tags% %L% "%R%"
goto :EOF
rem Any of -api Compact= or use -z or do not use -z breaks compatibility with
exiv2 -M"set Xmp.GPano.InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees %InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees%" %out%
exiftool "-FileCreateDate<CreateDate" "-FileModifyDate<ModifyDate" %out%
:exiftool -X %out% -w! .xml
Copy link

abakum commented Jun 1, 2022


Send files or dirs: "c:\d\df.jpg" "c:\d\vr360.jpg" "c:\d" "c:\d\R" ... to "JPG2VR"
or drop it to "JPG2VR.bat" then look at:
same as:
JPG2VR.bat "c:\d\df.jpg"
JPG2VR.bat "c:\d\vr360.jpg"
JPG2VR.bat "c:\d"
JPG2VR.bat "c:\d\R"

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