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Cracker Barrel Peg Game / Triangle Game Solution
A small script that finds the solution to the cracker barrel peg game / triangle game.
Instructions along with one of the game's solution can be found here:
The solution is determined by building a game tree and using a depth-first search algorithm.
Game Tree:
Depth First Search:
The slot's are numbered 0 - 14 in sequential order (Top to Bottom, Left to Right)
/1 2\
/3 4 5\
etc etc
Language python 2.7
import copy
class Slot(object):
Represents a single slot opening of the triangle game.
This class holds the slot number, it's possible jump
dictionary and helper functions around maintaining slots.
def __init__(self, num, jump_dict):
:param num: slot number corresponding to jump_from
:param jump_dict: possible jumps in the format {jump_over: jump_to}
self.num = num
self.jump_dict = jump_dict
self.peg = True
def has_peg(self):
return self.peg
def add_peg(self):
self.peg = True
def remove_peg(self):
self.peg = False
class Triangle(object):
Represents a single board of the triangle game.
def __init__(self):
Initializes the board for a new game.
board: consists of 15 Slot() objects
peg_count: A running total of the slots that still contain a peg
self.board = [Slot(0, {1: 3, 2: 5}),
Slot(1, {3: 6, 4: 8}),
Slot(2, {4: 7, 5: 9}),
Slot(3, {4: 5, 1: 0, 6: 10, 7: 12}),
Slot(4, {7: 11, 8: 13}),
Slot(5, {2: 0, 4: 3, 8: 12, 9: 14}),
Slot(6, {3: 1, 7: 8}),
Slot(7, {4: 2, 8: 9}),
Slot(8, {4: 1, 7: 6, }),
Slot(9, {5: 2, 8: 7}),
Slot(10, {6: 3, 11: 12}),
Slot(11, {7: 4, 12: 13}),
Slot(12, {11: 10, 7: 3, 8: 5, 13: 14}),
Slot(13, {12: 11, 8: 4}),
Slot(14, {13: 12, 9: 5})]
self.peg_count = 15
def jump(self, jump_from, jump_over, jump_to):
"""Executes a jump action
:param jump_from: Peg number. This is the jump_from
:param jump_over: Peg number to be jumped over and removed
:param jump_to: Empty slot number for the peg to jump into
assert self.board[jump_from].has_peg()
assert self.board[jump_over].has_peg()
assert not self.board[jump_to].has_peg()
self.peg_count -= 1
def remove_first_peg(self, slot):
The first action of every game is to remove a peg from a full board
assert self.peg_count == 15
self.peg_count -= 1
def possible_peg_jumps(self, slot):
"""Determines all possible jumps given a particular slot
:param slot: Integer for a particular slot
:return: Dictionary of possible jumps in the form of {jump_over: jump_to}
assert self.board[slot].has_peg()
possible_jump_dict = {}
for jump_over in self.board[slot].jump_dict:
jump_to = self.board[slot].jump_dict[jump_over]
if self.board[jump_over].has_peg() and not self.board[jump_to].has_peg():
possible_jump_dict[jump_over] = jump_to
return possible_jump_dict
def all_possible_jumps(self):
""" Determine all possible jumps for the entire board
:return: Dictionary of Dictionaries containing slot numbers and their available jumps
output = {}
for i in range(15):
if self.board[i].has_peg():
possible_jumps = self.possible_peg_jumps(i)
if possible_jumps:
output[i] = possible_jumps
return output
class GameNode(object):
Represents a single node of the game tree
def __init__(self, parent, jump, triangle):
children: Dictionary containing a jump sequence as keys and child nodes as values.
In the form of {(jump_from, jump_over, jump_to): GameNode()}
Values of the children dict that are set to None represent unexplored branches.
:param parent: GameNode() object containing the parent node.
A value of None represents the root Node.
:param jump: tuple containing the jump sequence at this node
:param triangle: Triangle() object
# Determine whether this node is the first move of the game and act appropriately
if isinstance(jump, (int, long)):
# Fill children dictionary with all possible jump tuples as keys
self.children = {}
all_jumps = triangle.all_possible_jumps()
for jump_from, jumps in all_jumps.iteritems():
for jump_over, jump_to in jumps.iteritems():
self.children[(jump_from, jump_over, jump_to)] = None
self.parent = parent
self.jump = jump
self.triangle = triangle
def next_node(self):
""" Either returns a newly created child node or the current node's parent.
Parent node is only returned if all child nodes have been analyzed
:return: next GameNode() instance to explore
for jump, child_node in self.children.iteritems():
if not child_node:
return self.init_child_node(jump)
return self.parent
def init_child_node(self, jump):
"""Initializes a child node with it's own separate instance of Triangle()
:param jump: The jump for the child node's triangle
in the form of a tuple (jump_from, jump_over, jump_to)
:return: Newly created child node
triangle_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.triangle)
node = GameNode(parent=self, jump=jump, triangle=triangle_copy)
self.children[jump] = node
return node
def jump_history(node):
"""Returns a list of moves from the start of the game to the passed in node
:param node: GameNode() object
:return: Move history list in chronological order
history = []
while True:
if not node.parent:
node = node.parent
return history[::-1]
def main():
Outputs the solution for a triangle starting with the middle peg removed
game_node = GameNode(None, 4, Triangle())
while game_node.triangle.peg_count != 1:
game_node = game_node.next_node()
print jump_history(game_node)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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