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Created April 5, 2012 20:03
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Table formatting (with Tabular)
function! FormatTableLine(line)
let curr_line = a:line
" Get rid of all leading or trailing spaces
let curr_line = substitute(curr_line, '^[ ]\{1,\}\|[ ]\{1,\}$', '', 'g')
" Replace all tabs with " | "
let curr_line = substitute(curr_line, '\t', ' | ', 'g')
" Possibly insert a leading | (if there isn't already one)
let curr_line = substitute(curr_line, '^\(|\)\@!', '| ', '')
" Possibly insert a trailing | (if there isn't already one)
let curr_line = substitute(curr_line, '\(|\)\@<!$', ' |', '')
return curr_line
function! FormatPrettyTable() range
for linenum in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
let curr_line = getline(linenum)
let curr_line = FormatTableLine(curr_line)
call setline(linenum, curr_line)
call Tabularize("/\|/")
AddTabularPipeline! pretty_table /\t\||/ map(a:lines, "FormatTableLine(v:val)") | tabular#TabularizeStrings(a:lines, '|')
nmap <silent> <leader>pt :Tabularize pretty_table<cr>
nmap <silent> <leader>pp "+P:Tabularize pretty_table<cr>
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