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Last active March 20, 2022 13:17
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Typed Form Builder
// extended upon:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { AbstractControl, FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, ValidatorFn, AsyncValidatorFn, FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
type PropertyFn<T, R> = (val: T) => R;
interface AbstractControlTyped<T> extends AbstractControl {
readonly value: T;
readonly valueChanges: Observable<T>;
setValue(value: T, options?: Object): T;
patchValue(value: T, options?: Object): T;
reset(value?: T, options?: Object): void;
get(path: Array<string | number> | string): AbstractControl | null;
get<R>(path: Array<string | number> | string): AbstractControlTyped<R> | null;
getSafe<R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>): AbstractControlTyped<R> | null;
interface FormGroupTyped<T> extends FormGroup {
readonly value: T;
readonly valueChanges: Observable<T>;
setValue(value: T, options?: Object): T;
patchValue(value: T, options?: Object): T;
reset(value?: T, options?: Object): void;
get(path: Array<string | number> | string): AbstractControl | null;
get<T>(path: Array<string | number> | string): AbstractControlTyped<T> | null;
getSafe<R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>): AbstractControlTyped<R> | null;
registerControl(name: string, control: AbstractControl): AbstractControl;
registerControl<T>(name: string, control: AbstractControl): AbstractControlTyped<T>;
registerControlSafe<R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl): AbstractControlTyped<R>;
addControlSafe<R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl): void;
removeControlSafe<R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>): void;
setControlSafe<R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl): void;
export type ControlsConfigTyped<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: FormControl | FormGroup | FormArray | undefined[] | {
0?: T[P];
1?: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[];
2?: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[];
export class FormBuilderTyped extends FormBuilder {
private static getPropertyName(propertyFunction: Function): string {
const properties = propertyFunction.toString()
.match(/(?![. ])([a-z0-9_]+)(?=[};.])/gi)
return properties.join('.');
private static getSafe<T, R>(group: AbstractControl, propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>): AbstractControlTyped<R> {
const getStr = FormBuilderTyped.getPropertyName(propertyFn);
return this.mapControl(group.get(getStr) as AbstractControlTyped<R>);
private static registerControlSafe<T, R>(group: FormGroup, propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl): AbstractControlTyped<R> {
const getStr = FormBuilderTyped.getPropertyName(propertyFn);
return this.mapControl(group.registerControl(getStr, control) as AbstractControlTyped<R>);
private static addControlSafe<T, R>(group: FormGroup, propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl) {
const getStr = FormBuilderTyped.getPropertyName(propertyFn);
group.addControl(getStr, control);
private static removeControlSafe<T, R>(group: FormGroup, propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>) {
const getStr = FormBuilderTyped.getPropertyName(propertyFn);
private static setControlSafe<T, R>(group: FormGroup, propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl) {
const getStr = FormBuilderTyped.getPropertyName(propertyFn);
group.setControl(getStr, control);
private static mapFormGroup<T>(group: FormGroupTyped<T>): FormGroupTyped<T> {
group.registerControlSafe = function<T, R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl) {
return FormBuilderTyped.registerControlSafe(group, propertyFn, control);
group.addControlSafe = function<T, R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl) {
FormBuilderTyped.addControlSafe(group, propertyFn, control);
group.removeControlSafe = function<T, R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>) {
FormBuilderTyped.removeControlSafe(group, propertyFn);
group.setControlSafe = function<T, R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>, control: AbstractControl) {
return FormBuilderTyped.setControlSafe(group, propertyFn, control);
return group;
private static mapControl<T>(control: FormGroupTyped<T>): FormGroupTyped<T>;
private static mapControl<T>(control: AbstractControlTyped<T>): AbstractControlTyped<T>;
private static mapControl<T>(control: AbstractControlTyped<T> | FormGroupTyped<T>): AbstractControlTyped<T> {
control.getSafe = function<T, R>(propertyFn: PropertyFn<T, R>) {
return FormBuilderTyped.getSafe(control, propertyFn);
if (control instanceof FormGroup) {
return control;
group(controlsConfig: ControlsConfigTyped<any>, extra?: { [key: string]: any; } | null): FormGroup;
group<T>(controlsConfig: ControlsConfigTyped<T>, extra?: { [key: string]: any; } | null): FormGroupTyped<T>;
group<T>(controlsConfig: ControlsConfigTyped<T>, extra?: { [key: string]: any; } | null): FormGroupTyped<T> {
let group =, extra) as FormGroupTyped<T>;
if (group) {
return FormBuilderTyped.mapControl(group);
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@florestankorp my recommendation would be to wait for official support for strongly typed forms, it's finally coming: angular/angular#44513

If you do feel like trying it out, it's a strongly typed version of which creates a FormGroup with strongly typed variants of FormControl and AbstractControl. You have to add add the types yourself, they aren't inferred.

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