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Created June 11, 2019 13:52
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Typescript example for creating aws cdk resources using a swaggerfile
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/cdk';
import * as SwaggerParser from "swagger-parser";
import convertSwaggerToCdkRestApi from "./swaggerHelper";
.then(swagger => {
const app = new cdk.App();
let apiGateway = new apigateway.RestApi(this, "My Rest API", {
restApiName: "My Rest API",
convertSwaggerToCdkRestApi(this, apiGateway, swagger);
swagger: "2.0"
version: "1.0"
title: "Hello World API"
x-cdk-lambda-code: ./functions/helloWorldLambda/
x-cdk-lambda-handler: helloWorldLambda
x-cdk-lambda-name: helloWorldGetLambda
description: Returns a greeting to the user!
- name: userName
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: Returns the greeting.
type: string
description: Bad Request
import * as cdk from "@aws-cdk/cdk";
import * as apigateway from '@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway';
import * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';
import { LambdaIntegration } from "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway";
export default function convertSwaggerToCdkRestApi(scope:cdk.Construct, apiGateway:apigateway.RestApi, swaggerApi: any) {
let createdLambdas:Map<string, lambda.Function> = new Map<string, lambda.Function>();
let paths = Object.keys(swaggerApi.paths);
paths.forEach(pathName => {
const resource = apiGateway.root.resourceForPath(pathName);
const methods = Object.keys(swaggerApi.paths[pathName]);
methods.forEach(methodName => {
let endpoint = swaggerApi.paths[pathName][methodName];
let backingLambda: lambda.Function;
if (createdLambdas.has(endpoint["x-cdk-lambda-name"]) === false) {
new lambda.Function(scope, endpoint["x-cdk-lambda-name"], {
code: lambda.Code.asset(endpoint["x-cdk-lambda-code"]),
handler: endpoint["x-cdk-lambda-handler"],
runtime: lambda.Runtime.Go1x
backingLambda = createdLambdas.get(endpoint["x-cdk-lambda-name"])!;
let integrationParameters:any = undefined;
let methodParameters:any = undefined;
if (endpoint.parameters && endpoint.parameters.length) {
let parameters:any[] = endpoint.parameters;
integrationParameters = {};
methodParameters = {};
parameters.forEach(swaggerParameter => {
integrationParameters[`integration.request.${}.${}`] = `method.request.${}.${}`;
methodParameters[`method.request.${}.${}`] = true;
new LambdaIntegration(backingLambda, {
requestParameters: integrationParameters
requestParameters: methodParameters
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This is cool! I'd assume there are some packages that can generate the swagger.yml from typescript decorators? Any thoughts about how that could wedge into aws-cdk?

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This example doesn't use the parameter type argument "type: string", is there a way to indicate parameter type and enable request parameter validation?

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kmbro commented Apr 16, 2020

If you want the same idea thing but for a lambda and slightly simplified this is how I edited it (one backing lambda function)

import { RestApi } from '@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway';
import { Function } from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';
import { LambdaIntegration } from "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway";

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { safeLoad } from "js-yaml";

 * Add all methods in the swagger definition to the API GW instance with parameter validation
 * @param apiGateway the apigw to add the swagger definition to
 * @param lambda the lambda function backing the apigw
 * @param swaggerPath the path to the swagger definition
export default function addSwaggerDefToApiGw(apiGateway: RestApi, lambda: Function, swaggerPath: string) {
  const swaggerApi = safeLoad(readFileSync(swaggerPath, 'utf8'));

  const paths = Object.keys(swaggerApi.paths);
  paths.forEach(pathName => {
    const resource = apiGateway.root.resourceForPath(pathName);
    const methods = Object.keys(swaggerApi.paths[pathName]);

    methods.forEach(methodName => {
      const endpoint = swaggerApi.paths[pathName][methodName];

      let integrationParameters:any = undefined; 
      let methodParameters:any = undefined; 

      if (endpoint.parameters && endpoint.parameters.length) {
        const parameters:any[] = endpoint.parameters;
        integrationParameters = {}; 
        methodParameters = {};

        parameters.forEach(swaggerParameter => {
          integrationParameters[`integration.request.${}.${}`] = `method.request.${}.${}`;
          methodParameters[`method.request.${}.${}`] = true;

        new LambdaIntegration(lambda, {
          requestParameters: integrationParameters
          requestParameters: methodParameters

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paulistoan commented Jun 16, 2020

Using .in seems to only work when the OpenAPI parameter location (see Parameter Object section here) corresponds to the API Gateway request parameter location (see here).

  • OpenAPI path => API Gateway path
  • OpenAPI query => API Gateway querystring
  • OpenAPI header => API Gateway header
  • OpenAPI cookie => No API Gateway equivalent

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mandarlaad commented May 7, 2021

Thanks for putting it together. Will this utility be able to also import an open API 3.0 file as an aws-cdk construct ?

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