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Last active May 8, 2023 06:21
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import click
import json
stitle = "panel 名称"
sexpr = "指标"
salert = "告警"
def preety_print(dashboard, result):
print("## " + dashboard)
for key in result:
print("### " + key)
for subkey in result[key]:
if subkey == stitle:
if subkey == sexpr:
print(" " + subkey + ":")
" " + "\n ".join(["```" + expr + "```" for expr in result[key][subkey]]))
elif subkey == salert:
print(" " + subkey + ":")
print(" " + "\n ".join(result[key][subkey]))
salert_obj = {}
for key in result:
for subkey in result[key]:
if subkey == salert:
for alert in result[key][subkey]:
if salert_obj.get(alert):
salert_obj[alert] = [key]
print("## 告警")
for key in salert_obj:
print("### " + key)
print(" " + "\n ".join(salert_obj[key]))
@click.option('--file', default='', help='Path to grafana json file')
def parse(file):
result = {}
dashboard = ''
with open(file, 'r') as f:
grafana = json.load(f)
for grafana_key in grafana:
if grafana_key == 'title':
dashboard = grafana[grafana_key]
if grafana_key == 'panels':
for panel in grafana[grafana_key]:
if panel['type'] != 'graph':
item = {}
for panel_key in panel:
if panel_key == 'title':
item[stitle] = panel[panel_key]
if panel_key == 'targets':
for target in panel[panel_key]:
for target_key in target:
if target_key == 'expr':
expr = target[target_key]
expr = expr.replace('\n', '')
if item.get(sexpr):
item[sexpr] = [expr]
if panel_key == 'alert':
for alert_key in panel[panel_key]:
if alert_key == 'message':
message = panel[panel_key][alert_key]
if item.get(salert):
item[salert] = [message]
result[item[stitle]] = item
preety_print(dashboard, result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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