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Edward Zhang abcnever

  • Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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abcnever / gist:42f9d8d72521525a18af36e53541926f
Created October 4, 2016 13:35
vagrant additional config
inside the vm
sudo yum -y install cachefilesd
sudo service cachefilesd start
git config --global core.preloadindex true
enable the following mount options:
config.vm.synced_folder './csc-amera-manager/', '/home/vagrant/csc-amera-manager', enabled: true, type: :nfs, mount_options: ['rw', 'vers=3', 'tcp', 'fsc' ,'actimeo=2']
config.vm.synced_folder './csc-amera-auth/', '/home/vagrant/csc-amera-auth', enabled: true, type: :nfs, mount_options: ['rw', 'vers=3', 'tcp', 'fsc' ,'actimeo=2']
abcnever / discover_tab.haml
Created September 13, 2015 15:30
commented out code. may need
/ .container
/ .search-panel
/ = form_tag '', method: :get do
/ .row.form-group
/ .col-xs-4
/ = text_field_tag 'query', params[:query], {class: 'form-control', placeholder: "Enter search terms ..."}
/ .row.form-group
/ .col-xs-2
/ .input-group
/ = text_field_tag 'distance', params[:distance], {class: 'form-control', placeholder: "Distance ..."}
abcnever / Gruntfile.js
Last active June 17, 2016 07:43
Grunt with haml, scss, and coffeescript on ionic framework
/* Gruntfile.js
* Grunt workflow for building AngularJS/Ionic applications.
* Assumption:
* - Gruntfile.js is placed under project root directory
* - there are 4 directories called "www", "coffee", "scss", and "haml" under the project's root directory
* - all the necessary npm packages included with grunt.loadNpmTasks() are installed already
* - %script{:src => '//localhost:35729/livereload.js'} in included at the bottom of your index.haml
'use strict';
abcnever / app.rb
Created June 18, 2014 00:43
basic sinatra server for cordova app
require 'sinatra'
set :public_dir, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/www'
get '/*' do
send_file File.expand_path('index.html', settings.public_dir)