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Created October 10, 2018 09:28
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Lucas-Kanade method on julia
using Images
# FFTW.set_num_threads(2)
opticalFlow(im1::Array, im2::Array, kps::Array{CartesianIndex{2},1}; windowSize=15)
- im1: An Image array, the first frame in time.
- im2: The second frame in time, must be the same size as im1
- kps: Key points, or points of interest within the image where the optical flow is expected.
- windowSize: Window size for solving the flow equations. Default 15.
function opticalFlowLK(im1::Array, im2::Array, kps::Array{CartesianIndex{2},1}; windowSize=15)
h,w = size(im1)
im1 = Array{Float64,2}(Gray.(im1))
im2 = Array{Float64,2}(Gray.(im2))
# Kernels
kx = Array{Float64}(.25 .* [-1 1; -1 1]);
ky = Array{Float64}(.25 .* [-1 -1; 1 1]);
kt = Array{Float64}(.25 .* [ 1 1; 1 1]);
# Derivatives on x, y and time
imx = (conv2(kx, im1) +
conv2(kx, im2))[2:end, 2:end];
imy = (conv2(ky, im1) +
conv2(kx, im1))[2:end, 2:end];
imt = (conv2(-kt, im2) +
conv2(-kt, im1))[2:end, 2:end];
sz = size(im1);
hitMap = zeros(sz);
u = [];
v = [];
hsz = floor(windowSize/2);
X2 = Array{Float64,2}(imx.^2);
Y2 = Array{Float64,2}(imy.^2);
XY = Array{Float64,2}(imx.*imy);
XT = Array{Float64,2}(imx.*imt);
YT = Array{Float64,2}(imy.*imt);
for kp in kps
i,j = kp[1],kp[2]
left = j-hsz; right = j+hsz;
top = i-hsz; bottom = i+hsz;
if (left<=0); left = 1; end
if (right>h); right = h; end
if (top<=0); top = 1; end
if (bottom>w); bottom = w; end
ws = (right-left+1)*(bottom-top+1);
A = [X2[i,j] XY[i,j];
XY[i,j] Y2[i,j]]/ws;
B = [XT[i,j];
hitMap[i,j] = 1;
U = pinv(A)*B;
push!(u, U[1]);
push!(v, U[2]);
return u, v, hitMap
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