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Created January 2, 2018 09:24
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It's very easy, here's how to install it on Ubuntu in 8 steps:
1- go to [Julia downloads page][1]
2- Choose you version (32bit or 64bit) from **Generic Linux Binaries**, and then download it.
3- extract .tar.gz file in home or any place you would like to install Julia on it.
4- run > `gksudo gedit /etc/environment` on your terminal to setup envirnment path.
5- edit file `:/Path_To_extracted_File/bin` in my case it was like this:
6- Save edits and close the file.
7- **Restart** your machine.
8- Open your terminal again and run > `julia -version`
you shoud get "`julia version 0.6.2`" for Example according to your installed julia version.
Run > `julia` to open julia session.
[1]: "Julia downloads page"
[2]: "Youtube Video"
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