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Last active May 7, 2024 20:58
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Jenkins declarative Pipeline in Kubernetes with Parallel and Sequential steps
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
# dnsConfig:
# options:
# - name: ndots
# value: "1"
- name: dind
image: abdennour/docker:19-dind-bash
- cat
tty: true
- name: dockersock
readOnly: true
mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
cpu: 1000m
memory: 768Mi
- name: dockersock
path: /var/run/docker.sock
// Sequential
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
defaultContainer 'jnlp'
yamlFile '00-infra.yaml'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
container('dind') {
sh 'docker build --network=host portal/ -t portal:dev'
sh 'docker build --network=host iam/ -t iam:dev'
sh 'docker push portal:dev'
sh 'docker push iam:dev'
containerLog 'dind'
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
parallel {
// stage 1-a
stage('build-portal') {
agent {
kubernetes {
defaultContainer 'jnlp'
yamlFile '00-infra.yaml'
steps {
container('dind') {
sh 'docker build --network=host portal/ -t portal:dev'
sh 'docker push portal:dev'
// stage 1-b
stage('build-iam') {
agent {
kubernetes {
defaultContainer 'jnlp'
yamlFile '00-infra.yaml'
steps {
container('dind') {
sh 'docker build --network=host iam/ -t iam:dev'
sh 'docker push iam:dev'
def services = ['portal', 'iam']
def parallelBuildStagesMap = services.collectEntries {
["${it}" : generateBuildStage(it)]
def generateBuildStage(service) {
return {
stage("build-${service}") {
agent {
kubernetes {
defaultContainer 'jnlp'
yamlFile '00-infra.yaml'
steps {
container('dind') {
sh 'docker build -t ${service}:dev'
sh 'docker push ${service}:dev'
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
script { // <-- script must be used to integrate imperative pipeline into Declarative
parallel parallelBuildStagesMap
} // end of main stage Build
} // end of stages
} // end of pipeline
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So it looks like we are trying to put a stage within a steps which is not allowed. We cannot remove the steps because the script block needs to be in it.

Yeah. I too have the same problem. Also: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'agent' found among steps

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Yethal commented Jan 19, 2022

@harshavmb You need to use agent directive inside prepareOneBuildStage function, agent is for declarative pipeline only

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JohnnyChiang commented Jan 25, 2022

@sarg3nt @harshavmb

Here's the fix of OP's script

def services = ['portal', 'iam']

def parallelBuildStagesMap = services.collectEntries {
    ["${it}": generateBuildStage(it)]

def generateBuildStage(service) {
    return {
        node(POD_LABEL) {
            stage("build-${service}") {
                steps {
                    container('dind') {
                        sh 'docker build -t ${service}:dev'
                        sh 'docker push ${service}:dev'

pipeline {
    kubernetes {
        yamlFile '00-infra.yaml'
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                script { // <-- script must be used to integrate imperative pipeline into Declarative
                    parallel parallelBuildStagesMap
        } // end of main stage Build
    } // end of stages
} // end of pipeline

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toabi commented Mar 25, 2022

But this will run both in parallel in one agent?

I'm struggling to find a way how to run code-generated stages with kubernetes plugin agents in parallel but using one agent per stage.

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@toabi Does my script fit your needs?

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toabi commented Apr 8, 2022

Actually I figured out how to run one agent stage:

This is getDeployStage.groovy:

def call(target, String tagName) {
  return [
      "${target.cluster} ${target.release}@${tagName}",
        agentK8s {
          node(POD_LABEL) {
            stage("${target.cluster}/${target.namespace}/${target.release}/${tagName}") {

While agentK8s is defined in vars/agentK8s.groovy as such. This will create a new agent, and inside the closure the POD_LABEL variable is accessible which is used above in the node(POD_LABEL)

def call(body) {
      containers: [
              name: "kubectl",
              image: "bitnami/kubectl:1.22",
              command: "sleep",
              args: "infinity",
              runAsUser: "0"
              name: "helm",
              image: "alpine/helm:3.8.1",
              command: "sleep",
              args: "infinity",
              runAsUser: "0"
  ) {

Additionally there's something which creates a list of the getDeployStage outputs, for example like that:


def call(deployTargets, currentBranch) {
    return deployTargets.findAll({it.branch == currentBranch}).collectEntries { target ->
        return getDeployStage(target, env.pushedImageTag)

So in the end in the pipeline the stage with dynamic parallel stages with one agent per stage looks like that:

stage('Deploy Branch') {
    when {
        beforeAgent true
        expression { opts.deploy.targets.size > 0 }
    steps {
        script {
            parallel deployBranchStages(opts.deploy.targets, BRANCH_NAME)

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