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AppleScript to launch the "Lotus Notes to Google Calendar Synchronizer"-GUI (LNGoogleCalSync) in the background on macOS
---- This AppleScript is written to work with the Lotus Notes to Google Calendar Synchronizer on macOS
---- AppleScript by oliveratgithub
-- Change below path to match the location of the "" file!
property lngsyncPath : "/Applications/LNGoogleCalSync/"
---- You don't need to care about the code below this line ;-)
property lngsyncFilePath : lngsyncPath & ""
on run
set shellOutput to do shell script lngsyncFilePath
if shellOutput does not contain "Running Lotus Notes Google Calendar Sync in GUI mode..." then
end if
on error errStr number errorNumber
end try
end run
on scriptError(errorMessage)
set myPath to (path to me as text)
display alert "Application not found" message "Application could not be started from
" & lngsyncFilePath & "
because of error
" & errorMessage & "
--> Or check the AppleScript to set the correct 'appPath'" as critical buttons {"Exit", "Edit Script"} default button "Edit Script"
set response to button returned of the result
if response is "Edit Script" then try
tell application "Script Editor" to open myPath
end try
end scriptError
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