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Created October 14, 2017 08:07
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Custom Transform stream using ReadableStream and WritableStream instance.
* Creates a push controller and exposes a public interface to the readable's controller
* by exposing the controller to it's parent scope
* Hacky but neat trick in order to transform data
* without the usage of Event Emitters
function createPushReadable() {
let rController;
const readable = new ReadableStream({
start(controller) { rController = controller; }
function push(data) {
function close() {
return { push, close, readable };
* Custom Transform stream built with the help of concrete
* ReadableStream and WritableStream instances
function createWordReplaceStream(matchString, replacer) {
const { readable, push, close: closeReadable } = createPushReadable();
* Buffer to be stored without checking
* in order to reduce the number of operations
const bufferSize = matchString.length - 1;
const matchRegexp = new RegExp(matchString, 'ig');
let wordsBuffer = '';
const writable = new WritableStream({
async write(chunk) {
try {
} catch (error) {
close() {
// Remaining buffer doesn't contain anything that needs to be replaced
function processChunk(chunk) {
if (typeof chunk !== 'string') {
wordsBuffer += decodeText(chunk);
} else {
wordsBuffer += chunk;
const { string, lastReplacedEnd } = replaceText();
wordsBuffer = string;
const newBufferStart = Math.max(wordsBuffer.length - bufferSize, lastReplacedEnd);
const pushedBuffer = sliceAndPushBuffer(newBufferStart);
function sliceAndPushBuffer(bufferOffset) {
const bufferToPush = wordsBuffer.slice(0, bufferOffset);
wordsBuffer = wordsBuffer.slice(bufferOffset);
return bufferToPush;
* Push String in the remaining buffer
function pushRemainingBuffer() {
* Replaces the text based on regular expression and
* provides the items such as lastReplacedEnd and totalLengthDifferent
* This information is important to maintain the buffer
function replaceText() {
let totalLengthDifference = 0;
let lastReplacedEnd = 0;
const replacedString = wordsBuffer.replace(matchRegexp, function (match, offset) {
const replacedString = replacer(match, offset);
* Replaced string length should ideally be extracted out using
* a simple formula
totalLengthDifference += replacedString.length - match.length;
lastReplacedEnd = offset + match.length + totalLengthDifference;
return replacedString;
return { string: replacedString, lastReplacedEnd, totalLengthDifference };
return { readable, writable };
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