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Last active December 30, 2015 22:13
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Configuring babel 6 for node with me

A little introduction to babel

Hi! If you are like me, you are tired of writing the same old ES5 JS Code in your node applications.

If yes, you can use the newer features of JavaScript ES6 and ES7 standards in your node applications today. ES6 and ES7 make the JavaScript development a cool breeze. But hey, not every ES6 feature is supported in our beloved Node.js.

This is where BabelJS comes to the rescue. BabelJS is a transpiler for JavaScript which transpiles your ES6 and ES7 code into ES5 and even ES3 code. In simple words it converts it into JavaScript that node.js can run and make you really happy.

Little Notice: If you just want ES6 features and don't want to babelify stuff. You can use --harmony flag before running your node application. In order to access more harmony flags for staging and experimental features run this command node --v8-options | grep harmony

Some assumptions made

There are some assumptions I am making about you! YES YOU! You know your way around Node.JS and can install packages using and you've both of 'em already installed. Also, you are okay with using some CLI sometimes. Also, it's good to know some ES6 or ES7 beforehand but not required.

Installing and getting started with babeljs

There's not a single way you will be able to setup Babel. Here we will be discussing enough to get up and running with it.

Let's create a simple index.js in code directory which will contain the following ES6 code

function* jsRocksIsAwesome() {
  yield "JSRocks is Awesome"
  yield "JSRocks says JavaScript Rocks"
  return "because JavaScript really rocks"

var jsRocks = jsRocksIsAwesome()


We'll install the babel-cli package by typing this command. This will install the latest stable version of babel-cli for the required project and list it as one of the devDependencies in package.json

npm install --save-dev babel-cli

Now if you run

babel code/index.js -d dist/

You will see the same code that you wrote appear in your terminal. This is where babel plugins and presets come. Babel doesn't do much on it's own but with plugins and presets it can do a lot. We want all the ES7 and ES6 goodness in our code.

In order to do that we'll install two presets as part of our devDependencies

Type the following command in order to install these presets.

npm install --save-dev es-2015 stage-0

In order to access a wide range of babel plug ins click here

You need to include these presets in command you issue

babel --presets es2015,stage-0 code/index.js -o build/app.js

You will see normal es5 code generated in app.js. You can run this code using the command below.

node build/app.js

Setting up a proper build environment using babel

This is all good magic but what about doing some proper development using node.js.

babel configuration file .babelrc

.babelrc is a very neat way to separate all your babel stuff in one JSON file. It's also pretty easy to get started. This is our .babelrc file for this tutorial. You can access other .babelrc options here

  "plugins": ["es2015", "stage-0"]

This is pretty much it for this tutorial, this will help us with our rest of development. Now whenever we want to add or subtract plugins. Instead of changing the command we will change the plugins array in this file. Easy! Isn't it?

Now if you run

babel -w code/ -d build/

It will read the presets to use from .babelrc compile the code in code/ directory and generate the compiled code javascript files in build folder. But hey! The command didn't end. Notice the -w flag w stands for watch it will recompile the code as you make changes in your code directory. COOL! Now this is some magic I am talking about.

Setting up npm command

In order to simplify the build process even more. You can update your package.json file to include a build script for babel. In package.json script object you can add a build script such as the one below

"scripts": {
  "build": "babel -w code/ -d build"

Now, we can run

npm run build

and get all the ES6/ES7 goodness instantly. :)

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