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Created October 10, 2013 04:55
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echo $x."<br>".$y."<br>";
echo $z."<br>";
echo count($abc)."<br>";
//rsort($names); //rsort stands for reverse sort
echo $i.' name is '.$names[$i].'<br>';
echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'.'<br>';
$jets=array(array('F-16','F-15','F-14','Su-27'),array('F-22','F-35','J-20','J-31','Su-Pak T-50'),$names,'I Louuu Jets');
echo $jets[0][0];
echo '<br>';
echo $jets[1][0];
echo '<br>';
echo $jets[2][0];
echo '<br>';
echo $jets[3][0];
echo '<br>';
echo $jets[3][2];
echo '<br>';
echo $jets[3];
echo '<br>';
foreach($jets as $i=>$c){
var_dump($c[$i]); // very interesting result .... each array's one index is resulted .... first array's first, 2nd array's 2nd & so on
echo '--------------------------------------"Multidimensional Array"----------------------------------------'.'<br>';
echo $books['fiction']['not_fiction']['scifi'][1]; //extracted from multi-dimensional array
echo '<br>';
echo $greeting['French'].'<br>'.'<br>';
foreach($greeting as $key=>$val){
echo $key.' is '.$val.'<br>';
echo '<br>';
$list=implode(' and ', $names); //implode converts array into string
echo $list;
echo '<br>';
$sentence="This is a script by Jack";
$words=explode(' ', $sentence);
foreach ($words as $key => $value) {
echo $key.' has value --> '.$value.'<br>';
echo '<br>';
echo '<br>';
echo $key. ' has value--> '.$words[$i].'<br>';
echo '<br>';
strlen($sentence); //gives count of length of string
echo '<br>';
$abc='This cake can be cut into pieces';
echo substr($abc, 5); //substring .... 2nd parameter starts count from 5th character in string
echo '<br>';
echo substr($abc, 5,5);//substring 3rd parameter means string will end at which character starting from 2nd parameter
echo '<br>';
$cake='This cake needs to be split in 2 equal halves';
echo substr($cake, 0,strlen($cake)/2).'<br>'; //we get first half of string
echo substr($cake, strlen($cake)/2).'<br>'; //we get last half of string
$old='Today I got up, put up my old pants, used my old car & went to my old office';
echo str_replace('old', 'new', $old); //str_replace replaces mentioned text within a string with a new one. Here it replaces 'old' with 'new'
echo '<br>';
$sentence='This sentence contains several words';
if(ereg('word', $sentence)) //NOTE: ereg is case sensitive
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
if(ereg('^this', $sentence)) // ^ means that it (word) is in beginning of the string//NOTE: ereg is case sensitive
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
if(eregi('^this', $sentence)) //NOTE: eregi is case in-sensitive
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
if(ereg('word$', $sentence)) //NOTE: $ sign means to search at end of string. In this case it will return false as 's' is found after word
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
if(ereg('words$', $sentence)) //In this case it will return TRUE as 'words' is found at the end of the string
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
if(ereg('^words$', $sentence)) //In this case it will return FALSE & can return ONLY true IF string ONLY contains 'words' in it as ^ means found in beginning & $ means found at end
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
if(ereg('^words$', $sentence)) //In this case it will return FALSE & can return ONLY true IF string ONLY contains 'words' in it as ^ means found in beginning & $ means found at end
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
$sentence='The evil baron laughed: "muwahahahahaha"';
if(ereg('muwa(ha){3}', $sentence))
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
$sentence='The evil baron laughed: "muwaha"';
if(ereg('muwa(ha)+', $sentence)) //+ means just one instance of ha or more
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
$sentence='The evil baron laughed: "muwa"';
if(ereg('muwa(ha)*', $sentence)) //+ means just one OR ZERO instance of ha
echo 'Regular Expression found';
echo 'Regular Expression NOT found';
echo '<br>';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
//$tuts_sites=['php+','sql+','apache','code_igniter+'];//Array Can also be written as this in php 5.4
print_r ($month); echo "<br>";
var_dump($month); echo "<br>";
var_dump($month[3]); echo "<br>";
//echo $month; echo "<br>";//only ganna print Array & with notice that Array being converted to String
echo $month[3]; echo "<br>";
<h2>Tuts Sites</h2>
foreach ($tuts_sites as $site){
echo $site; // concatenates all array data
foreach($tuts_sites as $site){
echo "<li>$site</li>";
foreach($tuts_sites as $site){
echo "<li>$site</li>";
<select style="animation-delay:" id="1" name="Select">
foreach($tuts_sites as $site){
echo "<option>$site</option>";
foreach($my_sites as $sites){
echo "<li>$sites</li>";
foreach($my_sites as $name=>$url){
echo "<li><a href=\"$url\">$name</a></li>";
foreach($my_sites as $name=>$url){
echo "<li><a href=$url>$name</a></li>";
foreach($my_sites as $name=>$url){
echo "<li><a href='$url'>$name</a></li>";
foreach($my_sites as $name=>$url){
echo "<li><a href='$url'>".ucwords($name)."</a></li>"; //ucwords is used to capitalize first alphabet
foreach($my_sites as $name=>$url): ?>
<a href="<?=$url;?>"><?=$name;?> </a>
<?php endforeach ?>
print_r ($edu);
echo "<br>";
<?php foreach ($edu as $my_edu=>$url){
echo "<li><a href='$url'>".ucwords($my_edu)."</a></li>";
<?php foreach ($edu as $my_edu=>$url): ?>
<a href=<?=$url; ?>> <?=ucwords($my_edu);?></a>
<?php endforeach ?>
print_r($month);echo "<br>";
array_push($month,'June'); //add data in push
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
$month[]='July'; //add data in push
echo "<br>";
array_pop($month); //deletes only the last value in array
echo "<br>";
$me=array_pop($month);// over here, we have removed last value for array $month() & stored the value in $me
echo $me;
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
array_shift($month); //remove first value at 0 index of array $month()
echo "<br>";
array_unshift($month,'JanuaRy');//Add first value at 0 index of array $month()
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
print_r(array_slice($input,2));//array_slice slices the array. In this case, slices & starts array from index 2 of array $input whic has value c
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
$output=array_slice($input,2,3);//$output is new array which has array values of $input from index 2 till 3
echo "<br>";
print_r($input);//$input remains unchanged though array_slice values were stored in $output
echo "<br>";
$output=array_slice($month,2);//$output is new array which has array values of $input from index 2 till end
echo "<br>";
$output=array_slice($month,2,4);//$output is new array which has array values of $input from index 2 till 4
echo "<br>";
$output=array_slice($month,2,-1);//$output is new array which has array values of $input from index 2 till one less the last value of array $month
echo "<br>";
$output=array_slice($month,2,-3);//$output is new array which has array values of $input from index 2 till 3 less the last value of array $month which will hence be blank in this case
echo "<br>";
$output=array_slice($month,2,-2);//$output is new array which has array values of $input from index 2 till 2
echo "<br>";
$output=array_slice($input,2); //returns c,d,e
$output=array_slice($input,-2,1); //returns d
$output=array_slice($input,0,3);//returns a,b,c
// note the difference in array keys
print_r(array_slice($input,2,-1)); //returns Array([0]=>c,[1]=>d)
echo "<br>";
print_r(array_slice($input,2,-1,true)); //returns Array([2]=>c,[d]=>d) it changes the index to start from 2 due to "true"
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
$new=array_filter($new_month,function($test){return strlen($test)==3; });
print_r($new); //april is missed out as it has 4 charaters & not 3
//recommended to study array_walk & array_map
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Test Aray</title>
<select style="animation-delay:" name="select" id="mails" >
foreach ($sites as $site){
echo "<option>$site<option>";
<?php echo "<br>";?>
foreach ($my_site as $site=>$url){
echo "<li><a href=$url>$site </a></li>";
<?php echo "<br>";?>
foreach ($my_site as $site=>$url){
echo "<li><a href=$url>".ucwords($site)."</a></li>";
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