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This is a response to Bill Fisher regarding experience with Flux:

@abdullin Also, can you clarify what you mean by "solution structure"? I am thinking about revising the examples soon.

Currently all flux samples (that I've seen) group files into folders based on technical similarity. For example, stores go with stores, action creators reside in the same folder shared with the other action creators.

This pattern works quite well for smaller projects. It feels especially good for the sample projects of various MVC frameworks, when you have just a bunch of controllers, models and views.

However, as we discovered on some production projects, such approach doesn't scale well. At some point you end up with dozens of technically similar files per folder and logically messy solution.

abdullin / vs.markdown
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Android vs iPhone

Summary of the last argument at HappyPancake team about iPhone vs Google Nexus with @pjvds.

This discussion, unlike last discussions about Facebook Flux or JSON assertions, was over in 10 minutes.

  1. iPhone is a product with premium design and polish. It is more expensive.
  2. Google Nexus is a good product with similar hardware specs but less polish. It is less expensive.
  3. Recent iOS updates make iPhones feel outdated slightly faster than recent Android changes.
  4. App ecosystems of iPhone and Android are comparable. iPhone has a few more exclusive apps and apps are generally more expensive and polished. Android has more apps with lower quality on the average.
abdullin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Serving Architect

I think, I heard term "Serving Architect" from a ThoughtWorks presentation. It can be described this way.

Somebody with an experience works with a team, eliminating bottlenecks and helping them to move forward in the project. Ideally he or she would have experience of multiple roles in a software project: architect (software designer), developer, tester, lead and manager; with technical hands-on expertise covering stacks used by the team. This way a serving architect can help and share experience with any role in the team, without interfering with the team dynamics.

Go: The Good Parts

Go is a programming language initially developed by Google in 2007. It is a statically typed language with a simple syntax, resembling C or JavaScript. It features garbage collection, type safety and large standard library.

Go can be statically compiled into a single executable binary, which could target a large number of operating systems (from Linux and

abdullin / reactNative.markdown
Last active October 20, 2015 17:57
Summary of React Native

React Native

Set of components to allow describing native widgets as React components and rendering them natively. It allows to wrap native APIs (imperative mutative) with declarative immutable APIs of React.

React Native replaces the DOM renderers with native renderers which allows people to render platform <View>/<ScrollView>/<NativeWhatever> instead of <div>/<span>. Other than that, you get to use the exact same React API that you already know (even down to the event bubbling). You can bridge to things that are only available on the platform, and can in general make higher performance granular building blocks that cannot be accomplished with web technology (such as components that decode images more efficiently or with different concurrency models). As with everything, JSX is not required to take advantage of this - and you can use any of the compile-to-js languages that you use with React today.

It includes:

abdullin / SessionStore.js
Created March 6, 2015 10:43
Example of a Flux Store that maintains session token in a cookie
"use strict";
var createStore = require("fluxible/utils/createStore");
var client = require("../client");
var cookies = require("cookies-js");
var debug = require("debug")("ClientTokenStore");
var ClientTokenStore = createStore({
storeName: "ClientSessionStore",
abdullin / performLogin.js
Created March 6, 2015 10:48
Flux action with login
var client = require("shared/client");
module.exports = function(context, payload, done) {
if (payload.login === undefined) {
throw new Error("Login must be defined");
if (payload.password === undefined) {
throw new Error("Password must be defined");
public sealed class RedirectToDynamicEvent
public readonly IDictionary<Type, List<Wire>> Dict = new Dictionary<Type, List<Wire>>();
public sealed class Wire
readonly MethodInfo _method;
public Type ParameterType;
readonly object _subject;
readonly bool _includeVersion;
abdullin / reader.clj
Created January 26, 2016 20:02
Sample clojure code for searching log entries stored in chunks in custom binary format on Windows Azure
(ns azurelog.reader
(:require [clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.format :as f]
[ :as io])
(:import [ CloudStorageAccount]
[java.nio ByteOrder ByteBuffer]
[ GZIPInputStream]
[ BoundedInputStream]))
// Bookmarklet for making Houzz useful
javascript:$("img.viewImage, img.currentImage,, img[id^=galleryImg], img[class^=browseListImage], .gallery-photo img").each(function() { var newSrc = this.src.replace(/[fs]images\/(\d+).*/, 'simages/$1_0_9-.jpg').replace(/_\d-/,'_16-'); $(this).parents("div.browseListBody").before("<a href='"+newSrc+"'><img src='"+newSrc+"' width=400></a>") });$("div.content-row").remove();