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Created May 29, 2017 13:45
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final class MoreItems: BasicCollection<Item> {
init(for viewController: UIViewController) {
let items: [Item] = [
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageProfilePlaceholder"),
title: "Профиль",
description: "",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(Storyboard.More.profileViewController(), animated: true)
let title = "О нас"
return BasicItem(
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageMoreHand"),
title: title,
description: "",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
let aboutViewController = Storyboard.Onboarding.demoAboutViewController()
aboutViewController.outsideDemoMode = true
aboutViewController.items = Array(MainScreenItems(for: aboutViewController))
aboutViewController.title = title
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(aboutViewController, animated: true)
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemo2"),
title: "Тарифы",
description: "",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
let navigationController = TelemedNavigationViewController()
navigationController.viewControllers = [Storyboard.More.plansViewController()]
viewController?.present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemoFamily1"),
title: "Способы оплаты",
description: "",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(Storyboard.More.paymentMethodsViewController(), animated: true)
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageMoreContact"),
title: "Связаться с нами",
description: "",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(SharedStoryboard.Shared.ContactUsViewController(), animated: true)
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemo3"),
title: "Часто задаваемые вопросы",
description: "",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(SharedStoryboard.Shared.FAQViewController(), animated: true)
super.init(origin: items)
final class MainScreenItems: BasicCollection<Item> {
init(for viewController: UIViewController) {
let items: [Item] = [
let title = "Медицинская карта"
return BasicItem(
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemo2"),
title: "Медицинская карта",
description: "Данные о здоровье вашей семьи в одном месте",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
let demoVC = Storyboard.Onboarding.demoAboutViewController()
demoVC.items = Array(MedicalInfoItems(for: demoVC))
demoVC.title = title
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(demoVC, animated: true)
super.init(origin: items)
final class DemoItems: BasicCollection<Item> {
init(for viewController: UIViewController) {
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemo1"),
title: "Врачи",
description: "Видеоконсультации для вас и для вашей семьи",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(Storyboard.Doctors.specializationsViewController(), animated: true)
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemo3"),
title: "Часто задаваемые вопросы",
description: "",
command: CommandToPerform{ [weak viewController] in
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(SharedStoryboard.Shared.FAQViewController(), animated: true)
})] + MainScreenItems(for: viewController)
fileprivate final class MedicalInfoItems: BasicCollection<Item> {
typealias LineNumber = Int
private struct CommandToOpenMedicalInfo: Command {
private let toPerform: CommandToPerform
init(with viewController: UIViewController, at line: LineNumber) {
toPerform = CommandToPerform { [weak viewController] in
let textViewController = Storyboard.Onboarding.textInfoViewController()
textViewController.text = AboutTexts.forTheme(.medicalInfo, index: line)
viewController?.navigationController?.pushViewController(textViewController, animated: true)
func execute() {
init(for viewController: UIViewController) {
let items: [Item] = [
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemoMedInfo1"),
title: "Получение и загрузка данных",
description: "",
command: CommandToOpenMedicalInfo(with: viewController, at: 0)
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemoMedInfo2"),
title: "Хранение данных",
description: "",
command: CommandToOpenMedicalInfo(with: viewController, at: 1)
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemoMedInfo3"),
title: "Передача данных",
description: "",
command: CommandToOpenMedicalInfo(with: viewController, at: 2)
image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ImageDemoMedInfo4"),
title: "Конфиденциальность",
description: "",
command: CommandToOpenMedicalInfo(with: viewController, at: 3)
super.init(origin: items)
protocol Command {
func execute()
protocol Item {
var image: UIImage { get }
var title: String { get }
var description: String { get }
var command: Command { get }
class BasicItem: Item {
let image: UIImage
let title: String
let description: String
let command: Command
init(image: UIImage, title: String, description: String, command: Command) {
self.image = image
self.title = title
self.description = description
self.command = command
class CommandToPerform: Command {
private let action: () -> ()
init(_ action: @escaping () -> ()) {
self.action = action
func execute() {
//TODO: Maybe it's not the best implementation idea. Try creating CollectionOfItems protocol
class BasicCollection<T>: RandomAccessCollection {
private let origin: Array<T>
init<Base: Collection>(origin: Base) where Base.Iterator.Element == AnyCollection<T>.Iterator.Element {
self.origin = Array(origin)
var startIndex: Array<T>.Index {
return origin.startIndex
var endIndex: Array<T>.Index {
return origin.endIndex
func index(after i: Array<T>.Index) -> Array<T>.Index {
return origin.index(after: i)
func index(before i: Array<T>.Index) -> Array<T>.Index {
return origin.index(before: i)
subscript(i: Array<T>.Index) -> T {
get {
return origin[i]
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