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Created February 2, 2016 20:11
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WooCommerce Hooks for Order Status Changes
function mysite_pending($order_id) {
error_log("$order_id set to PENDING", 0);
function mysite_failed($order_id) {
error_log("$order_id set to FAILED", 0);
function mysite_hold($order_id) {
error_log("$order_id set to ON HOLD", 0);
function mysite_processing($order_id) {
error_log("$order_id set to PROCESSING", 0);
function mysite_completed($order_id) {
error_log("$order_id set to COMPLETED", 0);
function mysite_refunded($order_id) {
error_log("$order_id set to REFUNDED", 0);
function mysite_cancelled($order_id) {
error_log("$order_id set to CANCELLED", 0);
add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_pending’, ‘mysite_pending’);
add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_failed’, ‘mysite_failed’);
add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_on-hold’, ‘mysite_hold’);
// Note that it’s woocommerce_order_status_on-hold, not on_hold.
add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_processing’, ‘mysite_processing’);
add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_completed’, ‘mysite_completed’);
add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_refunded’, ‘mysite_refunded’);
add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_cancelled’, ‘mysite_cancelled’);
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smiell commented May 11, 2024

@michaelbarley @smiell technically the add_action() is hooking into an existing do_action() which has multiple parameters. These are:

  • hook name,
  • callback function,
  • priority,
  • accepted arguments.

Because the default priority is 10 and the accepted argument is 1 for any 'add_action', we do not have to specify these if we are not changing them. That default argument in the above hooks is $order_id.

If you wish for your IDE to stop showing this as an error you can include WooCommerce in it's PHP frameworks, allowing your IDE to see the WooCommerce code and spot that this is not an error.

Thank you for your explanation ;)

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