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Last active March 28, 2017 05:13
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Python script for creating a Langton's Ant cellular automata
# Langton's Ant
# Abraham Hmiel, 2017
# CC 3.0 attribution sharealike license
import numpy as np
import re
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
# extensions (?)
# import matplotlib.animation as animation
# from optparse import OptionParser
Global parameters
The plan is to have these as command line arguments. But for now this will do.
dimen_x = 128
dimen_y = 128
maxiter = 11000
num_ants = 1
face_direction = 0
rule = 'rl'
xpos = int(dimen_x/2)
ypos = int(dimen_y/2)
nstates = len(rule)
# possiby extend to toroidal geometry, 2-sphere, Klein bottle, etc.
geometry = 'finite'
def checkrule(string, search=re.compile(r'[^lnru]').search):
return not bool(search(string))
def main(argv):
# parse command-line arguments, but not quite yet.
# parser = OptionParser()
# parser.add_option("-r", "--rule", dest="rule",
# help="Turning rule. Must be a string containing 'l', 'r', 'n', and 'u' only",
# default='lr')
# (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not checkrule(rule):
sys.exit('Invalid rule. Exiting.')
# create grid
grid = Grid(dimen_x, dimen_y, geometry)
# create ants
ants = []
for i in range(num_ants):
ants.append(Ant(face_direction, xpos, ypos, rule, nstates))
for i in np.arange(maxiter):
# loop over ants (in case there's more than one)
grid, ants = update(grid, ants, i)
grid.final_plot(ants, maxiter-1)
def update(grid, ants, i):
for ant in ants:
grid.board = ant.move(grid.board)
# general error handling: just quit, write debug msg
grid.final_plot(ants, i)
sys.exit("Something weird is going on")
# check geometry to make sure we didn't fall off a cliff, quit if we did
# for other topologies, apply boundary conditions
if not grid.check_geometry(ant.position):
# end the simulation if the ant hits the wall
grid.final_plot(ants, i)
sys.exit("Ant fell off the map at timestep = %d!" % i)
return grid, ants
class Grid:
Create arrays as numpy arrays since indexing will be a little faster,
and the total number of iterations may be extremely large
def __init__(self, dimen_x, dimen_y, geometry):
self.dimen = (dimen_x, dimen_y)
self.geometry = geometry
self.board = np.zeros((self.dimen[0], self.dimen[1]),
def final_plot(self, ants, step):
# plot the board state and ants
# use a mask to make the ant array transparent and overlay only
# the ants' positions onto the final result
y = np.zeros((self.dimen[0], self.dimen[1]))
for ant in ants:
y[ant.position[0], ant.position[1]] = 1
y = == 0, y)
# use imshow to print matrix elements using gray colormap. Ants are red.
plt.imshow(self.board, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray_r'), interpolation='none')
plt.imshow(y,, interpolation='none')
def check_geometry(self, antpos):
# return true if in valid geometry, flase if ant has fallen off the map
# also, for non-finite, but bounded geometries, adjust ant position
check = True
if self.geometry == 'finite' and (antpos[0] < 0 or antpos[0] > self.dimen[0] or
antpos[1] < 0 or antpos[1] > self.dimen[0]):
check = False
return check
class Ant:
Facing Direction:
Up [0,-1] 1
Left Right 2 [-1,0] [1,0] 0
Down 3 [0,1]
dirs = [[1,0],[0,-1],[-1,0],[0,1]]
index of dirs is the face_direction
Right turn applies cyclic shift in negative direction
Left turn applies cyclic shift in positive direction
def __init__(self, face_direction, xpos, ypos, rule, nstates):
self.face_direction = face_direction
self.position = [xpos, ypos]
self.rule = rule
self.nstates = nstates
self.possiblefacings = ((1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 1))
self.geometry = geometry
def move(self, board):
# get state of board and current direction
state = board[self.position[0], self.position[1]]
directive = self.rule[state]
# change the ant's direction
self.face_direction = self.cycle_dir(directive)
# cyclically increment the state of the board
board[self.position[0], self.position[1]] = (state + 1) % self.nstates
# apply motion based on new direction
self.position[0] = self.position[0] + self.possiblefacings[self.face_direction][0]
self.position[1] = self.position[1] + self.possiblefacings[self.face_direction][1]
return board
def cycle_dir(self, directive):
new_face_direction = None
# perform a cyclic permutation on the possible facing
# directions with respect to the movement directive
if directive == 'r':
new_face_direction = (self.face_direction - 1) % len(self.possiblefacings)
elif directive == 'l':
new_face_direction = (self.face_direction + 1) % len(self.possiblefacings)
elif directive == 'u':
new_face_direction = (self.face_direction + 2) % len(self.possiblefacings)
elif directive == 'n':
new_face_direction = self.face_direction
return new_face_direction
#pretend there's command-line arguments for now
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Langton's Ant cellular automata.
For details, see:'s_ant

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