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Forked from aukrocz/
Last active January 3, 2023 15:41
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import lombok.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
class Main {
static AtomicLong billIdCounter = new AtomicLong();
static AtomicLong itemIdCounter = new AtomicLong();
static AtomicLong tableIdCounter = new AtomicLong();
static AtomicLong cashRegisterIdCounter = new AtomicLong();
public enum PlateSize {
static class Item {
final long id;
final String name;
final transient BigDecimal price;
final transient ItemAction action;
final transient ActionPrice actionPrice;
final transient Optional<PlateSize> plateSize;
public BigDecimal getDiscountedPrice() {
return this.actionPrice.discountedPrice(this.price);
public Item(String name, BigDecimal price, ItemAction action, ActionPrice actionPrice) {
this(name, price, action, actionPrice, null);
public Item(String name, BigDecimal price, ItemAction action, ActionPrice actionPrice, PlateSize plateSize) {
this(itemIdCounter.getAndIncrement(), name, price, action, actionPrice, plateSize);
public Item(long id, String name, BigDecimal price, ItemAction action, ActionPrice actionPrice, PlateSize plateSize) { = id; = name;
this.price = price;
this.action = action;
this.actionPrice = actionPrice;
this.plateSize = Optional.ofNullable(plateSize);
static class OrderedItem {
final Bill bill;
final Item item;
final BigDecimal price;
long quantity = 0;
public static OrderedItem create(Bill bill, Item item) {
return new OrderedItem(bill, item, item.getDiscountedPrice());
public void returnBackToWaiter() {
this.getItem().getAction().returnBackToWaiter(this.getBill().table, item);
public void serve() {
var optionalPlateSize = this.item.getPlateSize();
// put food to plate size ...
public void cancel() {
if (this.quantity > 0) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("There's nothing to cancel");
static class Bill {
final long id;
final Table table;
final Set<OrderedItem> orderedItems = new HashSet<>();
public static Bill create(Table table) {
return new Bill(billIdCounter.getAndIncrement(), table);
public OrderedItem serve(Item item) {
OrderedItem orderedItem;
var optionalOrderedItem = this.findOrderedItem(item);
if (optionalOrderedItem.isEmpty()) {
orderedItem = OrderedItem.create(this, item);
} else {
orderedItem = optionalOrderedItem.get();
return orderedItem;
public Optional<OrderedItem> findOrderedItem(Item item) {
return -> item.equals(it.getItem())).findFirst();
public OrderedItem returnOrderedItem(Item item) {
var orderedItem = this.findOrderedItem(item).orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Item " + item.getId() + " is not on the bill " + this.getId()));
if (orderedItem.getQuantity() == 0) {
return orderedItem;
static class Table {
final long id;
final String name;
final Set<Bill> bills = new HashSet<>();
public static Table create(String name) {
return new Table(tableIdCounter.getAndIncrement(), name);
public Optional<Bill> findBillWithItem(Item item) {
return -> bill.findOrderedItem(item).isPresent()).findFirst();
public OrderedItem serve(Item item) {
if (this.bills.isEmpty()) {
var bill = this.bills.iterator().next();
return this.serve(bill, item);
public OrderedItem serve(Bill bill, Item item) {
return bill.serve(item);
static class CashRegister {
final long id;
final String name;
final Set<Item> items = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Table> tables = new HashSet<>();
public static CashRegister create(String name) {
return new CashRegister(cashRegisterIdCounter.getAndIncrement(), name);
public Table registerTable(Table table) {
return table;
public Item registerItem(Item item) {
return item;
interface ActionPrice {
String getDescription();
BigDecimal discountedPrice(BigDecimal price);
static abstract class TimeRangeActionPrice implements ActionPrice {
final int discountPercent;
final LocalTime from;
final LocalTime until;
public TimeRangeActionPrice(final int discountPercent, final LocalTime from, final LocalTime until) {
this.discountPercent = discountPercent;
this.from = from;
this.until = until;
if (discountPercent < 0 || discountPercent > 100) {
throw new RuntimeException("Discount percentage range is 0-100, invalid value: " + discountPercent);
public String getDescription() {
return this.discountPercent + "% between " + this.from.toString() + " - " + this.until.toString();
public BigDecimal discountedPrice(BigDecimal price) {
if (this.shouldApplyDiscount()) {
return price.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100 - this.discountPercent)).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(100), RoundingMode.FLOOR);
return price;
boolean shouldApplyDiscount() {
var now =;
return now.isAfter(this.from) && now.isBefore(this.until);
static class DrinkActionPrice extends TimeRangeActionPrice {
public DrinkActionPrice() {
super(30, LocalTime.of(14, 0), LocalTime.of(16, 0));
static class MainCourseActionPrice extends TimeRangeActionPrice {
public MainCourseActionPrice() {
super(20, LocalTime.of(11, 0), LocalTime.of(13, 0));
static class CrispyChicken extends Item {
public CrispyChicken(ItemAction action, ActionPrice actionPrice) {
super("Crispy Chicken", BigDecimal.valueOf(15), action, actionPrice, PlateSize.NORMAL);
static class CrispyChickenBig extends Item {
public CrispyChickenBig(ItemAction action, ActionPrice actionPrice) {
super("Crispy Chicken BIG", BigDecimal.valueOf(20), action, actionPrice, PlateSize.BIG);
static class RedBull extends Item {
public RedBull(ItemAction action, ActionPrice actionPrice) {
super("RedBull", BigDecimal.valueOf(10), action, actionPrice);
interface ItemAction {
void returnBackToWaiter(Table table, Item item);
void eat();
void drink();
static abstract class AbstractItemAction implements ItemAction {
transient boolean canReturn = true;
public void returnBackToWaiter(Table table, Item item) {
if (this.canReturn) {
table.findBillWithItem(item).orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Item is no longer on any of the table bills")).returnOrderedItem(item);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("This order cannot be returned anymore, already consumed ;)");
protected void consumed() {
this.canReturn = false;
static abstract class AbstractDrinkItemAction extends AbstractItemAction {
public void drink() {
// glo glo
public void eat() {
throw new RuntimeException("You cannot eat a drink :)");
static abstract class AbstractMainCourseItemAction extends AbstractItemAction {
public void drink() {
throw new RuntimeException("You cannot drink a main course :)");
public void eat() {
// yummy yummy
static class CrispyChickenAction extends AbstractMainCourseItemAction {
static class RedBullAction extends AbstractDrinkItemAction {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
var cashRegister1 = CashRegister.create("Cash Register 1");
var table1 = cashRegister1.registerTable(Table.create("Table 1"));
var table2 = cashRegister1.registerTable(Table.create("Table 2"));
var drinkActionPrice = new DrinkActionPrice();
var mainCourseActionPrice = new MainCourseActionPrice();
var crispyChickenAction = new CrispyChickenAction();
var redbullAction = new RedBullAction();
var crispyChickenBig = cashRegister1.registerItem(new CrispyChickenBig(crispyChickenAction, mainCourseActionPrice));
var crispyChicken = cashRegister1.registerItem(new CrispyChicken(crispyChickenAction, mainCourseActionPrice));
var redBull = cashRegister1.registerItem(new RedBull(redbullAction, drinkActionPrice));
var orderedRedBull = table1.serve(redBull);
var orderedCrispyChicken = table2.serve(crispyChicken);
var orderedCrispyChickenBig = table2.serve(crispyChickenBig);
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